General Statistics:

Number of songs in database: 7552
Cumulative file size of all songs: 39.70 GB
Number of online songs: 7489
Cumulative file size of online songs:39.43 GB
Cumulative playtime of online songs: 487 hours
Number of downloads served: 152.802503 million
Approximate throughput served: 762.41 TB
Number of song ratings recorded: 935724
Number of links to lyrics files: 7535 (100%)
Number of songs with artist info: 7552 (100%)
Number of songs with album info: 5909 (78%)
Number of songs with type info: 7401 (98%)
Number of links to buy songs: 7078 (94%)
Number of unique anime titles: 1987
Number of unique artists: 2401
Number of requests: 32620
Number of request votes: 352864

Average Song:

3:54 playtime
20233 clicks
5.38 MB
123.90 ratings
8.32 score

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