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hello ^-^
Link | by kittykat on 2006-02-22 16:39:17
umm...hi! this site is really neat!...
...this is the first time i've actually registered in a forum before, sorry if i sound stupid sometimes ^-^

Re: hello ^-^
Link | by miss kris on 2006-02-22 16:49:58
hihi, kittykat-san! welcome to gendou's anime music! please do remember to read the faqs and rules as they are ever helpful and can answer your questions. that gendou-san of ours is a stickler for following rules and whatnot. ^^; anyway, i hope you enjoy your time here.

p.s. yes, this site sure is uber neat. :) and this is the first and only forum i ever posted in. ^_^

Re: hello ^-^
Link | by kittykat on 2006-02-22 16:51:39
huzzah!!...i'm glad i'm not the only one ^.^

Re: hello ^-^
Link | by Saku on 2006-02-22 17:04:24
Hi1 I'm new hear as well, I think this place rocks!!!^_^


Treat your firends like You so your Art, Put Them in Only The Best Light....I Keep My art In A Ahoe Box....O_O

Re: hello ^-^
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-02-22 17:13:59 (edited 2006-03-22 06:17:49)
This is the only forum I've ever posted on as well... With Gendou, what other forums do you need? XD

And for kittykat-san and Saku-san...
A tradition we have here is to give out images to new people, so here's one for each of you! ^_^

Sorry, I must remove the image now.
Sorry, I must remove the image now.

Re: hello ^-^
Link | by kittykat on 2006-02-22 17:33:19
Thank you!!....
*sigh*It might take me a while to figure out pictures...I'm not brilliant on the computer ....But I'm ready to try ^.^ (like in school ^___^)

Re: hello ^-^
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-02-22 18:10:55 (edited 2006-02-23 11:47:44)
Just use this formula (even though it's not a formula ^_^;):
1: Go to and make a free account
2: Upload your image
3: Copy/paste the text in the "Tag" box ^_^
4: (optional) Get rid of the < a href="all the text here"> leave in the img src stuff < /a>.


Re: hello ^-^
Link | by shihhan on 2006-02-22 20:12:12
i just registered today. ^_^ never knew such an awesome forum existed. i've never participated much in a forum, so i'm kinda new at this too.

"Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real." ~Tupac

Re: hello ^-^
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-02-22 20:27:40 (edited 2006-03-22 06:17:57)
Ah, well, I belive I've already said what I was gonna say earlier in this thread, so here's an image for ya ^_^

Sorry, I must remove the image now.

Re: hello ^-^
Link | by on 2006-02-23 02:34:50 (edited 2006-05-02 04:21:17)
Haven't been doing this for awhile....(sigh)....i'll try to accommodate the newcomers every chance i can....gomen.You already know about rules & stuff....don't have to remind you....JUST HAVE FUN!!!

(image rmoved)...gomen...photobucket organizing

The lovely Lilith from Yami to Boushi...^^

Re: hello ^-^
Link | by kittykat on 2006-02-23 07:28:19
Thank you for the formula! I'm in school right now and learning something super important!!!!!!! huzzah!!! ^.^

Re: hello ^-^
Link | by shihhan on 2006-03-29 20:02:48
you... actually learn in school?!!!

j/k j/k. xP

learning is good... good....zzzzzz

"Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real." ~Tupac

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