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Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by Chibi Hitsu on 2007-04-25 17:10:30
so basically you throw and object at the next poster...not very specific am I...well

if A throws a cloud at me I do somethign to it and then I throw somethign else at the next poster, objects are allowed to be repeated.

I throw a text book at the next poster

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Da world go BOOM!

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-04-25 17:23:59
...*book hits on head*
*Sells book in Ebay*

*Throws a Postcard to the next one*

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-04-25 17:37:23
EEEP!! *paper cut*

I throw my sketch book at the next person.

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-04-25 18:32:34
*Starts drawing in sketch book :3*

*throws a pair of dirty socks at next poster*

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by Terror on 2007-04-25 19:03:22
*toss in river*

*throws a large amount of ice cubes*

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-04-25 19:06:23 (edited 2007-04-25 19:07:34)
*opens shorts*

Thanks, with this nose bleed... I need a better way to cool down. 8D

*throws Hirano Aya's high pitched, yet EXTERMELY UBER CUTE voice at... [the following poster]*

[edit] It's like some unrealistic transfer! o(~_~o)


Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-04-25 19:19:37
Male side thinks: *covers ears and tries not to vomit*

Female side thinks: Kawaiii!!!!! *picks up and hugs and swings DA wildly*

Male side throws: A knife.

Female side throws: a box of pocky.

.... =].... >=]

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-04-25 20:40:57
*catches knife in mouth and dodges Pocky, whopps*

*throws a pokémon at the next person*

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-04-25 20:43:35
Raaah!! *gives flying pokemon a roundhouse kick*

*throws a catfish at the next person*

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-04-26 00:13:34
cool.. Now I have somthing to eat

*fies catfish and eats it*

*throws Chuck norris at the next poster*

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-04-26 00:19:18
oh great, chuck norris..NOOO!!!!!!!
*ran away*

*throw an adult video at the fella below me*

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Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by forest on 2007-04-26 04:30:46
*gets Gash/Zatch to eat it*

Me: Go on, it's goood~ >:D

*throws an unlimited amount of Law of Ueki fanarts at next poster*

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-04-26 05:53:23
*Prepares a big net to catch all the fan arts*

*Throws a porcelain doll at next poster*

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-04-26 12:03:22
*runs* Ahhh! There things are uber scary!

*throws a collection of Kotoko cds at the next person*

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-04-26 12:12:58
* Impressively catches them all! Thanks for the music!!! ^_^
* Throws one of those round watermelons at the next poster *

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-04-26 12:55:22
*hits head...Ouch!!

Grabs the watermelon...actually thanks! I'll eat it ...hehehe...I was hungry!

Throws a Microphone to the next poster! ^-^

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-04-26 13:10:17 (edited 2007-04-26 13:10:40)
*grabs it in cool-mid air fashion and gives it to the due date of FaME's member-requested anime songs (to sing)*



*Throws a bottle of blood (from my nose)*


Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-04-26 14:12:06
*Runs away like mad before getting hit*

Waaahhhh!!!~~~ >.<

*Throws a pillow and a toy, then gives a hug* my best way of saying good night xD

Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-04-26 14:39:31
*hug back* Goodnight Reis

*throws a piranha to the face*


Re: Throw an object at the next poster
Link | by on 2007-04-26 16:49:41
*Uses Riceboks as a sheild* Huwahuwahuwa! Deflected!

*Throws a penguin at the next poster*

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