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What makes you WEIRD?
Link | by on 2007-05-05 11:04:19 (edited 2007-05-05 11:05:37)
I am sure we are all weird in some ways (some of us are weirder than other, I am afraid ^__^)

So what are some of the thing you do or say that make you or your friends think you are weird?

I will start first.

When I am waiting for someone (usually in public/especially in public :P) I like to stand and balance on one leg. One time, one of the clerk saw me do that and said, "you know, there is a restroom at the back of the store if you really need to go that badly."

You might ask why on earth do I do that? 1) was bored waiting. 2) I was practicing my Yoga pose. I don't waste my time idling. ^__^

Re: What makes you WEIRD?
Link | by on 2007-05-05 11:13:38 (edited 2007-05-05 13:01:17)
Well, I like to have my nails really long (weird, yes) so I grow them out. People always say it's gross to have nails that long. ><
When I am thinking, I push my hair back, and up. XD So, my hair goes all over the place and falls all around the part.
Also, when I think, I chew on my lip until it bleeds. ><
When I get stressed, I pick at my skin (usually my arm).
Most of my friends think that I am weird because of my anime obsession. They just don't understand.
I still watch Sponge Bob Square Pants and can quote nearly every episode word for word.
And lastly, when I get angry, or depressed, I beat my head on walls, lockers, desks, tables, anything that is there, really. ><

Now you know how weird Eureka is. VERY weird.

I forgot, if somebody even pretends that they are going to tickle me, I start breaking into hysterics, and pleading for them to stop. One time, I did this for about five minutes, and was in tears. Ask Schala. She does this all of the time. When people actually DO tickle me, I thrash around. ><

Re: What makes you WEIRD?
Link | by on 2007-05-05 11:17:27 (edited 2007-05-05 11:19:43)
Ahahah xD
I'll tell FEW weird things.

Let's start.

Weird act no1:
If my brothers tease me (they poke me, right under my ribs, and that hurts!!)
I usually start rolling on the floor and put my head under the nearest bed.

+ Sides of that act: I get some weird pleasure from doing that and I start laughing hysterically

- Sides of that act: I usually bang my head at the bottom of that bed when my bros continue poking me. I can't help it T___T

Weird act no2:
If im iddling somewhere (usually at school) I start to play with my phone, and
act like I would be writing a text message. Just to make people think that there
is actually somebody who is missing me! And wants to talk with me!
In reality I play SnakeII.

+ Sides of that act: I have unbreakable Highscore!!

- Sides of that act: It's pathetic T___T

There is two for you, lols >:3

@Eureka I used to be violent towards books. And cats. T.T
And I stil watch Spongebob too xD omg

Re: What makes you WEIRD?
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-05-05 12:31:05
What makes me weird? Lessee...
1)I wear hairclips at home
2)When I open up the CPU box, they say I have this weird 'Evil Scientist' look
3)When I played Guilty Gear X in an arcade, I could beat someone who's a pro, but I couldn't beat the last stage Dizzy...
4)I will always stand under the shower for a few minutes while staring into space...and I have no idea why...
5)I don't know if this is weird or not, but whenever I buy a drink and brought it back home, the drink will sit there for hours, and yet...the water level didn't decrease by much...
6)When I'm in deep sleep and someone enters my room, I tend to grab the alarm clock immediately and almost throw it at that person(I was already wide awake when I was about to throw it. Scissors are now forbidden to be kept by my bed(my bed's connected to a shelf))...
7)I have headphones on wherever I go(except for bed or taking a shower)

Find me at Twitter and Google+

Re: What makes you WEIRD?
Link | by on 2007-05-05 12:41:28
what makes me weird is that im actually an all around person. i like all music cept country, i like sports, anime, games, art, people. the group i hang out with so diverse too. im the black guy, theres three mexicans, 1 asian, 1 muslim, and 1 white guy. i love how diverse my group is.


Re: What makes you WEIRD?
Link | by on 2007-05-05 12:50:02
Everything about me is weird. xD But I'm not weird enough if I'm not with my friends. :3

My deviantART!
Link (from LoZ) claimed by me!
Current obsession:
Icons from here

Re: What makes you WEIRD?
Link | by Wolf on 2007-05-05 17:27:23
I think I'm weird because of my short attention span and infinite imagination. I call it dumb puppy syndrome. In class, one minute I'm half asleep and the next I'm doing a chair handstand. Let's face it, my hobbies consist of defying the human comfort factor. You'd be hard pressed to find another human being that enjoys the simple things as much as I do.

Re: What makes you WEIRD?
Link | by imppy on 2007-05-05 18:03:52
What makes me weird? OSHA~!!!

1. Whenever I try to determine what letter of the alphabet comes next, I HAVE to sing the alphabet song [e.g, if I determine what letter comes next of R, I have to sing, Q R S...]

2. I have extreme mood swings, you will never know my true personality, if I feel emo 2 seconds after that I want to play Ps2 games, then after that I feel emo again.

Re: What makes you WEIRD?
Link | by on 2007-05-05 18:54:22
what makes Frat weird:

-has a weird name
-has a weird accent [not really, but I can try to make one :3]
-wears the most random clothes you may find
-snorts while laughing
-eats weird combinations of foods
-talks in a weird way
-is confusing
-has the most random stories to tell
-doesnt tie shoe laces [weird...I guess...XP]
-doesnt think before it speaks
-speaks what is in its mind [doesnt hesitate XP]

...will update later...must think of more weirdness. :3

Re: What makes you WEIRD?
Link | by on 2007-05-05 19:07:38
Pretty much the same as Imppy. I always have to play through the Alphabet song in my head to get a letter I'm looking for.

I have mood swings a lot, but not really like Imppy. I feel emo one moment, when I get to school I seem angry and barely speak but then later in the day I'm laughing or something while playing games.


Re: What makes you WEIRD?
Link | by on 2007-05-05 19:12:17
I'm acctually alot like Jon and Imppy, strange as it sounds. I have violent mood swings, happy one second, depressed the next, and furious another. Hehe. I too, have problems with the alphabet.

Another thing I do is, after spending so much time on the internet, before I go to speak something, I think of it as typing on a keyboard.

Re: What makes you WEIRD?
Link | by on 2007-05-05 20:15:26
@imppy, Jon, and Eureka: may be we should start a mood swing thread. ^__^

I used to have mood swing (caused by, among many things, low blood sugar) but now I am permenantly stuck in the happy mood. (No, I did not have a lobotomy)

Anyway, here are more weird things I realized I have been doing.

I love to go to the playground and swing. Normally that is not a problem, if you are a kid. Well, I am not a kid. (see my profile for age ^__^') And I just love it, and so does my other half. We go and swing at the playground almost everyday.

I love garlic, fanatically. I go through a bulb every week. It is an addiction. Not only that, I eat them RAW, with meal. I love the burning sensation as it goes down my throat. Yummm... :)____

Re: What makes you WEIRD?
Link | by on 2007-05-05 20:26:12
Whew, I'm glad I'm not the only one in the universe that has to do the alphabet thing. What's even weirder is that the phenomenon is only limited to English for me...when speaking/writing Russian this isn't a problem!

Ok, probably my biggest claim to wierdness tendency to insert science jargon into everything. It seriously gets to the point where I have to censor myself. And that's not all - I also make decorations out of science gravimetric flasks...methanol bottles...western blots...

Re: What makes you WEIRD?
Link | by on 2007-05-05 21:02:51
O.o wow so many people have to do the alphabet thing in their head like me....guess i am not alone...well what makes me wierd is:

- I always make it a must to correct my english(IF you would notice most of my posts are in perfect english) but no matter how i try i cant seem to do that for my chinese and maths -.-'...
- I am the best card player in my class probably 3/4 of my school (2k ppl) that plays card games wont be able to win me....when im outside i still win many people but no1 seems to recognize me....even in school i since i was 7 no1 ever praised me apart from my parents....and i hate to be ignored....sort of XP an i LOVE cards no matter what kind!
- Likes names that nobody has even thought of O.o
- Doenst care about looks.
- Im a guy but i just cant seem to LIKE a girl (I know some girls and they are friends but no relationship there) =.= my friends all call me wierd cause they are erm....sick in the mind?
- Talks to self alot
- Likes to collect things that may be deemed as useless to half the world -.-
- Loves to play fighting/ strategy/ shooting games>>>>depends on my mood if i am angry i go play Kof/ guilty gear/ street fighter and the likes and if i am happy i play shooting games like house of the dead/ counter strike/ time crisis.......and if i am so called "neutral" i play rts or rpg games like warcraft/ yugioh online/ diablo2 or watch animes =.= it all depends on my mood.

Re: What makes you WEIRD?
Link | by on 2007-05-05 23:03:12
Ummm let's see...what makes me a weirdo...

I can be extremely smart at school...but in real life...I'm such a clumsy girl...It's just ridiculous...people can't believe that I have no common sense, but I still have a 4.125 G.P.A. T-T

I love to give anime nicknames to people...(* are my Hotohori-sama! ^-^ Weird uh?)

I can be talking about something and totally switch the topic and then totally forget what I was talking about..

Talking nonsense is my speciality! ^-^

Uh I act in front on the mirror a lot...I like role playing...I just stand there pretending to be someone else...

I talk to myself a lot...

I create ficticious people on my head

I can laugh at the most stupid thing...

Ahh I can't remember what else...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: What makes you WEIRD?
Link | by on 2007-05-05 23:12:07 (edited 2007-05-05 23:12:23)
I stare blankly into space ( sometimes my mouth is slightly opened )while talking to myself...

Re: What makes you WEIRD?
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-05-05 23:15:13
weird im not weird...just because i take a flashlight at a dark room and wave it like a light saber with the whoosh sound effects (ala star wars kid) doesnt mean im weird...hahahaha

or takes a peice of tube and swings it like a katana!hahaha

Re: What makes you WEIRD?
Link | by on 2007-05-05 23:35:07
Hmmm.. weirdness ish cOOl ^^

me?? weird?? ^^

ahaha~ yeah.. me ish a weirdo.. and not low-level one xDD

what makes me weird??

hmmm.. let's start ^^

~ always smiling ^o^ [do you believe that??] not only here.. but also in real life ^^

~ often talking about something non-sense randomly.. yeap.. me ish "a lil bit" random.. loL~~

~ and just like Pame,, I change the topic in my conv very often..

~ nothingness..

Hmm.. I think that's all for now.. i'll share some others later ^^

Re: What makes you WEIRD?
Link | by sai on 2007-05-06 00:33:11
XD you guys are so cool!

What about me... I'm a guy but i like round, squishy, bouncy, cute things... Dunno why X3

About the spongebob thingy... That is a cool show, and you should be proud for liking it... XD

Re: What makes you WEIRD?
Link | by imppy on 2007-05-06 02:25:04
lol all hail the XD

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