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Get your Avatar Icons here! v2
Link | by gendou on 2007-07-27 21:53:21 (edited 2011-04-14 10:04:21)
This is the continuation of this thread.

EDIT by :
You can request avatars here too. Users here can make you one if you give the name you want on it and the source pictures to be used in it.

Edit 2 by riceboks: I will slowly be compiling a list of avatar 'shops' (users who make avatars) starting with myself. :P Check my (and the others') profiles for more details!

Update by miko : You guys can either requests here or PM the User [avatar-maker] you choose that have avatar shop opened. :)
P.S.: PM me if you want your shop to be added.

Inuyasha's avatar shop
DragonFly's shop!
RzR's Shop!
Nekomimi's shop! [closed]
ToD's shop! [closed it seem]
... Key's shop. >_>
Kazuma's Shop! [closed] - Kazuma's works!
Suzaku's Shop~!
Ich's Shop!
Miko's shop~[Closed]
MastahKillah's/Gdots shop [closed]
Renma's shop!
Saruwatari_Michiyo's shop~!
Haseki Keiri's Shop~!
Wani's Shop~!
Lacus Shop~! Read this first before sending Lacus a message!
Shuyin's Avatar Emporium
Eria's Shop Visit:
Emiya's Shop~!
Kira's Shop~
Manglez' Shop!!!
Senna's Shop
Tem and Sacora's Shop
Haseo's Phail Avatar Shop(don't let the name deceive you)
Naru's Shop
PG Shop
Inx's Ink Shop [Open]
Kira Freedom Shop
Holkers Shop
Kumi's Works

For those who want to make avatar for themselves they can check this tutorial out: Link's Avatar Tutorial.
And easiest we have: Avatar Creator.
How to add avatar to your profile? Check This out: How To Add Avatar Tutorial.

Re: Get your Avatar Icons here! v2
Link | by xinshan on 2007-07-29 05:09:18 (edited 2007-07-30 07:34:27)
ano... can i request for a new siggy here? kinda scary... cuz i'm the first to

i would like to have this pic as my siggy if possible... but i think its too big..

Re: Get your Avatar Icons here! v2
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-07-29 05:37:58 (edited 2007-07-29 06:11:13)
I think it's okay. Another separate threead might be unnecessary.

[edit] I can do it real quick. I'll do it later maybe if I find out more info. :3
Just tell me the "size" of the signature you want, and what you want on it.
I'd use the korean words, but I have no idea what they say.


Re: Get your Avatar Icons here! v2
Link | by xinshan on 2007-07-30 07:28:27
size? as big as my existing siggy can do...
i want nothing on it... thanks... ^.^

Re: Get your Avatar Icons here! v2
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-07-30 10:48:46
Quickly put this together.
You don't really have to use it; I don't like it myself but I didn't know what else to do. (:\
    It's pretty big in file size, but it'll fit.


Re: Get your Avatar Icons here! v2
Link | by xinshan on 2007-07-30 21:19:56
thank you so much!! its' cute!! XD

but can you give me the html code. cuz its background turns to black if i do it myself. and i like the white background....

Re: Get your Avatar Icons here! v2
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-07-31 06:58:28
It's a .png file so it blends in with any color background.
If you want the one above, here's the code:


If you just want the white background with the image itself, I quickly made one for you:

URL: (borderless)

I prefer that you actually save these files onto your computer somewhere, just in case the code breaks or something.
You can always have it, and uL it whenever you want. ;P


Re: Get your Avatar Icons here! v2
Link | by on 2007-07-31 14:15:29
Can anyone make me a sig to go with this avy? (I think Rei forgot about the sig.)

Original Pic
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I don't really have any text that I want on it, just a background really.


Re: Get your Avatar Icons here! v2
Link | by xinshan on 2007-08-01 07:24:15
oh i see... thanks ya!! :P
arigatou gozaimasu ne.

Re: Get your Avatar Icons here! v2
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-08-01 09:05:52
» Shan, you're welcomed, I guess. ^,^`

» Jon, do you know what anime that is?
If you can tell me the anime title, I can search for a better image.
I'll just crop a few things, and add minor details to make it look more like a signature.

Any size you want? (or you can go with my default, 300x100).


Re: Get your Avatar Icons here! v2
Link | by on 2007-08-01 09:24:22
Doesn't matter about the size, as long as it's possible to make it. That's really the best picture available.


Re: Get your Avatar Icons here! v2
Link | by on 2007-08-01 15:28:47
@ DA:
haha. that's cute ^^
And I never knew that about .png files...:o
Soooo...does the BG of the picture have to be transparent to 'blend in' with the background? orrrr...? *_*
wow, i'm such a n00b xD

My deviantART!
Link (from LoZ) claimed by me!
Current obsession:
Icons from here

Re: Get your Avatar Icons here! v2
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-08-01 15:40:13
You save a transparent image as a .png file so it can go with any background.
Like in this case, she can use it for any forum, website, etc.
So the only thing you'd see before saving it would be everything else but the background of course.


Re: Get your Avatar Icons here! v2
Link | by on 2007-08-01 15:59:19
Oh, i see.
I've done that a few times...but sometimes the transparency gets messed up and the picture looks funny ._.

My deviantART!
Link (from LoZ) claimed by me!
Current obsession:
Icons from here

Re: Get your Avatar Icons here! v2
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-08-01 18:21:36
Haha, not sure how to help since I'm a Photoshopper. :3

» Jon, here ya go:

The image helped me more then one way so it's not something to talk about.
Although, I do like the angel's wing on the left, doki doki. *snickers*


Re: Get your Avatar Icons here! v2
Link | by on 2007-08-01 19:03:20
Thanks DA, although I don't know where those images came from. Or is it that image you showed me?


Re: Get your Avatar Icons here! v2
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-08-01 20:30:54
Nah, it was entirely a different image.
So, no, you never seen 'em.
I just picked 'em up real quick, then started editing.


Re: Get your Avatar Icons here! v2
Link | by on 2007-08-02 04:47:08
@Jon: loLz~ I didn't know what to put in the siggy.. soo.. I made it quick.. and here's the result..

soo,, it's just the pic,, a bg,, and the text.. >.< pretty simple.. ^^'

if there's anything you'd like to change,, please tell me :]

Re: Get your Avatar Icons here! v2
Link | by on 2007-08-02 09:01:30
That one looks good to, and it's got my little quote thingy in it (I completely forgot that was in my title. Never thought of that.). Thanks Rei. I'll use that one for my sig for now.

@DA- Don't worry though, I'm going to keep yours for my next avy, so your effort doesn't go to waste.


Re: Get your Avatar Icons here! v2
Link | by on 2007-08-02 11:26:23
@ DA:
nah, it's okay. I'll try to look it up, even though I'm way too lazy @_@

And uhhh...I like the fire-ish BG of that sig xD (lol -.-')
what wing? o.o i don't see it =-='

@ rEi:
Haha, maybe you could change the words a little, since they're not exactly what Jonathon has in his ava...isn't it 'with an above average thirst FOR power'? not 'of'? Not that it matters if Jon doesn't care, but...xD
yeah whatever :P

@ Jon:
Hehe, you're lucky to get two cool siggies.

My deviantART!
Link (from LoZ) claimed by me!
Current obsession:
Icons from here

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