Registered:2004-08-13 15:00:53
Latest Activity:2021-09-24 07:37:14
Forum Entries: View All (528)
Buddies: has 39 buddies in list, is on 130 buddy lists
Ignored: ignoring 1 users, ignored by 0 users
Requests: 1 past
Request Votes: 17 total, 0 active
Song Ratings: View (40)
Contributions: 0 pending, 6 accepted, 1 rejected
Uploads: 39 uploads, 0 pending, 8 points total
Battle Stats: Wins: 182, Losses: 159, Ratio: 53%, View Standing
Polls: 62 votes
About Me: I go by two names around here, either it's my long nick; Kaslawok Evgeniy (Kasla for short), or Kazuma. And rarely Kabooma, don't know what that's about.

In my freetime, also known as most of my time, I play video games on my PC; tinker with my airsoft replicas and using them against my buddies;
trail riding on my MTB; or travel the woods. I go by the nick HaraDaya! most anywhere else on the net.
I'm also a moderator of the chat, meaning I'm one of many that try to keep order in the chat. It's pretty quiet most of the time. So not much to do.
I drop by once in a while, not as often as I used to.
I can be TERRIFYINGLY sarcastic. Don't take anything I say personal.
I am the guy behind the AutoHotKey script that's used by some regulars here.
I do not own all the smileys available in the script. But all the yellow faces except are made by some people here, including myself.
Complete collection here.
Steam profile
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Marriage History:
View 2007-03-29 21:07:25
View emi 2007-03-29 21:07:33
View ribbitribbit froggy says buy it! 2008-02-07 12:01:51
View Kasla 2009-11-23 08:58:59
View 2007-06-11 13:03:14 2012-07-22 12:10:56
View 2008-02-07 12:30:20
View 2008-03-16 13:48:45
View 2008-07-02 02:30:13
View Kasla 2009-11-23 08:58:59

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