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Post your procrastination story!
Link | by mischa on 2006-12-09 20:49:55 (edited 2006-12-10 09:33:43)
I've decided this is going to be a thread for people to discuss their procrastination issues and so I want everyone to write up their lil procrastination story and we'll try and help each other out.

So I've got a big procrastination problem and kill myself over it, though I never am able to solve it.

A little info on myself is - I'm a wanna-be-better otaku. I have memory issues, my excuse - I'm a visual person ^_^. I'm not of any religion (leaning towards taoism and all that though) I want to move to Japan once I'm done college (Graphic Desgin Major - one year through and I'm 17). I decided out of my otaku-ness to take it full-on and become a.. otaking! xD Or well you know.. I'm going all out.

But anyway I'm having some crazy procrastination problems.. they're not that bad most of the time, but I still can't help but get all ocd about it. Oy.

Re: Post your procrastination story!
Link | by on 2006-12-09 21:34:52
Are you as bad as I am? Well, I think I'm bad.. but I dunno, never compared anyone else's procrastination. :s

Let's peer into the life of riceboks. :P

I started major procrastination in middle school. Okay, I procrastinated a lot towards the end of 8th grade because it meant the end of middle school.

Onwards to high school! I started my freshman year not knowing anyone at the high school. This was because I just moved to a new area. Anyway, I started doing work first quarter, but that soon waned around 3rd quarter. I just kept trying to do things last minute, and that didn't really work out. It made me get a 'C' in Geography, so I had to go to summer school to raise it to a 'B' (I got an A) so I could get into Algebra II.

Sophomore year. I just put off work way too much. I ended up failing 4/6 classes. Had to go to summer school for this as well. Even in summer school I procrastinated on a few things, but I got through the 2 classes with A's (you could only take 2 classes in summer school).

Junior year. Bah, I hated Junior year. I'll make the story short and say that I procrastinated so much, I didn't even pass the classes I had to make up (from Sophomore year).

Senior year, first semester I had to go to a remedial school to catch up. Then I reattended my high school for my last semester. Heh, since the passing grade is a D, I just did the minimum amount of work and got my diploma.

College? Holy crap, it's BAD. I screwed up my first year, went part time my second year, tried to take more classes and failed third year, and now ... I just screwed up this semester. :P

All because of procrastination. If you need a 'wake up' call of any sort, this is it. If you don't do your work, you CAN'T go anywhere. You'll be behind, and you'll blame yourself for it. And when you blame yourself for it, you'll keep saying that you'll just do it again. Then the days go by, months go by, and you're still where you are, procrastinating, trying to get by the easy way.

tl;dr riceboks had many bad, procrastination filled semesters. He is now expecting to be out of college in two to three years. DX

Re: Post your procrastination story!
Link | by mischa on 2006-12-10 09:32:38
Haha wow dude that must've sucked. I actually homeschooled and took a placement test to get into a community college at age 16 so I was already ahead of the game. Also the way my procrastination works is that I procrastinate to the last minute and then actually work my ass off and get everything done. But I can never seem to get the work done before it becomes a huge problem. xD But yeah, when there are few time limits I tend to procrastinate more. So it seems I need a bit more structure in my life.. but I hate it. xD I think everyone was only meant to do what they like doing, haha. So, maybe that's just the procrastination telling you that? xD

Anyway hey I have an idea! This thread will be for people to post up their procrastination problems- just to actually compare, cause I don't think anyone knows what level they procrastinate at compared to other people. So I'll change the title and tell people to post their stories.

Post away!

Re: Post your procrastination story!
Link | by Sekami on 2006-12-10 22:38:21
I'm in the process of procrastinating...and what a wonderful time it is...considering it's junior year and I'm so incredibly screwed if I don't bring my GPA up >.<...for the most part I usually don't procrastinate and I try to finish everything a couple days before it's due. However, I have had times when I decided to procrastinate just because I really did not care.

Project in 8th Grade: waited the night before and was forced to stay up all night to finish it (not fun =/)

9th Grade: Not much happened...pretty laid back year but amazingly I didn't procrastinate like crazy (only for a couple tests because my grades were already high enough so I could care less)

10th Grade: I screwed up this year so bad, I wished I had a time machine so I could go back...for some reason I constantly slacked off, didn't care for upcoming tests and my grades were slipping after every test. I managed to still pull off a decent GPA but not the one I expected (and I suffered from only getting 2 As 1st semester). 2nd Semester, I realized that if I didn't stop slacking off...I'd be screwed so it was a bit better (and my grades went up dramatically)

Now, I'm trying to fight it, but truthfully I despise school with such a passion that sometimes I just can't help but slack off and wait until the last minute.

Anyways, it's always been the lack of motivation that has held me back. I think I would be in such a better position right now if I actually felt more determined to do the work. Unfortunately, it's not the case for me.

Re: Post your procrastination story!
Link | by on 2006-12-12 12:16:31
I was walking down a corridor full of known procrastinators and I screamed PROCRASTINATORS UNITE!!!...TOMORROW!!!

Re: Post your procrastination story!
Link | by ysuke04 on 2006-12-12 13:53:44
I'd tell you if I had all the time in the world to tell you my life story.

Re: Post your procrastination story!
Link | by on 2006-12-12 18:46:45
@ ysuke04:
LOL!! nice one...xDD same here T_T

Right now I'm procrastinating...i have a page paper due tomorrow, and i still need to rework the first paragraph, add another page, and type up the bibliography in that stupid MLA format...-_-

My deviantART!
Link (from LoZ) claimed by me!
Current obsession:
Icons from here

Re: Post your procrastination story!
Link | by rematche on 2006-12-13 01:00:17 (edited 2006-12-13 01:00:33)
try talking to your parents...that's why they're here for.

Re: Post your procrastination story!
Link | by K i D on 2006-12-13 09:40:15 (edited 2006-12-13 09:41:39)
procrastination is the MOST powerful tool of the MEANOdevil to stop us from un-leashing our FULL POTENTIAL in life......
It's as though termites eating away our time...... =___=!

haha. what an analogy? well, i'm guilty of procrastinating at times..
still, once you're done with it...

laziness & procrastination brings one nowhere...

that's all i can say..... MOVE on & do something..

//wow... ^_________^

- It's NOT.thecolorofyour s k i n.|BUT|.thec o n t e n t sofyourHEART.that reallymatters -

Re: Post your procrastination story!
Link | by zparticus27 on 2006-12-13 09:48:23
procrastination is wrong...i know that,you know that,yet why am i still doing it...this feeling of doing things later...gah i hate it,yet im doing it...even if its something important or not i usually procrastinate...the problwm is i havent outgrown it yet... im 19 and still a procrastinator...kill me now!!!!!

seriously its time to move on!move dammit move!!!!

Re: Post your procrastination story!
Link | by K i D on 2006-12-13 10:27:42
@Zparticus: high^5!!!!!!!! Move on! LOL!.... great minds think alike......... haha.

//the ONLYconstant in life is C H A N G E ..

- It's NOT.thecolorofyour s k i n.|BUT|.thec o n t e n t sofyourHEART.that reallymatters -

Re: Post your procrastination story!
Link | by on 2007-06-21 16:48:19
In my high school, you only have to take half a year for the full Health course. I started Health at the second half of the year. Basically, we're given the entire half of the year to complete a project on ANYTHING related to the topic of 'health'. HALF A YEAR!!!

The student must have a final report, a 3-4 page essay, and a presentation (I used PowerPoint). I chose 'Leukemia' as my topic, among all of the upperclassmen who chose simple, widespread topics like 'heart disease' and 'sports drinks' and 'diabetes', things we had discussed in class. Pitiful, the lot of them.

I started and finished my preparation for the presentation the night before the day I would be presenting. So did everyone else, but mine was PERFECT compared to theirs. I knew more about their topics than THEY did! I have this weird ability to make it seem like I worked HARD on my work, when I really don't put more than an hour into it. Does that make me a procrastinating genius? Don't answer that. Rhetorical question.

Student participation was a must. At the end of the presentation, the students would ask questions. If the students didn't have any questions, the teacher would ask some. My presentation was so thorough that it struck the class speechless. At the end of the presentation, I turned to face the class, and spoke a little of relapses. At the very end, I asked "Any questions?" and the teacher (you should've seen the look on his face: O.O) said that I answered his question when I spoke of relapses. Cool, ne? I was the only student who wasn't asked questions.

I got a 39.5 out of 40 on the presentation. A 98 to 99 out of a 100!!! And do you know what caused him to take off half of a point?! Apparently, I didn't face the class enough, as I was staring at the screen the entire time, worried that if I even GLANCED at the class, I'd faint.


Can anyone beat that?

I was a person back then. I could smile and laugh and... feel. All the colors... all the hurt... all the laughing... it all went away. All of them.

They used words like brain damage... and cerebral trauma. But even then I understood. I was safe... safe from the bad thing.

Re: Post your procrastination story!
Link | by ribbitribbit froggy says buy it! on 2007-06-21 18:11:58
What's a procastrination?

Re: Post your procrastination story!
Link | by SCHALA on 2007-06-27 00:04:05
procrastination is when you make up excuses to get outta stuff.


Re: Post your procrastination story!
Link | by kattdesu on 2007-06-27 00:37:04 (edited 2007-06-27 00:39:22)
Well, I was going to answer this thread before...but then......

Okay, the short answer: My life. *phew* Now I can go back to procrastinating.

*BTW Gendou, thank you for the best procrastination tool I have come upon yet! :P*

Re: Post your procrastination story!
Link | by hime197 on 2007-07-08 20:08:24
I was going to study for final exams this year; I swore I would. I even planned to write a practice draft for all of my essays. Naturally I didn't do it.

I had SEVEN days to do all of that, but I spent most of my time watching Samurai X on Youtube. I procrastinated so much on the last day of exams, I missed my second-to-last test and I had to make it up on the first day of Summer Vacation.

Not fun... :'(

Re: Post your procrastination story!
Link | by on 2007-11-22 10:22:23
Lol, my story's stupid, because I wanted to make a group of procrastinators and talk about why we procrastinate, but when I did, the members didn't show up for another day xD Our group slogan is this:

Procrastinators unite!...Tomorrow xD

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