Formerly known as Lucymaniac. I still luv you, Lucy!
Registered:2005-07-13 17:03:51
Latest Activity:2025-02-09 21:34:13
Forum Entries: View All (155)
Buddies: has 8 buddies in list, is on 15 buddy lists
Requests: 2 past
Request Votes: 26 total, 0 active
Song Ratings: View (3)
Contributions: 2 pending, 1 accepted, 0 rejected
Uploads: 1 uploads, 0 pending, 0 points total
Crypto. Challenges: View All 1 challenges completed, 200 points earned
About Me:
Whats's up, fellow Gendouians. Thanks for stopping by my profile. I've been on Gendou for a while, though it's been off and on. I've been neglecting my account, so I thought it would be time to catch up on it. Many of you might recognize me as Lucymaniac!. Well I had to change that name, it was too girly for me, lol. Mr. Music is much more fitting. I'm a music education major and music is pretty much my life. Speaking of music, I guess I should list my favorite bands. Recently, I've been listening to Lm.C. Pretty good band. Also, I've been listening to Dir en grey, Maximum the Hormone, Dio(Distraught Overlord), and a lot of other things. If it sounds good, I'm going to listen to it. I'm just an anime and manga loving guy. Been watching and reading it my whole life. I'm also a regular convention goer, so if you go to A-kon in the U.S, look out for me. I'm pretty shy, so I'm mostly in the forums. I rarely ever come into chat, but when I do, I hardly say anything. Trying to break out of my shell, though.

I have a youtube channel. Check out my anime room, it's pretty sweet!.

I'm on Skype now too. Look for mugenkuroi.

Also I've been experimenting with shoutcast. Here's the link! I'm Online from 9:00 pm-12:00am CST whenever I have the time. But try the link to see if it's on. Unfortunately, I'm using my computer as a server, so I can only have 4 listeners @ a time. I'm purchasing a server next month so I'll keep you updated on it.

Well I'll write more later. Thanks again for stopping by.

Free shoutbox @ ShoutMix

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