Registered:2006-08-25 20:20:11
Latest Activity:2017-03-19 07:36:27
Forum Entries: View All (142)
Buddies: has 39 buddies in list, is on 114 buddy lists
Battle Stats: Wins: 3, Losses: 15, Ratio: 16%, View Standing
Polls: 3 votes
About Me:

Edo's P r o f i l e ;;

W h y a r e w e . . . S o f a r a w a y ?

I'm known as Edo here, among various other
nicknames. I'm currently a Chat mod, which,
in summary, means that I don't mind talking
or helping anyone, so please ask if you need to.
My drop-bys on Gendou have been slim
and infrequent since late April 2009.
So if you must get a hold of me, PM is
probably your best option, because I'll at least
eventually be able to read it and relay a
message back.
If you happen to know how to get a hold of
me by other means, well lucky you.

Kazuma, whatever he tends to go by now [Hah.],
is my boyfriend in rl, whom I love very much. ♥


[ ♥ ]

When you're gone I envy the people you're with,
'Cause they're with you.
Nothing's wrong,
I've just been here too long to pretend.

My Links. ♥
DeviantART. ||

♥ C l a i m e d ♥
PM for my Skype and Facebook. ♥

♥ M e d i a . ♥

S h o u tB o x .
And you're s o g l a d ,
No one can see inside of your

T i r e l e s s M i n d .
Marriage History:
View 2007-05-28 17:57:02
View 2008-03-17 14:17:57
View 2008-03-16 13:17:05
View 2008-03-16 13:17:48
View Kasla 2008-03-16 13:48:45
View 2008-03-18 17:42:45
View 2008-03-21 11:07:10
View ribbitribbit froggy says buy it! 2008-04-01 17:19:53
View yat 2008-05-28 07:48:24
View 2008-06-02 18:39:20
View 2008-07-16 16:10:27
View 2008-08-08 18:06:53
View gendou 2010-07-05 02:42:55 2012-08-05 00:00:00
View 2011-07-12 19:16:45 2011-08-31 19:22:02
View 2007-05-28 17:57:02
View 2008-03-19 14:40:29 2012-07-22 12:11:07
View hikarinohikky 2008-03-22 19:20:37
View 2008-06-13 10:20:10
View Magi Neko Sama 2010-07-05 02:43:31 2010-07-05 02:48:57

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