Welcome to Gendou's Anime Music!

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Gendou.com User Milestone: 100k August 10th, 2005
Gendou.com now has 100,000 members!
A Comic by Gendou: Naruto vs MR. T August 7th, 2005
Mr. T pity the foo who dont click here!
Affiliate: Cleft of Dimensions May 30th, 2005
If you are into MUDing, check out the Cleft of Dimensions.
Gendou.com is now Dedicated! April 18th, 2005
Moved to a dedicated server with the same host.
Affiliate: METALORG productions March 8th, 2005
Check out my friend's site: METALORG productions.
Changed Hosting to Dreamhost February 14th, 2005
I have switched to a new host, dreamhost.com, sorry about the down time.
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