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Gendou's TCG(Battle cards on the way)
Link | by on 2007-02-10 07:58:07 (edited 2007-07-28 15:03:06)
Collect them all! Or be Gendowned. >:[

I'm stopping the card hunt thing and instead attempting to create battle cards for an actual trading card game. I only have 3 done right now, but I'm working on all the others. If anyone else is interested in making them then help is appreciated.


Re: Gendou's TCG(Battle cards on the way)
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-02-10 09:46:38 (edited 2007-02-10 09:47:32)
so the theme ofthe card are gendou is hright?
does that mean we can have rare user cards? i mean we can have the ultra rare gendou card or variations of member cards based on our previous sigs or need someone good at photoshop maybe nekomimi or imppy can help ya...

so we just collect the cards right?sounds cool!

Re: Gendou's TCG(Battle cards on the way)
Link | by on 2007-02-10 09:54:40
CARDS... Im in me a card lover... LOok out cards im gonna hunt you down.

Zaparticus is right if you need layouters. Nekomimi and/or immpy will be your best bets...

Re: Gendou's TCG(Battle cards on the way)
Link | by Huy on 2007-02-10 10:01:10
Really cool idea! xD

How many cards do you plan to release?

Re: Gendou's TCG(Battle cards on the way)
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-02-10 12:03:08 (edited 2007-02-10 12:03:22)
sound really funny, the clues will be like in the search game you made before?

lot's of clues, of just one clue per card?

what kind of cards will be?

anime cards i guess

Re: Gendou's TCG(Battle cards on the way)
Link | by on 2007-02-10 13:15:39
- Well these are the ideas of the cards so far that I have.

Members (There will be variations.)

Threads (Only if I can find a picture to go with them.)

Special cards that aren't members or threads like the Ban card, sig removed card and etc.

- I may make anime cards too, I need to see how many cards I can get made out of the above types.

- There will be card variants. For example there could be a DN card with his current avy, then there may also be a DN Noob card with his first avy on it and things like that.

- I don't know how many cards I will release. As long as I can keep coming up with ideas for them then they will continue to come out.

- There will be cards more rare than others. For those cards I will probably get Neko or Imppy to make a specialty layout/card for them.

- As for clues, some cards I will give hints too, others I may just give for certain reasons and some cards I won't say anything about and just let you either look for them or stumble upon them.

Finally, I'm working on an example card now.


Re: Gendou's TCG(Battle cards on the way)
Link | by Mokona, a slightly important patato (not a mod) on 2007-02-10 13:20:20
:) I really like the idea

if you want them I have templates for both Yu-Gi-Oh and Magic (the gathering) cards.

Hikari ga umare yami ga umareta fuatsu wa hitotsu :P Shikamaru

Re: Gendou's TCG(Battle cards on the way)
Link | by on 2007-02-10 14:35:53
oh cool. =D i like it!! ^^ they''ll be hidden all over the forum? =O
but i don't know what they look like...xD

are you going to post a sample one?

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Re: Gendou's TCG(Battle cards on the way)
Link | by on 2007-02-10 15:02:02
@Suzaku- Yeah. I said it two or three times that I would make one.^^;

Anyway, here's a quick one I did. It looks kind of plain. I copied the style of the site in terms of colors and such.

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Re: Gendou's TCG(Battle cards on the way)
Link | by on 2007-02-10 15:41:25
@ jon:
oh, sorry =P

oh coooool!! i like it! ^^

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Icons from here

Re: Gendou's TCG(Battle cards on the way)
Link | by on 2007-02-10 16:19:23 (edited 2007-02-10 16:27:07)
Alright, I made one card Limited Production and put it in two threads in the forum. Their little old but shouldn't be too hard.

The card your looking for is called Demented Lacus Clyne.

Card 1: Simple question, Lacus or Min?

Card 2: Pretty simple, I played her part for the entire story.

Currently there are only two cards out. I will hide a third card away when I find an appropriate thread for it.

For now there will be only 3 of these cards made. This is more or less a test run. The person who sends me a PM with the title of the thread the card is in first will be the one who gets it. So as soon as you find it send me a PM.


Re: Gendou's TCG(Battle cards on the way)
Link | by Mars-kun,that's right I'm not dead on 2007-02-10 16:23:47
LOL >< this is awesome, but I'm stupid and probably won't find any ><. It would be neat if you mead it into a battle game. =D

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Re: Gendou's TCG(Battle cards on the way)
Link | by on 2007-02-10 16:26:38 (edited 2007-02-10 16:28:06)
@Mars- I may when enough cards are put out. Although whether it becomes a battle game will be up to the members. If they want one then I'll make it. They aren't that hard to find. Actually if you find them you'll realize just how easy the clues were making it.


Re: Gendou's TCG(Battle cards on the way)
Link | by on 2007-02-10 20:33:17
Hey, this looks like a cool game, I'm on it too!!!
Jon is always having this nice ideas for games and threads... GO Jon!!!

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: Gendou's TCG(Battle cards on the way)
Link | by imppy on 2007-02-11 00:08:02

...eep~! TCG~! This is so cool dattebayo~! And the character I used in the RP was even used as a card~! Weeh~!!

Okay, where was I~? oωo well, I'll try to help Jon for making the cards tebayo~ anyway, his style of making that card was awesome enough~! It actually fits the theme of the forum tebayo~

Re: Gendou's TCG(Battle cards on the way)
Link | by on 2007-02-11 08:59:30 (edited 2007-02-11 12:03:23)
Alright, there are more cards added and their all hidden with the clues on the first post. I put out member cards as well as others. I'm going to make a forum card tonight.

I will be putting other cards out with different ways to get them.

If anyone has card ideas post them here.


Re: Gendou's TCG(Battle cards on the way)
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-02-12 06:50:06
damn, If Jon is posting this card during the night, I'm gonna have trouble get it them... I'm never online in the night *sob*

I took Pamne's card cause is very cool :P thanks jon

Re: Gendou's TCG(Battle cards on the way)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-02-12 17:43:51
hey, a TCG, sw33t does the back of the card looks like?

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Re: Gendou's TCG(Battle cards on the way)
Link | by on 2007-02-12 17:48:40
Currently I don't have a back card design. At the moment I don't think there is a need for it.^^;

@DN- I'll set things up in a way so you can have a chance too. I'll set activation cards eventually that are only able to be found at certain times.

@Bloodymoon- Oh yeah, if you want your own card (The one of you) just tell me and I'll send it. I'm going to allow each member to have possession of their own card without having to look for it.


Re: Gendou's TCG(Battle cards on the way)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-02-12 17:53:14
@Jon, kewl^^ send them to me! i've found one of my own card already btw

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