Registered:2006-04-21 12:16:25
Latest Activity:2015-11-13 10:57:13
Forum Entries: View All (151)
Buddies: has 4 buddies in list, is on 3 buddy lists
Request Votes: 67 total, 12 active
Song Ratings: View (74)
Battle Stats: Wins: 2, Losses: 1, Ratio: 66%, View Standing
Polls: 25 votes
About Me: Hey all. Name is Jin and im now 25... sigh. Hard to believe I signed up for Gendou when I was only 16, its been an awesome ride so far. I love anime music and all the wonderful anime it brings with it. I have been completely hooked on manga for several years now and I am usually broke because of my addiction. I am pleased to see that my book collection is quickly growing though. A wide variety of titles, and im always looking for new random manga to check out. I also love foreign films...mostly Asian. I cant get enough of the old martial arts films. I enjoy watching anime occasionally, but as I get older I find myself reading most first, and then watching the animation second. Well I hope to meet cool people on Gendou. ^^ Please dont be shy about messaging me to say hi. Meeting new people is always fun.
"Life's simple. You make choices and you dont look back" "All that matters is knowing what you really want... and going after it"

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