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choose among the artists...
Link | by on 2005-08-31 05:51:37

I choose Utada's singing voice...
I enjoy BoA dancing
I don't like Ayumi Hamasaki...

Re: choose among the artists...
Link | by rankotobuki on 2005-08-31 15:10:12
I guess I'd choose Utada... She's really good, and I'd probably listen to her more than the other 2.. even though i listen to some ayumi.
BoA... Im not rocking her new style.. but black is cool. She just reminds me of Ashley Simpson.. and god i hate her.
Ayumi... Is going good with putting out her music.. She released "Fairyland c/w Alterna" now she's putting out "Heaven". Im not liking fairyland, but I heard Heaven shall be good.

Re: choose among the artists...
Link | by miss kris on 2005-08-31 15:35:21
hikki! my favorite female japanese singer. <3 besides anime music, she was the gateway to me liking japanese music.

Re: choose among the artists...
Link | by .:+:noel:+:. on 2005-09-01 06:43:04
1.Utada Hikaru and soweru and both good singers...their singing style are alike, too. But Hikaru seems to be inactive lately...she haven't release any album yet, after EXODUS.
2.Hmm...Ayumi Hamasaki...she's kind of "idol" that will not last long... She changed her style...but i think it's too late... Her "Step you" is okay... and i like "inspire" and "alterna" too...but...hmm...
3. BOA...i dun like her voice but i had to admit she really dances well...
4. i dislike l'arc-en-ciel's singing style...they are not singing.,..they are shouting. especially hagane's "happy ready go", really sucks.


Re: choose among the artists...
Link | by Nidari on 2005-09-01 10:47:06
hmmm..I think I like Ayumi Hamasaki the best right now, even though i listen to all three of them. I guess im biased cuz I got a DVD of Ayumi's and seen a DVD of Utada's tour performances, and I like Ayumi's styles better. Dont know about BOA's performance styles though. ^^ otherwise, all three are great!

Re: choose among the artists...
Link | by rankotobuki on 2005-09-01 12:24:27
I also dont like BoA because my friend is Korean.. Like BoA... And she says that down there, She has seen a lot of things... And one thing she read was that BoA really wears high heels to look tall, because she's very very short, But one day going down the steps.. she fell and broke her leg.. BoA is ok.. But she has to learn that she has to be happy for what she already has..

Re: choose among the artists...
Link | by Carurosu-Kun on 2005-09-01 20:13:32
I really like KOTOKO, because the songs are kind of soft but emotive at the same time.

Re: choose among the artists...
Link | by jimmy on 2005-09-04 06:29:03
Ayumi Hamasaki Forever......She is nice, beatutiful and one most important, her songs are fantastic than any other Jap artist such as Utada...

Re: choose among the artists...
Link | by Rui on 2005-09-06 05:13:24
Utada Hikaru. ^_^

Re: choose among the artists...
Link | by Seki on 2005-09-06 08:36:07
I dont know why so many like Ayumi. I really dont like her singing. Hikaru is ok but I generally like BoA better out of the 3 artists selected by neon. Other than that, I think KOTOKO is cool too, I love their songs for the opening and endings for the Onegai Series and for Kannazuki no Miko. Nami Tamaki is good too, at least she is better than Ayumi plus her dancing style is similar to BoA's. I dont think L'Arc shouts that much in their songs, I have heard worse (where some are bloody just plain yelling out whateva words they could come up wif). If any band that shouts a lot would be Asian Kungfu Generation. But they are ok though, I love Haruka Kanata, the shouting part in it I like, really get you to let out your frustration when you sing a long wif it. Other than that I dislike artists which shouts too much in their songs (I'm not being hypocritical, coz I dont think L'Arc shouts much at all but only for certain bits, as is Asian Kung Fu generation, and songs where they do shout a loti just dont dl them). therefore i dislike most heavy rock, visual rock, metal, heavy metal (except for Tallulah and Last Drop Falls by Sonata Artica coz they sound softer).

Re: choose among the artists...
Link | by bill on 2005-09-06 13:27:52
1. Ayu

2. and 3. Who cares?

Ayu writes good lyrics. She had the best voice. Her music varies greatly and many are catchy. And she's hot.

Utada has so-so voice. Songs are borderline crappy. No variety. Definately not the best looker of the three. Good English though...

BOA. Well, she can't even pronounce JAP words correctly. Nuff said.

J-POP IS more than just these three though.

Re: choose among the artists...
Link | by Seki on 2005-09-06 20:29:09 (edited 2005-09-06 20:31:36)
BoA cant pronounce JP? I thought she does very well for a Korean. And I heard that Ayumi's voice actually sucks but they kinda mod it in the recording to sound good. And noway is she hot.

The only thing I have to complain about BoA is the one who wrote the lyrics for the english version of her songs. The lyric writer sucks. Everyone do know that in Asian Pop the singer dont usually write their own lyrics right? I mean, Zard writes lyrics for DEEN and Field of View and Yoko Kanno usually write the lyrics for some of Sakamoto's songs. The actual numbers of singers or bands who does their own lyrics are not many.

Re: choose among the artists...
Link | by jimmy on 2005-09-06 22:05:59
Yup, I prefer Ayu than other..she is always my 1st choice

Re: choose among the artists...
Link | by .:+:noel:+:. on 2005-09-07 07:46:48
well,i had to admit that ayumi hamasaki write good lyrics, but it doesnt mean that her voice is nice. i hate her vocal, anyway. the new rock image is just ACEEPTABLE. okay, her heaven is okay, but alterna really sucks. like what i said ayumi hamasaki is an IDOL. go hear "i am", really terrible. the only album that can be endured is "memorial address". i was a ayumi fans before, actually. before i heard hikaru utada's voice.
BOA...i thought she did quite well...her "milky way" and "shine we are"is quite nice.


Re: choose among the artists...
Link | by bill on 2005-09-07 18:20:24
never meant to offend anyone (if any), but to elaborate:
ayumi IS an idol, but one that knows how to cater to people, e.g. writing her own works, changing her styles, quick releases. let's also note that some idols throughout jap history have accomplished far more when they got rid of their idol image, so maybe we can expect to see more of her! one last note, i only listen to her 'A BALLADS' plus CAROLS and Moments songs. i really can't stand her music otherwise :-)

and regarding BoA, her jap is VERY good for a foreigner, but in the end, her dialect is still that of a foreigner, so i rate it down. i will say, she's got nice legs.

Re: choose among the artists...
Link | by minz on 2005-09-09 01:30:56
love ayumi. BoA is okay but her songs has a lil touch of e-pop style in it. she cant really pronounce the jap words very well, but i guess it's quite good for someone who doesnt speak jap. sometimes, her songs are way to poppy though. utada hikaru? never heard her before and im not considering on listening to any of her songs anyway.

still, ayumi is the best. FOREVER the best. her voice is strong and clear and carries a lot of emotion when necessary. after all, she is the queen of j-pop!(:

Re: choose among the artists...
Link | by Aki Kaede on 2005-09-21 19:35:37
Utada Hikaru. Definitely. She is a talented composer and singer.

I don't really like Ayumi's songs. Only some apeal to me. Guess I am neutral about her...

As for BoA, she can dance really well and her songs are catchy. But she can't sing that well. She TOTALLY DESTROYED "La la la Love Song" with her rendition of it.

届かなくても 追いかけて

Re: choose among the artists...
Link | by Amethyst on 2005-09-22 17:36:48
Ayumi Hamasaki = She has earned her title. She is the prettiest Japanese woman I've ever seen. She is nice, energetic, and creative. Truth, her voice can be screechy and annoying. She does put a lot of emotion in her works, though. Also, her lyrics are GORGEOUS! They are some of the best, if not the best, I've ever seen!

Utada Hikaru = Out of the three, she is the most talented music-wise. Her compositions are gorgeous, her voice is powerful and emotive, and her singing abilities surpass those of the other two. However, her main problem is... her lyrics suck. Especially the ones in English. I bet a combination of Ayumi Hamasaki and Utada Hikaru would yield a perfect result!

BoA = BoA isn't even a musician. Okay, her singing is pretty good (I heard she had to be trained, though). But neither her lyrics nor her music are actually hers. Her Japanese is crappy, and so is her English. Sure, she can dance. That's what they TRAIN her to do, after all. And let's face it, she looks like shit. She's not even pretty. The only thing that gets me listening to her music is the fact that it's catchy, but it's too poppy and commercial for me.

~*~*~*~* There are no such things as stupid opinions; just stupid people who give theirs... ~*~*~*~*~*~*

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