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Disney buys Marvel (Just In!!!)
Link | by on 2009-08-31 11:27:50
You read it right...Marvel has gone to the dogs.

Part of the new age Gendou RP veterans: Kira, Rukia, KM Revolution, Smoker, Avian, L, and Ryu.

Re: Disney buys Marvel (Just In!!!)
Link | by on 2009-08-31 11:35:00
Haha. (article)

What a sad, sad day T^T

Re: Disney buys Marvel (Just In!!!)
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2009-08-31 11:47:55
Indeed very sad D:
Like a friend said joking:
"Now we will see marvel movies without one drop of blood"

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: Disney buys Marvel (Just In!!!)
Link | by on 2009-08-31 11:59:11
Thinking of that... I'd was saying :
Is Marvel gone nuts???
Well, we'll see about that...

Re: Disney buys Marvel (Just In!!!)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-08-31 13:27:19
This will fail horribly. Marvel purchased by the same company that edited out the smoking caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland?
Disney's perspective is acquiring "properties" and being able to "leverage" entertainment "synergies". Death to the mouse.

Death to the mouse! Wow, true geek-fans of Marvel Comics are rioting.

Check out this "joke" someone from Disney said, ""Spider-Man will appear in 'A Bug's Life' sequel," joked Barclays Capital analyst Anthony DiClemente."
My hatred for Disney is already great, now this is ridiculous, and I used to buy Marvel's comics when I was younger, too. :/

Disney bought Marvel Comics but not Marvel Studios, so films like Spider-Man 4 won't be involving Disney (hopefully)?
Though Marvel Studios might be affected now that Marvel Comics is owned by Disney. D:
Disney has a bunch of branches in films like Walt Disney Pictures, but every Disney is the same, right?

If SP4 gets messed up, I'll flip, but I won't get too over eager right now, and that's about 2-3 years later...
I bet you're going to see something like Kingdom Hearts now, but all I can do is shake my head.


Re: Disney buys Marvel (Just In!!!)
Link | by on 2009-08-31 14:11:33
@DA: Bro knowing Disney and how business works, Marvel studio's is bought as well. But damn this is a shock. I wonder how this would effect thE Marvel Universe. If what you quoted in your post is true, Marvel fans like me will get a kick in da Ballz.

Part of the new age Gendou RP veterans: Kira, Rukia, KM Revolution, Smoker, Avian, L, and Ryu.

Re: Disney buys Marvel (Just In!!!)
Link | by chaosvegeta666 on 2009-08-31 14:26:57
This is frickin' BS man!!! I LOVE Marvel and NOW...AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

darkness is the vail that holds the truth. open your eyes and let the true world be seen, if you dare think you can handle it. i am the darkness within your heart. i know what you fear, and what you really are. --Myself-- -->

Re: Disney buys Marvel (Just In!!!)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-08-31 14:46:20
[@kiralight] It's clear they made the purchase of Marvil Comics, but nothing about "Marvel" as the brand.
If they bought "Marvel", that's taking the icing off the cake, and for sure the next 2 SP movies and future X-Men movies or whatever, would be in jeopardy.

If they bought Marvel Studios, it'd only blend into Walt Disney and the name would vanish.
And of course this is definitely going to change things, cause Marvel was popular and started from, yep, their comics.

Now the question is if their comics will remain the same, or just totally blow since the artists would be put heavily into consideration here.


Re: Disney buys Marvel (Just In!!!)
Link | by on 2009-08-31 16:54:23
I would assume Disney would let the Marvel Universe continue as is, but Disney is a family/kid based would look bad for Disney to own a franchise that is bassically revolved around fighting and nonestop bloody action. They just might put a cork in the screw for the upcoming Marvel comics...

Part of the new age Gendou RP veterans: Kira, Rukia, KM Revolution, Smoker, Avian, L, and Ryu.

Re: Disney buys Marvel (Just In!!!)
Link | by on 2009-08-31 18:08:52
This is really messed up. IS Disney going insane? First they start making anime, now they buy out marvel?! What's next? Square Enix?! Maybe even Bandai-Namco! Disney's getting REEEAAAALY greedy lately in my opinion.

Tales of FC

Re: Disney buys Marvel (Just In!!!)
Link | by chaosvegeta666 on 2009-09-01 07:31:00

darkness is the vail that holds the truth. open your eyes and let the true world be seen, if you dare think you can handle it. i am the darkness within your heart. i know what you fear, and what you really are. --Myself-- -->

Re: Disney buys Marvel (Just In!!!)
Link | by on 2009-09-01 09:27:21
For the long time purest fans of Marvel this may seem like the end of the world. However you must remember that the Disney brand consists of other subsidaries that the Marvel acquisition will fall under.

Everyone is worried that being under the Disney brand that anything Marvel will be watered down...however remember Disney also owns Miramax films which has done such classics as Kill Bill & Gangs of New York. Also Pirates of the Carribean franchise is also done by Disney. So it's not all that bad if you think about it really. The only thing Disney will really care about is if Marvel will continue to make long as it does i don't see them interfering with them. It is only when Marvel starts to struggle that Disney will force their will.

What i heard all projects/films that are under contract with other companies will still be a go. Any future projects involving Marvel franchises will eventually be under the Disney brand.

We'll see in the near future whether this will benefit either side.

Re: Disney buys Marvel (Just In!!!)
Link | by chaosvegeta666 on 2009-09-01 14:03:35
@Izumo: not to sound like n A-hole, but. if disney owns just the comics or the entire marvel company the future movies are FU*$ED, BECAUSE the movies are based on the comics. and iron man is a foul mouthed drunkard, and there is NO WAY that disney would make a foul mouthed drunkardas a frickin roll model for kids.

@all: 1st off if the future movies ARE F*$&KED OVER by Disney, im gonna blow them all to fricken hell. and thats a damn promise. not a threat, a PROMISE.

darkness is the vail that holds the truth. open your eyes and let the true world be seen, if you dare think you can handle it. i am the darkness within your heart. i know what you fear, and what you really are. --Myself-- -->

Re: Disney buys Marvel (Just In!!!)
Link | by arabbel on 2009-09-01 14:14:49
@Drake - Izumo stated quite accurately that Disney owns Miramax, which did, among other things, Kill Bill. A foul mouthed drunkard at its most basic idea is a lot better than a vengeful assassin who is killing everyone in the goriest ways possible.
If they allowed a movie to be created where you watched as a woman rips out and eyeball and steps on it, I think some other harsh materials will allowed. Disney owns a lot of stuff that is not aimed just at children, and I would assume this will be one of those things. After all, it would be more lucrative as is that as a child's franchise.

However, if they do create a bunch of childish crap out of Marvel, I'll be glad to help you with that whole blowing to hell part.

With love, Arabbel My Youtube Channel

Re: Disney buys Marvel (Just In!!!)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-09-01 15:06:30
[@Haseo] Square Enix? Namco? It's always a possibility, but I don't see this ever happening at all.
Disney has the money now to purchase nearly everything with their earlier decade success,
but I think they're going to just stay within their roots AKA stay in the US! That's a whole different story...

[@Izumo/Drake] You are right, they do own Miramax films, but that's a whole different studio and crew.
With future projects (and even past projects) like the great Spider-Man series, Disney nor Miramax (as far as I know anyways) were never involved.

And about future movies being messed up, stated from you, Drake, it's a possibility, but the comic brand of Marvel and studio brand are two separate branches within Marvel.
Disney bought Marvel Comics, yeah, but not Marvel (entirely, which would definitely be most than 4 billion $) or Marvel Studios.
And even though Disney owns Marvel, there's certain limitations to what they can do.
Original characters already created from Marvel comics are done and done, you can't change anything about them,
because you still have the people that produces their characters, so if they suddenly want to "Disney~fy" their character, Spider-Man could be "shut down", or something similar, I'm sure.

I'm not sure how Marvel (the main HQ) is involved in future up-coming creations now,
but I don't see much happening (except future releases being similar to Kingdom Hearts into a movie or something with Marvel and Disney characters).
As far as I know, all money made from Marvel comics, will be going through them, and now to Disney.

Marvel Studios is still their own filming company, and I don't see future movies like Spider-Man 4 being ruined, by Disney anyways.
One can only hope that's right, but maybe Disney is trying to create an adult form of Disney now, by using Marvel comics?

It's only been the second day so far, but I'm sure everyone is still upset with what happened.


Re: Disney buys Marvel (Just In!!!)
Link | by giantorangepushpin on 2009-09-08 10:32:25
*drops dead as Disney ruins super hero movies....* I LOVE Disney, just not with Marvel Comics!!!!

Re: Disney buys Marvel (Just In!!!)
Link | by on 2009-09-08 12:22:50 (edited 2009-09-08 12:39:36)
Though I too think Disney's pretty greedy, I don't think anyone should be afraid just yet.
Just because Disney bought Marvel, doesn't mean that Marvel movies will be produced by the same people who made High School Musical.
Like DA said "Marvel Studios is still their own filming company, and I don't see future movies like Spider-Man 4 being ruined, by Disney anyways."
For example, Disney owns Pixar, but Pixar still does it's own thing, in it's own studios. Pixar is responsible for the creation and production of it's material, while Disney is responsible for only the marketing and distribution. I'm pretty sure this will be the same with Marvel.
I'd also like to point out that Disney is capable of making decent action movies that aren't necessarily on a "rated G" level, like the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.
I totally understand hardcore Marvel fans seeing this as a sell-out move, but aside from nostalgia, I don't think there's any real reason to indicate this was a bad idea.

Re: Disney buys Marvel (Just In!!!)
Link | by on 2009-09-09 19:51:30
Ahaha, you have no idea how horrible I felt when I knew about this...

The only thing I dislike about the whole buying thing, is, well, the buying thing. Marvel will probably still produce great quality stuff like Pixar has been doing, but I really hate the whole "ooh, it's Disney not Pixar" thing. :P I hear that a lot.

I don't hate Disney or anything, don't get me wrong, I just don't like how it's buying everything. :/

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Re: Disney buys Marvel (Just In!!!)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-09-09 22:45:31
I'd laugh if they bought like ADV or something. rofl.

...of course, I don't want that to ever happen, haha, even lay off the dubbing companies.


Re: Disney buys Marvel (Just In!!!)
Link | by on 2009-09-10 04:59:03
Why would you laugh?! That would the worst thing ever!

I was really shocked when I found out Marvel Comics was bought by Disney.

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