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Let's Us Help Spread The Good News For Gendou!
Hey Gendou Fans!

~We Need Your Help!~

Gaia Online is beating us during the last year or so!

i was thinking of spreading the word with advertising & chatting to people about it so we can go soaring high in the charts again!

And i'm one of those people who will help Gendou & make this website popular again!

You Can Help Spread The Word By:

-talk to your friends about the website

-going to a forum and tell everyone about it!

-or create an advertisement (with Gendou's permission!)

please let us know what site you've been to as well (you don't have to!)

well bye for now & WE WILL MAKE GENDOU PROUD!!!!!!!


«An Otaku * Music Fan * Movie Maniac * Video Game Addict* High School Princess * High Achiever * Eurasian * Devil May Cry Luver but with all other anime, manga & games!»

Re: Let's Us Help Spread The Good News For Gendou!
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-02-13 02:07:22
gaia what? havent heard of that site...nyhahahaha

dont worrynaoimi gendou aint gona lose!thats for sure!nyahahah

Re: Let's Us Help Spread The Good News For Gendou!
Link | by imppy on 2007-02-13 03:42:08
I can already see Gendou's site is popular among anime music, I've been hearing so many compliments about it from other forums and websites as well dattebayo~ but some (most actually) of the peole are taking advantage of it and started to disregard rules and mostly go for the mortal sin--hotlinking tebayo~! And some people are too stupid to realize why they are banned, and moreover, started to bash gendou's site because of this reason --> "You are banned for no reason..."

eep~ they're so ignorant dattebayo~!! D¦<

Re: Let's Us Help Spread The Good News For Gendou!
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-02-13 04:55:38
wow! this sound good :P

I actually think that Gendou is the best forum site of all, becasue is very simple, other forums have tons of stuff, and are very compicated... Sometimes you don't know where start a reply and when begin, is so confusing @__@

But Gendou is Great...

The only site i visit beside Gendou is Animeost, cause they have lot's of OST's, but i only post there cause i need points to download X_X

Gendou is cool... is the best placve on earth ^^

I'll do my best to bring people here

Re: Let's Us Help Spread The Good News For Gendou!
Link | by imppy on 2007-02-13 05:10:53
Okish~ well, you can also say, drag "leechers" to post in the forums, that could be dragging people in gendou as well, instead of just registering just for the sake of the music dattebayo~ @_@

Re: Let's Us Help Spread The Good News For Gendou!
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-02-13 05:21:39
well imppy that the cas of most gendou members only afraction of the members use the forums...but some only download but donate so thats a good thing

as a free loader..(cant donate even if i want too...)the best thing i can do is spread so that more people may know about it and by miracle some might actually donate..hahahaahaha

i already tried to spread gendou in friendster...some of my pals are gendo users but only use the siteto download...hahahaha

Re: Let's Us Help Spread The Good News For Gendou!
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2007-02-13 07:23:58
Instead of go for the most posts... Let's go for the most good posts. :D

So I was thinking, instead of advertising in a public place and getting the attention of 60 n00bs and 5 smart people, we should just tell the smart people we know about this site ^.^v

Re: Let's Us Help Spread The Good News For Gendou!
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-02-13 07:30:50
nice idea but where can i find smart people!Nyahahahaha

ok just kidding around!Nyahahaha

Re: Let's Us Help Spread The Good News For Gendou!
Link | by on 2007-02-13 12:24:55
Great idea! ^-^ I was already doing that Naomi! I told my friends about Gendou! And now they are all Gendounians...The problem is that most of them are in Peru...and they don't speak English, so they don't post in the forums...So now...I'm telling my friends here in the US!

As DN said...Other forums I have visited are so confusing and complicated...You get lost easily...with Gendou, you know where you are at, how to post and everything. ^-^

Well! We will do our best! ^-^


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Let's Us Help Spread The Good News For Gendou!
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2007-02-13 12:28:22
Ok ok! i will help!

i'm sure that brazilian ppl will come!

can i spread in orkut (here it is still realy used)?

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: Let's Us Help Spread The Good News For Gendou!
Link | by Killer Rabbit on 2007-02-13 13:38:40 (edited 2007-02-13 13:47:01)
I am helping out too^^
I introduced all my friends to this site, but as far as i know, none of them joined.
lol, my friends are really supportive^^

Nothing pleasures me more than the sight of blood...

Re: Let's Us Help Spread The Good News For Gendou!
Link | by on 2007-02-13 13:40:18
Looking for more posts? XD We should clone Bloodymoon.


Re: Let's Us Help Spread The Good News For Gendou!
Link | by on 2007-02-13 16:50:13
Gaia...bleh T_T

My friend said that it was a good site, and it was the best ever...but after I registered and tried it out, i thought it sucked. xD I didn't get what we were supposed to do, and there were no directions or anything. =P

GO GENDOU!! >____<

My deviantART!
Link (from LoZ) claimed by me!
Current obsession:
Icons from here

Re: Let's Us Help Spread The Good News For Gendou!
Link | by imppy on 2007-02-14 01:35:07
I got an idea tebayo~! *ting!*

I'll make a banner for the site, it can come out in various sizes~ e.g. for affiliates, ads and stuff dattebayo~! Whut~? No, that doesn't mean I'm the only who must do it, you can make one too if you like (o3o)

Re: Let's Us Help Spread The Good News For Gendou!
Link | by lei8iel on 2007-02-14 02:14:08
can we do that?
isn't there a gendou rule in linking? or is it only applicable to direct links to its music? is it ok if the link is direct to gendou's home page?

dies mono dies

Re: Let's Us Help Spread The Good News For Gendou!
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2007-02-14 03:14:53
@ lei8iel

We just link to the site (, not the anime music section. Instead of hotlinking, we're directing them to the site itself.

@ imppy

I might join and make banners~~! But that's depend if I wanna do one~! Haha..

Need avvie or sigs? Request at 'Get Your Avatar Icons!' in Introduce Yourself section!Fan of Kaname Kuran and his family of Vampire Knight.
Fan of Lelouch Lamperouge of Code Geass.
Love avatar-making and signature making.
Self-preclaimed boss of the 'Get Your Avatar Icons' thread.
Avatar shop is now open Click here for details.
Love Kaname Kuran's mother so much!

Re: Let's Us Help Spread The Good News For Gendou!
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2007-02-14 07:36:48
What if we just have a banner contest? We'd need Gendou's say in it, and he might not even want a banner, but I figure if everyone works on their own, we'll get a good one eventually. :D

*We'll need a new thread for banners >.>*

Re: Let's Us Help Spread The Good News For Gendou!
Link | by on 2007-02-14 11:10:59
I suck at that.>.> I don't have paintshop so I can't do anything good with images.

I could make an affiliate link pic. Since it's working with a smaller picture and MS Paint would be fine for that.


Re: Let's Us Help Spread The Good News For Gendou!
Link | by on 2007-02-14 11:15:14
who needs paintshop? I got regular paint and look at my siggies and avas. not too shabby, right? XD

I'm in, already convinced two of my friends already. XD

Re: Let's Us Help Spread The Good News For Gendou!
Link | by on 2007-02-14 11:16:24
@Dark- Yeah, I know but there's only so much I can do with MS Paint. I do make all my avy's and sig's using Paint, but they don't look the best.


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