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Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2008-02-04 15:28:39

waaaii!! thanks alot ^^
yup I do admire my own work
but everytime I saw another
one..somewhat..I cant
explain properly but..
well just nevermind me xP


well seems like your becoming
a ROQ version on commenting xP

I also love your work!! especially
the new versions!! xD how
do you call this, you really do
improve alot, I can see the difference
in the old artworks ^^
you really pulled it off xP
btw im not a master ok xP


"Cool" nice pose!! its very hard for
me to draw with that angle >.<
but you did it well!! as expected with
ROQ, you really know how to make
things possible!! xP


lol you did break her legs O.O
thanks for the comment -^^-

Waaaaii!! awesome!! you really know
how to sketch from life!! hope I can
do it also >.<
well I still need to practice more ^^


This will be a long one for sure..

I always thought for this one,
"Once you draw, you will never be able to draw it again"
well this is a fact. I already tested it several times
but the result is, I never managed to get the same drawings
but hence, the result was gradually more incredible. Artist
grows as their own idea spread. If you will try to study
the basic then you will be able to put up nice drawings.
I cant draw without any reference pics, I cant even make
my own drafts but I can draw with my own style using a reference
pic. I started to draw around 6 years old. Then starting
at that poing, my drawing style changed, even now.

Well enough of that thing. This will be my tip for you:

1. Balance is the MAIN factor in drawing anime. Once you make
a mistake here, the output will be ruined. Make sure that
the eyes nose and mouth are well positioned. Dont ask me how
to position it..somehow I managed to understand it with myself..
just try to compare it with human face. Like Izumo said, placing
the eyes will give the characters attitude.

2. Drawing Style is also a fact. Some people do have their own style.
If you think his artwork is great then so be yours. Everyone is unique
having their "own" style. You just lack of concentration and practice.
I already saw your post that eventhough how many you tried to draw an
anime, you just ended up uncontented. Thats a human one gets
contented, they want to pull-up more things..but just want to remind you
that "simple is the best". Just be yourself. Admire other work but
still make your own.

3. Lineart is also one especially if your making a non-colored artwork. Lines
must be clean. This will give life to your artwork and credits to you
especially. You can use different styles in lineart, from Total Ink to
draftlines. Draftlines are best when you start as draft but never combined
draftlines to a clean one. You will know what im trying to say when you
try to do it. Inking is best for finished non-colored artworks.

4. Canvas is your working place. Well you wont need to use a real canvas though.
But still knowing your workspace will give you a hint whether the character
must be in detail or not. Bigger canvas means more detailed artwork.

thats the only tips that I can give..Im not the best artist but somehow
I managed to develop my own style ^^

You can visit me there!!

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2008-02-04 16:21:21 (edited 2008-02-04 16:23:01)
Vincent-san:: Great works, every one of them!! I don't understand why you are so hard on yourself, you are already so well off~ I can understand that you want to improve though, we all want to improve, and there is always room for growth. To me, it's not important if I draw a fantastic picture that everybody will love, or become really famous for art. As long as I can continue to improve on my art skills and grow in confidence from the last picture I drew, then I will be happy. Maybe for you, you don't need to worry about being perfect, do you know what I'm saying?? Just set goals of improvement for yourself, or say "I'm going to learn this skill today" and just set aside two or three hours devoted simply to improving or learning new techniques. Practice and devotion will pull off, if you stick to it long enough!! A few suggestions, though. You may want to, as Ich said, draw with clean lines. This means that after you are done with your rough sketch, to erase your draft lines and go over the lines that you want to make permanent with either a pen or very carefully with pencil. This will show more confidence and pride in your work, and that can't go wrong!!
You may also want to look into taking anatomy classes or realism art classes to understand how things should appear on the human body -- it's the same for anime.
Although I would love to make a comment on each of your individual works, I'm afraid I don't have the time nor energy to. I would like to say that my favourite of your drawings is the semi-realistic hand && pencil that you drew, simply marvelous job!! With some clean lines and proper shading, it could be a piece of art worthy of envy from even the best artists~

Ru-chan:: Just like I said on dA, this is a wonderful piece. You tackled the angle just right... I love it so much. Truly worthy to be on the Square-Enix team!! ♥ [[ about your comment to Vincent, Takeshi Obata is my favourite too. ]]

Ninja Soup-san:: Welcome back!! It's always a pleasure to be graced by your presence here, and an honour to witness your art skills at their best~~ ♥
Your drawing of realism is completely stunning.. I have always considered you to be one of the best artists that this thread has to show off, and you definitely didn't disappoint this time!! I can't wait to see more of your works!! > 3<

Ich-san:: Ahaha, I'm just trying my best to make sure each piece of art is getting the recognition and praise it deserves, along with the artists that produce them. I'm very glad that you have seen an improvement in my work, that is what I have been striving for!! I haven't pulled it off yet. XPP And yes, you are a master. ♥

Okay, another big comment. >__>;; Sadly, I have nothing new to show. Maybe I should work on something tonight.

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2008-02-04 17:04:16
@ Darky:

@ Izumo:
thank you~ <3

@ Eureka:
Aww, you don't have to start faving pics just because you feel like you SHOULD...i want you to fav them if you LIKE them xDD

And about coloring...I don't use Photoshop >.< I use the GIMP :3 but thank you~! Your drawings are really unique too :)

@ Vincent:
that's a good start! skills don't just come when you want them to xD

@ Ninja Soup:
wow...that is AMAAAAAZING O___O

My deviantART!
Link (from LoZ) claimed by me!
Current obsession:
Icons from here

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2008-02-04 17:08:39 (edited 2008-02-04 17:09:52)
Suzaku-san:: Oh no!! Please don't get the wrong idea. > 3<; What I meant by that is I am really too lazy to add things to favourites and comment individually on dA, though I love your works very much. So, I do like them, therefore I should fave them. Not 'Suzaku is my friend I should fave her works.' Though you are my friend so don't get the wrong idea of that either ..Ahaha.

[[Edit]] I wasn't aware that you use GIMP for colouring. =00 I use GIMP for simple thing like editing photos, but I am no where near a level of being able to manipulate art like you can... Simply amazing!! *hail*

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by Dark on 2008-02-05 00:36:23 (edited 2008-02-05 04:45:46)
@suzaku: you're welcome ^^

@vincent: call me darky that's what my avatar is suppose to say (damn I need to add those alternate text soon XD)

here's some tips:

If you're making fan-art (character is made by someone else), it's great to have reference pics (not just one have lots for every angle etc)
If you're making your own character, when doing it over and over when you make a sketch of that character that seems to match what you imagine, use that for reference~


new sketches..

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2008-02-05 03:08:37
;w; nice drawings everyone!!!
>__< thanks for the comments last time!
TT xTT gomenne, no drawings this time, OxO i forgot to save them into my thumbdrive ... /bonk self x.x

@darky @W@;; yawn~i want hot yuri sex? @w@;; ... waaaaaaahhhh ;w; ur drawings are so kawaii and *__* ur colouring ish good !!! x.x me can't colour using compy~ ... >:3 u should try painting in real ne! >D it's fun esp when you colour ur own hands and feet!

@mr mushroom ;w; ur name ish kyut!

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by vincentyuahyu90 on 2008-02-05 03:44:39 (edited 2008-02-05 03:45:06)
ok guys.. i get you point.. especially eureka and ich. thanks for you tip.. i'll print them down if i can. real good on. i tried to draw few pic yesterday. pls check this out sorry guys but i can't have a scanner ready so i take a shot down wit my phone. not so clear so.. gomen..
eh?? i dunno why i put this in.. well this's a pic anyway.

this is when i tried to imitate my own hand..

do you guys know who is this? all this to end is imitated from an anime.
not so alike...

failed to imitated as i say..


obvious hair style..

who is this??

hmm i doubt this...


this one obvious...

well guys this was all about it.thanks for helping me

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by Dark on 2008-02-05 05:07:44
@Blur: thanks ^^ I have some watercolors and some colored pencils(but VERY limited palette of colors for both).. I'll try to submit one colored traditionally soon

@Vincent: hmm new pics.. kinda blurry and big >_< do you use camera? you should take multiple shots and get the least blurry one.. >_<
you seem to want to improve ^^ good for you

pic1: nice fist ^^ lol you draw better hands and it's realistic.. based from your own hand, I presume?
pic2: well on of the best references you have is your own body ^^ but just for some anatomy don't base your body if you're male to a females or you might to a transvestite XD; nice hands.. well something I do with nails is that the line that separates it from the finger is somewhat thinner or the the dividing line doesn't really go through, but only applies to uncolored nails(if you still don't get what I meant I'll draw a drawing featuring what I meant)
pic3: looks nice~ keep on improving ~.^b
pic4: blurry >_< I can't make it out properly.. if you're just making a still expressioned face there then the mouth is not centered(unless it's supposed to be that way)
pic5: one of the identifying factors of anime characters is their hair.. if you can reproduce that then you're a step closer ^^ also when drawing.. even though it is you're own imagination working here.. you should keep in mind what kind of character you are portraying, it's just an advice ^^
pic6: well the face looks skewed.. I also draw skewed.. I also do that now actually ^^ a temporary work-around is to not do the half portion of the face and cover it with something else.. but the solution is to improve hand-eye coordination.. I really don't have any advice for you there..
pic7: if for the past pics you've been drawing the same person, you seem to vary her face's proportions..hmm well I don't know who she is.. even if you narrowed it to school rumble characters.. I'll still have no ideas ^^;
pic8: wai! cute ^^ what kind of eraser do you use ,per chance? looks like you miss to erase some guidlines on the previous pics here and there

hope my posts help ^^;

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by vincentyuahyu90 on 2008-02-05 05:17:18
@eh?? dozzz draky.. my phone is nokia 6288.. 2 megapixel only so.. blur a bit sorry. i'll try to capture some more clearer one. indeed it all from the school rumble one.
the 1st one is yakumo.. blur a bit..
second one is.... i forgot the name cou fang??
third one iss.. i also forgot the name.. i read chinese comic.. sorry is the one wit incredible power.
fouth one i dunno who the hell is that.. forgot already..
fifth one is the school nurse one..
six one.. not need me to say la...
the hand thing.. well the thing is.. i use my own hand. and ... ehrrr i dunno wat u talking the nail thing.. >_< sorry ne.......
but thanks lol...

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2008-02-05 05:24:29

you draw it nicely ^^
bout the fingers, dont draw it
naturally as what you see in your
hand. Actually anime hands are not
that detailed enough to see. For
female, just try to make the fingers
sexy, you can add the nail if you want
for male, just make it straight ^^


Well still I really admire your work ^^
ill try to draw again with my canvas..
its been a long time though ^^

You can visit me there!!

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by vincentyuahyu90 on 2008-02-05 17:29:46
@ich well then... no more pic for this week since the photo quality that bad. need to wait till next week the college open then i can use the scanner.. well guys thanks for you help. i'll try to be active in this thread so that you guys will not forget me while next time try to give me advice...

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2008-02-06 04:33:22

Im actually working with human face..
somehow I managed to get the eyes, nose
and lips?? xP

I need some tips especially with the hair T.T
and for the lips too if possible..

I really want to finish this one coz im giving
it to her ^^

This is the reference model..

You can visit me there!!

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2008-02-06 20:03:33
Originally, I was making this drawing into a webcam thing on my deviantART page, but I decided to submit it as number 73 "I Can't" in the 100 themes anyway. :P So the resolution is wayyyyy smaller than the original.
Plus, I used the uninked version xDD And yay for random effects!!

73. I Can't by ~suzaku009 on deviantART

My deviantART!
Link (from LoZ) claimed by me!
Current obsession:
Icons from here

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by Dark on 2008-02-07 02:35:41
@ich: that's great.. good luck finishing it ^^

@suzaku: It's a nice drawing ^^

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by vincentyuahyu90 on 2008-02-07 03:25:15
@ich.. em. u know me also a newbie so don't expect me giving u some useful tips. well the thing is.. the only draft u draw is consider good for me. keep it on, and i presume that one is for you gf...

hmm that good one.. better one.. keep ot on..

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by Photobucket on 2008-02-07 06:02:46
Whooaaa !!!
It's been a while since i post something in this thread and it's already
crowded by new magnificent drawings.

Okay....since there's a LOT of new drawings after my last post, i cant give
comment to all of them, so i only give comment to newest drawings that shows in page 24

Sorry.....i'm having very tight schedule lately....

Whoo...MOElicious characters and you draw characters from Lucky Star too....

Hmmm....i guess you could try to mix various artist's style to create your own
unique drawing style. I did this and it works well ^___^ blurry....*sorry* But it seems that you are better than me in drawing female T.T

The girl looks sad, i wonder why ?
Anyway, it's a good drawing, but looks sad

Okay....sorry if i didn't give proper comment....
This time it's finally my turn to post my drawing, new drawings but only sketch .

THis is actually an image character of my friend, a half youkai half human named Hewan.

Dunno why i draw this. The idea suddenly appear in my head when i try to finish my presentation paper....


Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2008-02-07 16:19:16
@ Darky:
thanks ^^

@ Vincent:
Thank you~

@ RED:
The girl is sad because she's supposed to be sad XD;;
The title is "I Can't" *hint*

And nice sketches! =D

My deviantART!
Link (from LoZ) claimed by me!
Current obsession:
Icons from here

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2008-02-07 19:01:43
all: great artworks! ganbatte!

Shimabara Kaede

this one here;s another one of my characters. i posted a pic of him with a girl earlier.

Shimabara Kaede - the reincarnation of Yagami Enishi (Sai and Daisuke's dad, husband of Yagami Rui). he is a naughty grade schooler who is very stubborn. he likes making others angry, and acts as if he owns the world.


Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2008-02-08 02:56:05 (edited 2008-02-08 02:57:22)

Wingman by ~miky4ever85 on deviantART

Hehe it's been a while that i'm not posting! Still no internet...
for now i post this very very old one! ^_^
hope u like it...

Re: You Draw! Fifth Thread [read 1st post]
Link | by on 2008-02-08 16:05:31

your getting the hang of it xP
nice clean artwork!!


wow nice!! and its colored O,O

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