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U Draw Requests! NOW OPEN!!!!... *56K!*
Link | by on 2009-02-26 01:17:11 (edited 2011-01-13 22:48:18)
Original thread created by Ich-san so credits go to him. This is a re-launch!

So why re-launch the Anime Request thread? A few reasons!
1 - Why Not?!
1 - First of all it is a fun way to interact with fellow members cause there are probably many of you who would like having a fan-art drawing of your fave character.
2 - Secondly it will give a chance for the artist of this site to test their skills in another format.
3 - Probably the most important reason for re-opening this (for me personally) is to see if i can regain some of that confidence i lost. To see if my passion for drawing is still there.

Now for the details

Rules for the requester.

If you have a drawing you would like done a few things the artist will need. Whether it be an anime/game character or an original one.

i - Name of character, from which anime/game they are from
ii - Any preference on the pose or leave it for the artist to decide
iii - If original please give a reasonable DETAILED description of the character for the artist to work with. A similar existing character as a blueprint will be helpful.
Right now i won't be accepting any original character until i get back into the groove with my artwork. Sorry for the inconvience
iv - Please be patient & let the artist do their magic, an estimated time frame on when the drawing will be complete is posted at the staff list. All completed artwork will be posted at the first page for easy finding.

That's pretty much it in terms of rules, if there are things that you think that will make it easier for yourself or the artist please feel free to give me a shout on what you would like happen. Within reason of course.

For the most part this will be run by yours truly.
- Currently not accepting any staff as of yet.

Staff Artists Style Availability & (# of requests) Time Frame Limitations & Benefits
Izumo Pencil,Line-art Anytime - (1-3) Varies on work schedule U choose the style - Pencil Only & Line Art Only

*FULL for now*



Izumo Samples


Re: U Draw Requests! NOW OPEN!!!!... *56K!*
Link | by on 2009-02-26 01:49:15

you really did make my name in special orange huh xD
I want to join here but you re:open it in bad timing ><
im currently busy with some projects that I stop my
own CG projects..

but well if I have some time why not ;]

You can visit me there!!

Re: U Draw Requests! NOW OPEN!!!!... *56K!*
Link | by DeAngelus on 2009-02-26 07:02:19 (edited 2009-02-28 05:50:19)
Owmegawsh , why didn't you ask me if I have the thread in my subscription list before opening , Izumo XO . I actually found/have one of them (there are two , but the one I have is the request thread . Still can't find the gallery thread =__=* [EDIT : Ok , it's there XD])

Here's the link :) < -Thread locked for now , until further notice :)

So what now ?? It's your choice :/

And by the way , I need Ichvon's help to update 'me' (..... I don't know how should I say it) , especially the sample pics and how many request can be accepted .

That's it for now , later .

Re: U Draw Requests! NOW OPEN!!!!... *56K!*
Link | by on 2009-02-26 19:49:49
May I join this? XD I'm pretty busy recently but I can do shaded sketches, maybe even colored pictures when I have time. :)

Izumo, your artwork is lovely! Please continue to draw! ^^

My deviantART!
Link (from LoZ) claimed by me!
Current obsession:
Icons from here

Re: U Draw Requests! NOW OPEN!!!!... *56K!*
Link | by on 2009-02-26 20:01:24
Yayz! Ich has already taken my request, he has some work to do for school so he's delayed but he told me he would get it done. Nice to see it's been reopened though.


Re: U Draw Requests! NOW OPEN!!!!... *56K!*
Link | by on 2009-02-27 01:42:05
@ Angelus-san
Thanks for finding the thread!! However since Ich-san says he is too busy to handle the old thread i figure since i'll be online more often it was appropriate to manage & handle a new thread.

I appreciate the sediment though :D & i appreciate the thought of some of you wanna help out with this new thread. Like i said though i understand that many of you are very busy due to outside arrangements like school & whatnot which is probably more important than doing this. Though any help when you are able to will be greatly appreciated!

I decided to re-open the request thread cause i needed to find out if my love & passion for drawing is still there. I've been putting it off for so long now & even when i try to draw in my spare time i just don't have the motivation like i use to. JC-kun & i have chatted about when i should draw again, giving encouragements to do so but i never did. I still visit the 'You draw' thread now & then, i see some beautiful creations from many of you....although this is very unlike me i became envious of all of you..almost to the point of jealousy. How come you guys still are able to do what you do & here i am wasting my time doing nothing all day. The dedication you guys still have is something i need to find again & i hope this thread will do that for me.

@ Suzaku-san
You are more than welcome to join, in fact i would love it!!! Always found your artwork to be refreshing & it makes me smile all the time. Again sorry for not being able to comment on your prettty artwork at DA but i just want you to know i'll always support you! Anytime you are ready to join this thread, you let me know ok? :D

@ Ich-san
I credit you for starting the first thread in the first place....during those times i had alot of fun doing requests for members & it was during those times i felt the greatest in doing what i loved to do.

I understand that you are a very busy guy & i've noticed you have gotten extremely good at what you do best & that is CG artwork. I'm constantly amazed at the level you have gotten too as well. Like i said to Suzaku-san, anytime you want to help you let me know....i'll let you decide what you want to do & when you want to do.

Re: U Draw Requests! NOW OPEN!!!!... *56K!*
Link | by on 2009-02-27 01:46:20
wow that's a awesome idea izumo! i always love your works ^-^

i'll prepare a request...oh btw if i show you a character's pic then can you do like...anything (pose or w/e) or same as that one i show?

Re: U Draw Requests! NOW OPEN!!!!... *56K!*
Link | by on 2009-02-27 01:51:11
@ Kira-san
Thanks, though the original idea was by Ich-san so all the credit goes to him, i'm just re-starting it.

I'm in the middle of putting the details together as i speak so give me sometime & check the first post very soon.

I do know that starting tommorrow requests will be accepted so get them ready!

Re: U Draw Requests! NOW OPEN!!!!... *56K!*
Link | by DeAngelus on 2009-02-27 06:16:49
Yes , I kind of agree that Ichvon is busy :) . Not just Ichvon , but a lot of artists who usually post their works in the 'U Draw Thread' are really busy with their studies/work . I'm glad that it's been revived again ^^ . Keep it up XD .

And I kind of agree that you're not drawing as much as usual ^^" (me too , busy with my studies and looking for a scanner) , so , it's good for you , taking up request to draw or else your skill might get rusty (I felt like mine is getting bad too =__=*)

Say , since you're looking for any free artists out there , I could volunteer (but I'm not free all the time :P) . So what info do you need ^^ ?

Re: U Draw Requests! NOW OPEN!!!!... *56K!*
Link | by on 2009-02-27 06:30:14 (edited 2009-02-27 07:08:23)
i'll be your 1st customer! XD

teh sample

feel free to use your imagination...err it's hard to find pics of her so i hope that will do >_> (to show you how she look like)

any pose or whatever will do and please take your time...and i dunno if there's anything else i should put in here ^^;;

Re: U Draw Requests! NOW OPEN!!!!... *56K!*
Link | by on 2009-02-27 06:55:39 (edited 2009-02-27 07:09:54)
ne~ Izumo-san~
May I join in too? ^^? I have many freetime now, and I want to practice my drawing skill before the next semester comes.
I'll be edit soon.... thought I'm chatting now...

Visit my DA here
Let's be Axis Powers Hetalia fanclub
Draw a circle, there's earth~♪
Draw a circle, there's earth~♪
Let's have a toast with our boots~♪

Re: U Draw Requests! NOW OPEN!!!!... *56K!*
Link | by on 2009-02-27 13:27:44

[ i z u m o - s a n ]
- thanks :) btw by around March 10, i'll be free again somehow..
but this time I just want to give my working details.
:: aside from Jon's request ::

No direct Digital request
- im not going to accept direct request thru images. Im going to
accept request that are made by artists here that wanted to be
in digital format.

Number of request
- I can only accept 1 request per week for LINE-ART. For the time
being, Full CG will not be available as soon as im totally open

Time Frame
- 1 week is much consumed for 1 digital work

Drawing style
- Digital Adjuster
> adjust / align / modify parts so that it fits the entire drawing
- Digital output

- the requester for digital output can get the original work of the
real artist here + all the PSD files that im going to use.

for the meantime I'll end here ;)

You can visit me there!!

Re: U Draw Requests! NOW OPEN!!!!... *56K!*
Link | by on 2009-02-27 16:14:08
@ Kanetsuki-san
You are definitely welcome to join!!! All i need is some information so i can update the 'Staff List', like your drawing style, how many request you can do at one time, an estimated time of when you can finish a request, & any other tidbits that i need to know. Mostly the info you give is for your convience...i don't make the decide what you want to do.

Thanks for helping out! *bows*

@ Ich-san
You are very welcome!

I updated your info that you have given me....if there is anything that is not quite right please let me know. I just tried to compress the information for space reasons.

@ Suzaku-san
If you wanna participate just like i asked for the other 'new recruits' i just need your info. You can use the table i created to see what you need to give me.

@ Angelus-san
All i need is your info so i can update the 'Staff List'. The staff makes all the rules not me, so you decide what you can & can't do for your convience.

Thanks for helping out too! *bows*

@ Kira-san
OK! Thanks for being the first! I'll take on your request. It may be difficult cause Satoshi Urushihara-san's artwork are extremely detailed & vibrant. It may not be as exact & i'll see what i can do. Something i need to know is do you only want a full pencil drawing (includes shading), line-art, or both (full pencil shading & outlined in black fineliner)?

Re: U Draw Requests! NOW OPEN!!!!... *56K!*
Link | by on 2009-02-27 16:49:27
thanks for taking ^-^
i don't mind. it's up to your drawing style ^-^

etto...i'm not sure which is which...something like kurumu is what style?

Re: U Draw Requests! NOW OPEN!!!!... *56K!*
Link | by on 2009-02-27 18:21:45
@Izumo-san: Thank you ^^ and here's the detail

::I can do::
- For now, I can do you only pencil and some rough line-art cg (my pen tablet mouse is kinda near brooken now, I dunno if I can use it for how long.) No color NO Full-CG for now untill I get the new pen tablet!! If I get the new one, I'll tell you.

::Number of Request::
- Only one, please. I don't wanna make the queue.

::Time Frame::
- 3 days - 1 week (It's mostly up to my mood too XP)

::More Extra::
- Please do not expect me too much to draw a muscle man. I do not accept that request XP Also as old characters XD Couple is allowed but not in FullBody (and it'll be taken too much time) Please be noticed that I won't add the thoroughly background :P I can do fanart and original character (**require a sample image!)



-Rough LineArt CG

Visit my DA here
Let's be Axis Powers Hetalia fanclub
Draw a circle, there's earth~♪
Draw a circle, there's earth~♪
Let's have a toast with our boots~♪

Re: U Draw Requests! NOW OPEN!!!!... *56K!*
Link | by DeAngelus on 2009-02-28 06:09:36
Okies XD , here's my info for you :

Drawing style : Any Traditional Art Style , mostly pencil or line-art (with Artpens) .
Availability & (# of requests) : One person per round for now ..... (meaning I'll take one and finish his/her request before taking another)
Time Frame : Depending on my hectic schedule and the difficulty rate of the work I'm making :/
Limitations : Don't call me to paint , or I'll give you kindergarden's painting XD . And kindly do not rush me up , as my work is always get mixed up with my busy days :( .
Benefits : I am good with pencil art and line-art (black & white) and colouring is ok :) .
Samples :

img src=" < -pencil art
img src=" < -line-art
img src=" < -pencil art

Ok enough ^^ ? I'll give you an update of me if there is any changes ^^ .

That's it for now , later .

Re: U Draw Requests! NOW OPEN!!!!... *56K!*
Link | by on 2009-02-28 06:37:36
@ Angelus-san & Kanetsuki-san
Thanks again! Your info has been updated onto the list. If there is anything that is not quite right please let me know. I tried to compress the info to save space. If there is anything you want to add in the near future just let me know. I look forward to seeing both of you in action very soon.

@ Kira-san
I basically have 3 styles that i use. Full pencil is using only pencil of different hardness to create a complete drawing including the shading. Line-art is my term for a rough sketch ala Nagisa & Tomoya there. Pencil & line-art is the Kurumu pic you are referencing. First drawn in pencil than using fineliner to clean up the pic. Probably the one i'll be using for your request.

Re: U Draw Requests! NOW OPEN!!!!... *56K!*
Link | by on 2009-02-28 09:16:03
Thank you Izumo-san~ ^^

It's ok with my info on the list ^^ Well, I hope I can help ypu you guys here at all ^^a

Visit my DA here
Let's be Axis Powers Hetalia fanclub
Draw a circle, there's earth~♪
Draw a circle, there's earth~♪
Let's have a toast with our boots~♪

Re: U Draw Requests! NOW OPEN!!!!... *56K!*
Link | by LiKun on 2009-02-28 14:59:31
Wow, sounds interesting. May I join?

°Style°: pencil
°TimeFrame°: depends on mood and picture, anytime avaiable
°Benefits°: prefer black and white, bad at coloring, like to draw female persons

Eh..did I forget anything? o.o"

Re: U Draw Requests! NOW OPEN!!!!... *56K!*
Link | by Photobucket on 2009-02-28 15:34:58
This is interesting....may i join ?

Drawing style :
I can do rough sketches & manually inked lineart
Also capable on digital coloring
I specialized in original characters, but fanart is fine

Time frame :
Rough sketches & lineart : 1-2 days (depend on drawing complexity)
Digital output : 2-4 days (depend on drawing complexity)
*If i've start my research, it might take more than 1 week to complete one request

Availability :
1 request a week

Limitation :
Sometimes, i'm pretty bad with body gestures....Also...don't expect me to draw or coloring backgrounds, i can't do it well

Benefits :
I'm pretty good with creating original characters and i can create fighting scene as well.

Sample works :
Rough sketch :

Manually inked lineart :

Digital output :


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