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Discrimination against Otakus and Related Genres
Link | by suzumiyamika on 2007-12-26 04:13:36
Sad how people discriminate us otakus/anime fans just because of certain reasons.
I myself, experience such almost everyday. No, not just otakus, all people in general.
Ah, the heck I care about what the world thinks--we have found happiness in these things, and we know we aren't harming anyone by doing so, so it's okay. >:3

I get weird looks just as much as I get called cute when wearing my Haruhi headband in public places or at school. Sometimes, if I'm lucky, I get called Haruhi, LOL.

What about minna-san?
Any odd, humiliating, painful, or humbling experiences related to discrimination?
Share it with us, then, if you want to.

Re: Discrimination against Otakus and Related Genres
Link | by gant on 2007-12-26 07:20:05
Well, out here in the anime-starved waste grounds of India, i don't believe that discrimination between otakus and other types of fans is possible, but considering the country's long history of intolerance, I think that if otakus did start to crop up, they would be looked down upon. Parents here don't think it's odd if a kid emulates Shinchan, but they will definitely object to a 16-year-old going around wearing "weird" clothes and mouthing strange dialogues. They think it odd if grown kids read manga or watch anime.
But Mika-chan, you have urself posted the reply to ur own dilemma. The best-and only-way for otakus to coexist is to not give a f*** about anything and just do their own thing. That is the best.
P.s. I'm sorry about the Haruhi headband thing. Where do u live, BTW?


Re: Discrimination against Otakus and Related Genres
Link | by 聖竜 on 2007-12-26 19:38:19
Being an otaku is fine to me. That is, as long as you don't talk about "lol zomg liek ~~~ is so kewl n luk at dat chars bubbies lololol" 1 hour straight, of course. I draw the line there.

What I can't stand are the fangirls.

"omg itachi-sama so kawaii!!!"
You get the point.

Re: Discrimination against Otakus and Related Genres
Link | by suzumiyamika on 2007-12-26 20:08:43
Especially the obsessive ones.

Re: Discrimination against Otakus and Related Genres
Link | by × on 2007-12-26 23:33:25
just think that they discrimanate you just because they're jealous coz you're cool~

Re: Discrimination against Otakus and Related Genres
Link | by on 2007-12-26 23:49:18
yeah it's kinda weird, people find happiness in reading, or shopping, etc. but when you find happiness in anime and manga and all that, they discriminated you....

it a sad world indeed

being happy and sad at the same time

btw it's good that you don't care. cause some do and they denied themselves because of it

Re: Discrimination against Otakus and Related Genres
Link | by on 2007-12-27 00:02:00
Hm.. I don't know if this counts but...

someone told me that if you're into anime, you mature less. and he said it with 100% confidence that he's right. and other people who were also with us agreed with him. (all of them looking at me)

I just shrugged it off anyways...

Re: Discrimination against Otakus and Related Genres
Link | by Sheryl on 2007-12-27 00:02:50
there are many people in my school who're discriminate against otakus.
they'll say something like:'omg why you do that?that's so funny man...'etc..
and they even slander you in other websites.
Don't care about them,because they're 'innocent'!

Re: Discrimination against Otakus and Related Genres
Link | by suzumiyamika on 2007-12-27 00:31:33
Innocent? More like ignorant, my dear. >:3

Re: Discrimination against Otakus and Related Genres
Link | by on 2007-12-27 06:42:12 (edited 2007-12-27 06:42:35)
my parents told me this before i entered college...

mom: now that you're entering college, are you going to let go of all this anime stuff?

dad: yeah, i think its about time you grow up...

~ as if anime wuz only for kids, *sighs* ~

Re: Discrimination against Otakus and Related Genres
Link | by Immortal on 2007-12-27 08:37:45
I only got a few words for this...

Anime is serious business! never underestimate what an Otaku can do!

theres nothing wrong about being an Anime fan. its just like a hobby or a trend of fashion. other people just don't understand because they don't know the feelings of beibg an Otaku. if your happy with it then stick with it! screw everyone who tries to discriminate you! your living your life and your happy with it!

I also hate it when they think Anime is just for kids.

Never forget the one whom you truly loved the most. People change but memories will never fade

Re: Discrimination against Otakus and Related Genres
Link | by Formerly known as Lucymaniac. I still luv you, Lucy! on 2007-12-27 08:48:31
I'm facing that same problem, Shizue-Chan. I'm going to college in January, and my grandma took it upon her self to "donate"(more like throw away) my manga away while I was at work. She calls it "foriegn foolishness". I can't even spend my OWN MONEY that I worked hard for on Anime, Manga, or other Otaku materials without facing her biting words when I come home. I would understand if I blown my whole check on this, but I only buy it after bills and necessities are taken care of. It was things like this that made me hide my love of anime in high school, but now I don't care what people think.


Re: Discrimination against Otakus and Related Genres
Link | by on 2007-12-27 15:34:25
>lucy maniac: yeah, it's not about what other people think anyway, at least today, my parents don't say much about the issue, i guess they've taken their hands off it ^_^ and at least, us, being anime addicts is a good kind of addiction , compare it to others out there who gets addicted in unpleasant things like drugs, etc... ^_^

Re: Discrimination against Otakus and Related Genres
Link | by Sheryl on 2007-12-27 20:33:45
@lucy maniac-san:
haha..I just can't stand for this words-'foreign foolishness'..Anime/manga is a kind of artistic production,you can't discriminate someone who loves to enjoy it.We need to follow our heart and not what everybody else expects.

Re: Discrimination against Otakus and Related Genres
Link | by × on 2007-12-28 22:33:11
Not all people discriminate against otakus...

besides nothing's wrong with otakus, so just don't care of the ppl who discriminate you~

Re: Discrimination against Otakus and Related Genres
Link | by Ryuusei on 2007-12-29 21:45:31
who cares if they discriminate us? they just doesnt know how great it is to become an otaku....

we have the ability to search and find in the net so fast (esp anime info)
we can learn japanese w/o taking course....

im proud being an otaku

there are only 2 things infinite, the universe, and human's stupidity

Re: Discrimination against Otakus and Related Genres
Link | by aolas on 2007-12-30 00:27:30
yeah i have same opinion like Ryuusei, i dont care what people think about me, or the other otaku. as long as they dont discriminate us with force,if they do that maybe i will write their name in death note (if it really exist)hehehe...
long live for all otaku

visit for your usual dose of seiyuu pics

Re: Discrimination against Otakus and Related Genres
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-12-30 00:30:24
I don't really have anything against them.
But it's really funny when you see them in anime though. I just have a good laugh about it. ;P


Re: Discrimination against Otakus and Related Genres
Link | by fourier on 2007-12-30 02:24:08
I just don't tell anybody I'm into anime. Solves all my problems, but since I live in a largely Asian (albeit mostly Korean) city it probably wouldn't change anything if I came out of the closet.

10 more years!

Re: Discrimination against Otakus and Related Genres
Link | by on 2007-12-30 04:00:51 (edited 2008-01-03 18:53:47)
Discrimination against otakus. Heh. If they call anime fans strange, might as well call people who watch American adult-oriented cartoons strange also.
Seriously, what's so strange with being an anime/manga fan (unless those like Seiryuu mentioned, the obsessive fangirls/boys). They're the strange ones, calling not strange things strange.

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