Welcome to Gendou's Anime Music!

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Anime Episodes Down March 29th, 2007
Due to some concern regarding legality, the Anime Episodes site has been shut down temporarily.
Added more RAM March 23rd, 2007
Another 1GB of RAM has been added to the server, for a total of 2GB. This should mean much less slow down during busy times.
New Feature: Information Contribution System February 24th, 2007
Users may now help improve the completeness of the music database by researching and submitting missing song information. Participants will (eventually) be given level-ups for their work, and their efforts will be reflected on their profile. If you have some time to kill, please check it out. Thank you!
New Feature: Anime Episodes! February 9th, 2007
A new service was launched today, "Gendou's Anime Episodes". It works just like the music download page, but serves full length episodes. These are all fansubs of unlicensed shows, of course. To try it out, just click on the "Anime Episodes" link on the navigation bar.
Sensei Radio January 18th, 2007
I am proud to announce that Sensei Radio will be airing (rebroadcast) thursdays 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM gendou.com time. The show airs live Noon to 2:00 PM eastern seaboard on the same day.
Chat Room Added January 7th, 2007
An AJAX chat room has been added to the site. You can access it via the "Chat" link on the navigation menu. It will be the choice vector for making requests when the radio is on. If you're new, or not-so-new, stop by and say hello!
Gendou.com Radio December 8th, 2006
There is a new project in the works, just for fun: Gendou.com Radio. From time to time you may see a new menu in the navigation menu to the right of "Anime Music" called "Radio!". This menu contains contact links to chat with me for requesting music (to be played on the radio station), as well as a page to view how many listeners there currently are.
Lyrics System Upgraded November 21st, 2006
The lyrics system has been upgraded to be more wiki-like. This means that the user-submitted lyrics content is now user-editable, too. Anyone can edit lyrics any song which has not been locked, or has no lyrics. Please help by contributing to the lyrics database! You can view and edit lyrics by clicking on the "ro ka en" links under the "Lyrics" column on the download page. There are also discussion history pages for each song.
The AnimeLyrics.com Controversy November 3rd, 2006
The partnership that is AnimeLyrics.com has split up. The domain name owner and the lead programmer are fed up with each-other, and both claim they were being ripped off in the partnership. Read all about the controversy and post your opinions here. For the time being, my lyrics links will point to animelyrics.tv, where nothing has changed but the domain name.
Affiliate: Planetary Assault October 23rd, 2006
Check out the online game Planetary Assault.
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