Daily download limit
Please download no more than 100 songs per day.
Links expire
Please be aware that links expire after an hour.
You will see a warning message if you try to access a link that has expired.
No download accelerators
The use of download accelerator software is strictly prohibited for technical reasons. Attempts to download songs using a download accelerator will cause errors. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Simultaneous download limit
Please do not download more than 6 files at a time so that there is enough bandwidth for everybody to share.
Requesting Music
Anime only
Please do not request game, live action, or j-pop music which does not appear in an anime.
Appears in anime
Only songs that appear in the original Japanese version of the anime are acceptable.
Independant remixes and bootleg albums are unacceptable.
Bundled tracks on a CD single which do not pertain to the anime are also unacceptable.
Just because an artist has some songs featured in an anime, does not mean that all their songs are acceptable!
Blacklisted anime
Requests for songs from the following anime titles will NOT be accepted due to copyright issues:
Kenshin (Samurai X), Inu Yasha, Pokemon, Digimon, Monster Farm (Monster Rancher), Detective Conan (Case Closed), Yu Yu Hakusho, Tenchi Muyo, Dragonball, Ronin Warriors, Prince Of Tennis, One Piece, Initial D, Sailor Moon, Powerpuff Girls Z, Hoshi no Kirby, Gravitation, Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch, Ojamajo Doremi, Keroro Gunsou.
Correct song and anime
Please enter the correct song name and anime title. The following examples are unacceptable song names:
opening theme, 2nd ed, unknown, all of them, any song, op and ed.
Definition of "anime"
For the purposes of requesting music, the definition of anime is: An animated TV show, movie, or DVD released by a Japanese company for a Japanese-speaking audience. Internet-only releases and fully computer animated (3D CG) releases are NOT included in the definition. This definition is purposefully made narrow so as to make the scope of this website manageable.
Has been released
Please double-check that the song has been released!
Check the release list.
Also, be sure to google any song that first aired within the last month or so!
Other good resources are Nipponsei and animeblogger.
Karaoke vs. instrumental
Please use "(Karaoke)" to indicate the original song less the lead vocal track. Please use "(Instrumental)" to indicate a special remake of the song with no vocal lead. I ask that you please, please, check that such a song has actually been released before submitting your request!
No drama CDs, character singles, or image albums
Please, do not request tracks from drama CDs, character singles, or image albums.
No hentai
This website is for people of all ages. Please do not request music from adult anime series.
No PV rips
Please do not request PV (Promotional Video) rips of music. In order to support the music industry, the TV size is all that I am willing to provide before the full version is officially released.
No repeat requests
Should your request be removed for any reason, please do not request the same song again.
No songs from dubs
Please do not request songs that are only played in the (English or any other language) dubbed release of an anime.
Not already online
Please double-check that the song is not already available on this website. Be sure to check alternate spellings!
Not already requested
Please double-check that the song has not already been requested. Be sure to check alternate spellings, too!
Request format
Please address only one song per entry.
If you are unsure of the artist or album, please leave it blank.
TV size
Please request TV size versions only when the full version has not yet come out. If the full version is available, there is no real point in requesting the TV size, is there?
Very old anime
Please do not request music released 10 or more years ago. This website focuses on what is currently popular.
Uploading Music
20 MB file size limit
The upload feature will only work for files no greater than 20 MB in size.
MP3 128kbps+ only
Songs must be in mp3 format with bitrate of 128kbps or greater. Please do not upload WMA files!
Please be patient
Uploading can take a while, so please be patient.
Thank you for taking the time to upload!
Request rules apply
Please, do not upload any files that violate the request rules (even if they are on the request list!).
Requested songs only
Please, only upload files on the request list.
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