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Gendou's Original Simfiles
Link | by gendou on 2008-09-14 22:32:02 (edited 2009-02-26 16:57:18)
Here I will post the original simfiles I have made.
For those of you who don't know, a simfile is a song with the arrow programming for the game Dance Dance Revolution.
You can play these files using the program StepMania.
There are many old simfiles I need to revise, since they are primarily for keyboard which is totally lame.
Here is the first one I have made in some time, which is for the dance pad:

Born to be Wild
Colbert (CL Mix)

Re: Gendou's Original Simfiles
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2008-09-16 20:03:07
Lol - If I ever get DDR, You can bet I'll try out your step files, Gendou! Rofl.

Wow - this actually makes me wanna get DDR now, xD!

Re: Gendou's Original Simfiles
Link | by H on 2008-09-17 03:49:10
Finally, I'm able to download this... Bemanistyle had been busy so I wasn't able to download this when you first posted it... anyway, nice simfile gendou ^^b

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: Gendou's Original Simfiles
Link | by on 2008-09-18 01:50:11
gendou... this song is sick on gallops, it's tense as heck

Re: Gendou's Original Simfiles
Link | by on 2008-09-20 00:59:35
Oh ho ho ho ho xDDD NICE xD

Duuuude, Gendou, you should make hella more of em xDDD, their fun to do...i dled anime songs if u want to try those out too xDDD

Re: Gendou's Original Simfiles
Link | by gendou on 2008-09-24 00:48:47 (edited 2008-09-24 01:07:35)
I think for my next stepfile I will release Popcorn by Hot Butter.
There are a couple versions of this song on bemanistyles, but none I like.
They are all done to remixes, not the original.
The original's great, and it's the perfect song to dance to, too.

Re: Gendou's Original Simfiles
Link | by on 2008-10-22 11:53:44

I'm going to be getting an adapter for mai computer to attach it to mai DDR pad AHAHAHAHAHHA xDDD

When that happens, i'll get to try out u're songs...

as well as finally play mai ONE WINGED ANGEL xD, 15 minute song, uber die! haha, popcorn sounds like a song which is going to be fun to play.

Re: Gendou's Original Simfiles
Link | by on 2008-11-19 10:44:32
I like it, very nice :)
I mainly play with a keyboard on the computer, have been playing that way for two or three years now and I finally understand that using two hands is ... a lot easier, but - too late for me, don't want to spend so much time learning how to play with both hands XD

You can try RevenG - Sakura, my favorite one, but also very fast and difficult to follow =)

Re: Gendou's Original Simfiles
Link | by on 2008-12-08 00:21:24
sakura is a really good one & i like the timing in it, the beats are well done also.

Oh and i'm ordering a component for my DDR pad to the computer so i can finally get some Stepmania work done & hopefully i can make some good songs. i'm gonna figure out the score board problem, so i'll keep heads up on that since i'm going back into the step mania flow nao.

& gendou i ♥ the gallop song

(main reason why i'm getting a pad lol xD)

Re: Gendou's Original Simfiles
Link | by gendou on 2009-02-10 18:23:48
Hello Nation. I know how much you adore Stephen Colbert, so I have made this simfile for you to dance your heart out to.
PARENTAL WARNING: May contain beats that are jaw-droppin', ear-poppin' fresh.

Re: Gendou's Original Simfiles
Link | by Magui on 2009-02-12 20:29:51
nice nice do more anime simsfile :)
like to aru majutsu no index-masterpiece(TV Size!not full ^^),gintama-donten,zoku zetsubou sensei-runba

Re: Gendou's Original Simfiles
Link | by mokona on 2009-02-13 23:05:33
omg!! stepmania in gendou!!!
tis is sooo awesome~
i'm luvin the sim makers already.
do you take requests for sims????

btw, i play stepmania online and it totally roxx^^

Re: Gendou's Original Simfiles
Link | by eidrag on 2009-02-15 00:58:02
I'm waiting to buy dance mats or the machine so that I could play DDR/stepmania for whole day long! Truly gendou's stepfile is awesome, but using only fingers taking away half of it's fun, isn't it?

Re: Gendou's Original Simfiles
Link | by kira on 2009-02-15 05:03:06
Requesting Trust You by Yuna Ito... xD

Re: Gendou's Original Simfiles
Link | by FreedoMNeoX on 2009-02-16 02:49:54
kira,i agree!Trust you by Yuna Ito is the best!....

Re: Gendou's Original Simfiles
Link | by padfoot135 on 2009-02-16 04:42:05
lol.. i have over 9gb worth of anime song -_-" for both pad and keybord =X and i wonder if i can throw in link where i dl my songs from =)


Re: Gendou's Original Simfiles
Link | by Amarillo on 2009-02-18 00:10:41
Pretty nice simfiles. No offense, but Born to be wild is too simple. The Colbert simfile is fine, just needs more steps.


Re: Gendou's Original Simfiles
Link | by padfoot135 on 2009-02-18 05:07:31
well.. here gundam00 season 2 op2 steps namida no mukou with video

this was not make by me and i have the permission of the original creator but he asked me not to reveal any info about him or he's web. enjoy ^^


Re: Gendou's Original Simfiles
Link | by S-Rok on 2009-02-21 10:06:24


Re: Gendou's Original Simfiles
Link | by on 2009-02-23 00:27:07
nice gendou, i actually got to playing both of them at this point, a little bad that i hadn't done so earlier. The difficulty was well put for them hahaha, not like so many others i've recently downloaded. A lot of people can't gauge the difficulty of their own songs haha.

Your newest one is pretty nice, a lot of streaming; its good for playing regular DDR with if you buy an adapter.

Should make a DDR/Stepmania club :]

Imma post up the videos for the songs so ppl can see incase they can't get Stepmania to play it...or see a preview :D Can't wait till your next one Gendou!

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