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What do you drive?
Link | by on 2010-03-09 17:28:36
Just wanted to find out from the members here with a license/car (either one of their own or one owned by someone else) what they drive.

So what kind of vehicle do you drive? Do you own it or does it belong to someone else? Is it expensive having one?

I have a 2002 Chevrolet Impala myself. It's second hand, but I own it. It's starting to get expensive since it's now 8 years old and has 200,000+ km on it. I actually just got through replacing both springs on the front (which cost $370) and I still need to get together another $160 as soon as I can to replace the struts so that the springs don't break again. >.> It costs about $35 to $40 a week for gas, which is pretty good considering it's a large sedan and my regular driving distance for work is about 20 minutes.

Don't have any pics of it at the moment. I really would like to get it repainted though. It was originally a metallic bronze color, but it's now been worn down to a brown. >.>


Re: What do you drive?
Link | by Renma on 2010-03-09 18:07:30
Hmmmm, I Don't think I have one myself. Though I Often drive my mom and pops and sometimes go out for a spin. I Often drive these two though, a 2005 (I Think, I Kind of forget since I Actually only get to drive it like once every 6 months in my home country) Toyota Harrier and a (Forgot the year orz) Toyota Yaris. Well those two aren't that new |D but heck, at least something to drive if I Have to go somewhere far. Like going to a *cough* Friend's place or something like that.

Likewise, I Don't have any picts of it at the moment xDDD

Re: What do you drive?
Link | by on 2010-03-10 04:35:19
first i have a nissan serena,it's pretty expensive i must say x:.
it's cost 174$ a month for gas.
it's a mini-bus and pretty big,the transmission is matic.
it's a good car for those who have a big family

second i have a toyota yaris,it's a small car and have a good deal of price.
it's cost 140$ a month for gas,which is pretty cheap.
the car is pretty fast if i say myself.the tranasmission is manual.
i <3 this car most.

third i have suzuki APV,the price is average.
145$ a month for gas

i don't have any pic of it XDD

Re: What do you drive?
Link | by on 2010-03-10 22:03:33
@Cross - Do you drive much or very far? So far even your largest vehicle is cheaper on gas than mine.

@Renma - I've kind of taken my car for granted when it comes to those kinds of trips (to get or go over to friends). >.> I only recently started getting back out for walks and such. Pretty sure the car is making me less fit.


Re: What do you drive?
Link | by on 2010-03-10 22:17:03
I have had my license for nearly a year now, but I'm not going to get a car until my second year of university. I'll be driving my dad's old 2000 Malibu for awhile until I go buy my own car. It's in pretty good condition; still looks quite new.

Re: What do you drive?
Link | by devils-angel on 2010-03-11 02:39:46
I live in the city where owning a car is useless. XD

My parents have a Mazda (van) and a Kia (SUV). Both are nice, I don't know the damn models. XD
The Van is sexy though, and Kia's are really nice these days.
My dad used to have a Hyundai before I totaled that b****. :/


Re: What do you drive?
Link | by on 2010-03-11 06:23:30
@jonathan: yes i drive very often.did you think so?i think it's pretty expensive if you change to my country currencies XD

and i usually use my toyota yaris to go to school or mall.

i'm only use nissan serena when my friends is come along with me or when my sister use yaris x:,

and lastly i'm only use suzuki apv when both of my cars out of gas XD

Re: What do you drive?
Link | by on 2010-03-11 09:56:12
A '98 Caddy! It's a little Cadillac though, not a big one :)
I had a '96 Chevy Cavalier but I totaled it back in October in a horrible wreck. Boo me...
So I know how you feel about totaling a car DA haha.
Btw, you're lucky! I miss living in Boston where I didn't need a car at all, but now that I'm back in Texas where everything is so spread out, having a car is essential. It sucks having to spend so much on gas, and the risk of getting in a wreck is pretty high since I'm always driving so much.
Jonathon, I feel your pain about having to get things repaired on your car. On my Chevy that I used to have, I was always having to fix something. The power steering was continuously having problems, even after getting the pump fully replaced. That car had me stranded on the side of the road several times from other trivial problems too lol.

Re: What do you drive?
Link | by Renma on 2010-03-11 10:22:35
@Jonathan lol, not when your friend is in like, about 40 minutes drive xDDD And she kinda lived in somewhere unreachable by bus.. soo... Bus is no go xD and Walk? rofl, If only the air is good then I'm fine with it. But it's very polluted xD heck, I Wouldnt even want to take a walk at 7 AM. A lot of smokes are already around.

Re: What do you drive?
Link | by on 2010-03-11 15:54:31
@Sammeh - Yeah, I had to replace the pump on mine last year. I've never had mine break down while driving though. I've been lucky enough that whenever something went wrong it just acted up and held out long enough for me to get it back home. Since I've had the car, the pump has gone, headlights needed to be replaced, wipers needed fixing (they kept stopping in an upright position when turned off), rust checks every year, front springs have gone, struts need to be replaced, I really wish I had the kind of income needed for a new car. >.>

@Cross - Well what currency do you use and what's the price (per liter or per gallon) of gas where you are?

@DA - I really like Vans and Trucks, because I find them really comfortable and fun to drive. We used to have a Ford Windstar (way back before I could even consider getting my license) and that was a really nice vehicle to ride in. I guess for me it's mostly about the height of the vehicle off of the ground and the fact that you're in a more natural sitting position. Even though that's the case however, I would still take a car since it's much easier on gas, and I do not have a family to ferry around.

@Ren - Well of course. A 40 minute drive is way too far to walk back and forth at leisure. My friend is only like a 15 minute walk away, and I don't live in or near any large cities. ^^'

Anyway, this isn't my car, but this is basically what mine looks like (although I have black weather guards on the hood and doors). I don't really want to take a picture of my car at the moment, since it's starting to get to the end of winter, so it's all covered in dried dirt and stuff.


Re: What do you drive?
Link | by devils-angel on 2010-03-11 18:28:32
Yeah, my dad told me how much my mom has to pay for gas sometimes for the Van since she works far, nuts.
I don't even know the gas prices these days, especially back home.
I live in Center City, so everything is a bit more expensive, and with gas especially, every cent counts. It's sensitive for the economy.

I always wanted to try driving stick though, and also those types of cars are more fuel efficient.


Re: What do you drive?
Link | by on 2010-03-13 03:19:11
@jonathan: i use's indonesian currency

for yaris and apv it's only Rp.4500/liters

and for serena Rp.7200/liters

Re: What do you drive?
Link | by bdog1421 on 2010-03-17 10:18:25
Been driving a 2001 Ford Ranger for 5 years now. I just recently finished paying off my parents for it, so I now own it, and besides gas money... the upkeep has been really reasonable.

"Life's simple. You make choices and you dont look back" "All that matters is knowing what you really want... and going after it"

Re: What do you drive?
Link | by on 2010-05-06 19:04:22
I have a 2004 2 door Honda Civic EX handed down to me from my sister last June (she paid nothing for it so neither did I -o-)

Both my school and work are nearby my house (school is 3 miles, work is 5 miles), so I don't really have to fill up my gas that often or pay that much. Maybe $30ish dollars every two weeks.

There are some things I want to fix like replacing the entire bumper (courtesy of my sister when she owned it) and also the driver side mirror that has some noticeable scratches on it (also courtesy of my sister) and some little scratches here and there (mix of my sister, me, and people keying my car >___<) I am definitely grateful to have this car though <3

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