miss kris
Registered:2005-07-04 00:18:29
Latest Activity:2009-09-04 15:17:21
Forum Entries: View All (1049)
Buddies: has 0 buddies in list, is on 2 buddy lists
Requests: 2 past
Request Votes: 6 total, 0 active
Song Ratings: View (15)
Contributions: 0 pending, 12 accepted, 5 rejected
Uploads: 1 uploads, 0 pending, 0 points total
About Me:

Hi hi!
That's me right there.
Don't be scared! Lol.
I was fiddling with Photoshop. ^^;
I am the one known as "miss kris."
Since that's the nickname I've used since the beginning.
But I'm also known as "pinay rendition."
Since that's my username.
I have been a Gendounian for over 2 years now.
I used to be a mod in this here site.
But I've been away for over a year due to school and work and whatnot.
Recently I've come back,
due to me currently looking for another job,
which has given me a lot of free time again.
I've felt a little out of place
and not in tune since I've been away for so long.
But hopefully I can get back into the flow of things.

last updated: 01.09.08


Email: See above
AIM: ChildoftheMist84 or SweetX2C84
Websites: MySpace LiveJournal Mobile 9 Facebook


Anime: NANA! <3, Emma Second Act, Hana Yori Dango, Evangelion
Manga: more NANA! <33
Music: NANA music! <333, music by BT, Rain (Bi), DDR SuperNOVA, Final Fantasy piano collections
Live Action(s)/Drama(s): Hana Yori Dango 2, Full House
Game(s): DDRMAX2, DDR SuperNOVA, Tetris DS, No More Heroes, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life, Shadow of the Colossus
Other: Ninja Warrior (known as "Sasuke" in Japan.)


So far, I've won a $5 Amazon gift certificate during my first month. Hopefully I win more!


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