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11eyes is here!!
Link | by Provoltion on 2009-10-10 02:30:16
Yaaaaayyyyyyyy!!! At last 11eyes(Anime) is here!! XD

(Click the picture for the Full-size image)

Now starts at every Tuesday from 6-10-2009 in Japan.
For more information, you can see here.
But I haven't found any fansub that sub this anime yet. T_T
(If someone know the fansub that will sub this, please tell me okay? XD)

This anime is come from the Visual Novel, 11eyes ~Tsumi to Batsu to Aganai no Shoujo~.
But I don't know how the storyline goes though, I guess it has the same storyline like the Visual Novel ones.
I heard that the Visual Novel has a very good storyline, and someone that has watched the first episode of the anime said that it looks really promising.

I can't wait to watch this... XD


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Re: 11eyes is here!!
Link | by on 2009-10-10 03:33:06
yayyyy this anime is on my watch list!! XD
looks very interesting, i can't wait to watch it XD

the art is awesome and the storyline is great too :3

hmm the fansub... i found TMD and Wasurenai >.<

Re: 11eyes is here!!
Link | by esi_kerteh on 2009-10-10 05:27:56
Well, this is one good anime. TMD subs is nice. I like its OP as well. The art mignt be similar to Fate Stay Night and Shakugan no Shana, in my opinion that is.

Claimage bannerSignature made by Manglez

Re: 11eyes is here!!
Link | by Mou Hitori no Reen on 2009-10-10 06:27:05
Yup, this is one of the best anime in 2009 anime fall.. The graphic is good and the storyline is awesome..

Re: 11eyes is here!!
Link | by on 2009-10-10 07:59:15
Arrival of Tears, sing by Ayane...
hmmmmm... nice song... really

Re: 11eyes is here!!
Link | by DJ on 2009-10-10 10:27:02
the 1st episode already intresting~hope can faster release..dont 1 week 1 episode..cant wait that!!! ><


Re: 11eyes is here!!
Link | by on 2009-10-10 10:43:07
Yay for 11eyes. They're so cute. *_*

Ohai. I HAZ RETURN AS OF 18-APR-2020!

Re: 11eyes is here!!
Link | by Provoltion on 2009-10-10 18:00:14
*just finished watching 11eyes*

Woohoo!!! It's awesome! XD
100000000/5!!! XD
I can't wait to see the second episode already. XD

@Tatsu & Es
Thanks guys! ^^
Right after seeing you guys said that TMD sub this, I've searched for it and download it. XD

If you like Arrival of Tears, i think you might like Ayane's previous "Tears" series songs. ^^
Those are "Lunatic Tears..." and "Endless Tears...", both songs are for the OP of 11eyes too. (for the Visual Novel ones)

- Lunatic Tears... for 11eyes ~Tsumi to Batsu to Aganai no Shoujo~ opening.

- Endless Tears... for 11eyes Crossover opening. (the opening finishes at 2:00, the other 30 seconds are just advertisements)

Yeah, i'm 100% agree with you! XD


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Re: 11eyes is here!!
Link | by on 2009-10-11 06:22:44
Man, I saw the 1st episode.. and it rocks! I'll be watching this one too this season XD

Re: 11eyes is here!!
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2009-10-12 22:25:17
11Eyes had a REALLY awesome first episode. Out of all the new anime this
season, it really stood out to me ( Along with Nyan Koi, Kobato, Inuyasha ).

It looks abit like Persona with the Red Night and those various monsters
looking like `shadows` ( And the main character looks almost like Persona 3's
main character! Rofl ) but no matter the similarities, it is a really great
start. Hopefully this anime will be as good as Im expecting it to be.

Re: 11eyes is here!!
Link | by on 2009-10-13 00:30:43
one of the anime that caught my eye when the list was released +_+
gotta love this, prolly because of the art's from a VN XD
gonna watch this, but my lame internet won't let me so i'll have to wait longer...

Re: 11eyes is here!!
Link | by on 2009-10-13 02:49:41 (edited 2009-10-13 02:52:46)
omg this anime is awesome, i really like it

lol i was just about to say the same thing about the Persona 3's Dark Hour
the moment the 'red world' appeared, the Dark Hour came to my mind
and the monster that appear seems to be similar to 'shadow',
and yeah, the male character looks a bit like Minato too hmmm... lol

your welcome ^^

i can't wait for the next episode already~XD

Re: 11eyes is here!!
Link | by on 2009-10-13 10:17:41
Heh...Seems every 5pb.(console ports) title tends to eventually be turned into an anime series. From Night Wizard to Memories Off to Chaos;Head & now 11eyes.

The releases of LASS are usually very dark & supernatural & 11eyes is no exception. It'll be interesting to see how the anime adaptation handles the complexity & overall seriousness of the orignal VN. For those who have experienced the original game this is not your kids anime, the character designs may look so adorable & cute but don't let these fool you. Yukiko Hirohara is one you have to keep your eyes on O_O!!! There are some pretty violent moments in the original (one in particular comes to interesting if the anime uses it).

Looking at the seiyuu cast they seem to be ported over from the XB360 version...though Mai Goto is a veteran of VNs since she was also in the ef series. I'm very interested in seeing perhaps one of the HOTTEST & SEXIEST 'teacher' characters in any VN i've played, Saiko-sensei!!! Her first impressions in the orignal were very seductive....her get-up screams sexiness...c'mon you can see her garter-belts! She is voiced by Chiaki Takahashi who i really enjoyed in BlazBlue (Litchi aka.Booby Lady).

Also seeing the 'Black Knights' in action as well will be a treat for me.

The only thing i'm concerned about is the 13 episode (scheduled) time frame. I know i should be use to these but a story as deep as the one in 11eyes it may not be enough. Hopefully the studio will be able to give the series the attention it truly deserves.

Re: 11eyes is here!!
Link | by Aramis on 2009-10-14 15:39:47
Well, from playing the game I'm not sure if I should be suprised that 11eyes turned into an anime. Many of the scenes had me think "Hmm, this would work great in an anime", but the story just kind of collapsed towards the end. I certainly hope the anime won't follow the original story too closely and just focus on making it work.

Re: 11eyes is here!!
Link | by on 2009-10-15 23:13:07 (edited 2009-10-19 10:03:36)
True the end was a tad of a letdown but for me personally the buildup was what made the VN enjoyable. Finding out the reasons for what was happening was the best part of the story which i will of course refrain from mentioning since it may be spoilers.

What i like to see from the anime adaption is that buildup...they can alter the ending or whatever they feel like that doesn't matter to me. However if they mess with the 'buildup' i would be pretty disappointed.

Some VN anime adaptaions will stay the course (ie: the animes of Key Visual Arts) while others tend to alter the overall story like they did with Princess Lover (the changes to that anime was really enjoyable), SchoolDays, etc. It would be interesting to see if 11eyes will follow suite. Though seeing the opening sequence there will be some similarities to the original. However like i said in my last post i just hope they use the 13 scheduled episodes wisely & not rush it along. Tayutama which i was eagerly anticipating was rushed imo & that ruined what was a decent story.

A couple of days ago was able to hear the full version of "Arrival of Tears" & though there are parts of the song that are very good, i still prefer "Lunatic Tears" as the best song of the series. The beginning of the song is epic with the choir chants, what felt a bit out of place was the middle of the song when the violin starts. To me it didn't fit the feel of the song as much as i thought it would. I still like it but i was hoping for a bit more...

Re: 11eyes is here!!
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2009-10-19 17:03:39
Thought I'd stop by and talk about episode 2, since I never played/read the
VN's or anything. Anyway, episode 2 was really enjoyable; and I liked the fact
that it showed how those in the red night had power.

Those Black Knights look pretty powerful, so hopefully the build up to that
battle will be good. Sad that this anime is only getting a normal length of like
12 or 13 episodes? Hopefully it continues to go well for a season 2 to come out.

I wonder if the main character ( I keep forgetting his name ;_; ) will get that
sword the new girl is using, since you see him use it in the opening. I wonder
how that will work though, since the girl is already using Raikiri ( She called it that I believe. )

Re: 11eyes is here!!
Link | by on 2009-10-19 18:32:51
episode 2 was nice, but somehow it's a bit weird for me with the sudden emotion change
the musics was awesome during the battles, i really like it

the girl that appeared suddenly was a bit creepy though lol
watching the show at night sure brings it to life XD

Re: 11eyes is here!!
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2009-10-23 01:10:23
Episode 3 been out for a few days, watched it like the moment it came out but
forgot to drop by here! Haha, but anyway, it's shaping up rather nicely. I loved
how there are actually 5 swords instead of just the Raikirin blade, and that they
were all won in battle. Adds some depth to the weapons.

It also means, perhaps when Kakeru gets stronger with a sword he will win the
Raikirin blade off the girl; since he is seen weilding it in the opening.

Also, HE NEEDS TO AWAKEN SOON! D: ... As cool as the episodes are, they are
dragging on his awakening of the powers for Kakeru for so long. I expected them in episode 3 ~ u-u;

Re: 11eyes is here!!
Link | by on 2009-10-27 10:46:25
After downloading the first 3 episodes i finally been able to see them one after the other. Here are some of my thoughts of the anime so far.

The op/end songs as i posted before are very good. Ayane does a nice job on the opening theme & the short version i found more to my liking than the actual full song. Asriel also does a good job though in every song they did for the series it is always slow but has a nice atmosphere to them.

The animation quality is pretty high for an eroge adapted series. Coming from the guys who did Eureka 7 i expect nothing less. The opening sequence showed quite abit reference to the original story so it maybe a faithful adaptation with maybe some minor changes to improve an already good story.

Character designs are true to the original, of course seeing Saiko-sensei in all her 'bouncy' glory was truly a sight to behold...& stare....& drool.....(ahem). The few scenes with the Black Knights as well were also well done, with episode 3 showing them in full action though a tad brief. It also looks like we'll see Yukiko do her stuff :D

I'm so far liking the direction the anime is taking the original premise & look forward to seeing them reveal more about the great middle half of the story.

@ Shuy-san
Seeing Kakeru all of a sudden reveal his powers so early in the anime seems like what i feared....them rushing things to fast. True if the series is the scheduled 13 or so episodes it may seem right to have hime awaken by episode 3 however that to me feels like rushing things. There were signs of him awakening in episode 3 which may well have him do so by at least 4 or my guess by episode 5.

Re: 11eyes is here!!
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2009-10-27 19:15:42
Yeah, it's true it would be rushing things, but the fact the anime isn't that
long means him awakening wouldn't be a bad thing. Unless however they intend
to whip out another season, then I'm ok with him not awakening.

I just figured that he would need this power to fight the Black Knights, but
I see they are already starting to fall in battle. Hopefully they make the rest
of the episodes real enjoyable like they have been; and it gets a 2nd season.

I can't wait for 4 to get subbed, it's ouuuuut, but in RAW form *~* ...

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