Welcome to Gendou's Anime Music!

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New original game: T-Cell 1.0! April 8th, 2009
I have released the 1.0 version of a game I've been working on. It's called T-Cell. You play as an immune cell fighting off pathogens. Grow huge and complex as you swallow up your foes! Feedback is welcome here.
Gendou Original Simfiles February 10th, 2009
If you like Dance Dance Revolution, and have StepMania, check out Gendou's Original Simfiles. So far I have published simfiles for Born to be Wild, Colbert (CL Mix), and Pluripeptide.
New Search, Download Code October 20th, 2008
Some changes have been made to the music search engine and download script. Most noticeably, corrections are now suggested for search keyword that look like misspellings. This is quite handy, as the spelling of Japanese words is difficult for some people. These changes will also make the site run more smoothly. Regrettably, some old browsers as well as some integrated devices are currently unable to download. I am working on this difficult problem. Also, you may notice that the RSS feed now shows a list of online buddies.
Pame-chan Wins AX Idol July 7th, 2008
Our own Pame-chan has won the 2008 Anime Expo singing idol competition. See videos and share your congratulations here.
New Feature: Gendou TV June 7th, 2008
Gendou TV is a streaming media channel. It includes an interactive chat feature. You can even submit your own original content!
2 Cool New Applications March 31st, 2008
Lately, I have been experimenting with a new programming language called Processing. The result is, thus far, two interesting applications: Geo-Ticker and Buddy Network Visualizer.
Useless Coolness: Geo Map January 3rd, 2008
I have added another interesting but pointless page to the website: Geo Map. It is a map of the world with red circles representing new user accounts registered from different geographical locations around the globe. You can also view an animation here (20 MB).
Just For Fun: Ticker December 15th, 2007
Inspired by the search query ticker at Google headquarters, I created a web page to view, in real time, searches, downloads, referrals, and profile views. Check out the gendou.com ticker to see what's happening!
Avatar Creator December 13th, 2007
The Avatar Creator is a web application that allows you to create a customized avatar image for use on your profile. You can use background image, choose from several fonts, include a border, etc.
Introducing Chat 2.0 December 4th, 2007
The chat room has been upgraded. It no longer queries periodically for new messages. Instead, a permanent connection is established to the chat server by a Java applet. This means that users of the chat room must have Java installed and enabled. I regret this potential annoyance to some, but the benefits far out-weigh the costs. Another benefit is that chat 2.0 is far less consuming of server resources. During heavy load times, the old chat would become unusable, but the new one will be fine. Finally, there is no need to restrict the number of users in the chat room, so you won't see any more "sorry, the chat room is full" messages!
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