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Changes and more changes October 17th, 2006
After making some important back-end changes to the download system, I have added the 4000th song, and a private message system. Due to ever-increasing server loads, the back-end optimizations were somewhat critical to keep the server from behaving poorly under times of use. 4000 is a great milestone for gendou.com, and is of course a record high for the most songs ever available! There appear to be some great anime series out this season, and we can all look forward to the releases coming up in the next couple of weeks. The message system is new, so please report any funny things in the forum so I can make it even better. Thanks!
Affiliate: Send Us To Japan! August 17th, 2006
Please check out Send Us To Japan. Featured content includes manga and anime downloads.
Minor Forum Updates & Open Lyrics Project July 13th, 2006
Some minor changes have been made to the forum. Namely, deleting posts and threads is now done using AJAX.
The Gendou.com Open Lyrics Project is a system which allows users to contribute song lyrics. The goal is to allow quick, clean, easy access to lyrics information. You may contribute lyrics by clicking on the italic "Lyrics" link next to any song in the database for which lyrics information has not been previously submitted.
Alexadex.com New Season July 3rd, 2006
A new game season will start soon, sign up for an account today!
Quick Login Feature June 27th, 2006
In the nav-bar, there is now a quick-login feature (You will only see this while logged out). I hope this saves you a few seconds of time!
Terms of Use Updated June 26th, 2006
Please check out the changes made to the Terms of Use.
New Features June 25th, 2006
There is a link labeled "Q" to the right of the "Download" link in the navbar. Click it to type in a search box without having to first load the downloads page. Also, soon there will be user-contributed lyrics hosted here on Gendou.com! This means my users need not wait for animelyrics.com to post lyrics, nor leave the comfort of Gendou.com's sleek look and feel. The interface is pretty snazzy too, if I do say so myself.
Request and Forum Changes June 13th, 2006
The request rules have been changed a bit, please take notice of the new additions to the list of copyrighted anime. Also, some minor changes to the forum have been made. For example, there is a link labeled "Link" next to each post, for easy linking. Also, the Topic page now allows custom sorting.
AJAX Quick Reply May 15th, 2006
The forum now has a link to perform a quick reply. Enjoy!
AJAX Song Rating May 4th, 2006
The song rating system has been adapted to use AJAX as well. Please report any problems with the new system in the forum.
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