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Taking action
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-10-06 15:00:24 (edited 2006-10-06 15:01:12)
First off, I'd like to say that if you take offense easily and don't like criticism, then do one of the following :D

A: Read with an open mind, and reply with as little or no anger as possible XD
B: Don't read this thread ^_^;

* * * * * * * *

All right, there's a little attitude problem I've been seeing a lot of recently... An attitude of "Make my decisions for me, take care of me, and make sure I never have to go through anything painful or do anything about my current situation."

What good does that attitude give? Possibly this...
"I'm so worthless, I can't do anything to help myself..." *sniff sniff*
"Aww, don't be so sad! I'll do stuff for you and give you attention so you won't be sad!"

Sure, you may be getting more or less what you want... but think of it this way: If everyone had the same attitude as this, what would get done? Nothing! Everyone would wait for someone else to take action, and nothing would ever change. All it takes is a little effort, and you can start something good instead of spend your time idle.

Waiting for someone to give you what you want will rarely make you happy; after all, with a little bit of self-honesty and thinking, you can find out what you want from others. Remember, everything you do repetitively is something you're gaining from. I've addressed this more clearly in Personal Gain.

Now, let's say you're offended by me saying that I don't like the "Make my decisions for me" attitude. The major reason one would be offended by it is because one thinks I'm talking about him/her, correct? If you're offended, ask yourself this: Am I happy? If not, what can I do to change it?

You breed your own results in nearly all situations. For example, if you want people to like you and respect you, be someone that others would like or respect; Others don't have to like or respect you simply because you're you, they do it because you're someone to be liked or respected. If you want to be liked and respected, then find out what traits make someone likeable and respected, and then take those traits for yourself. You have control over your life, so take charge already! If your parents are abusive, carry a weapon and threaten to abuse them in return; if you don't do something, who will? (Note that I'm not entirely serious about this, this is just a random example to prove my point)

Also, note that absolute power corrupts absolutely; don't get a weapon and threaten to abuse your abusive parents because they're not treating you perfectly. No one's perfect, not even your parents. Treat them like you would treat yourself.

Remember this, and remember it well! Wishes breed desires, actions being results.

If all you do is think "I wish things were different," but never do anything about it, then nothing is achieved. If all you do is act with no results in mind, you won't get what you want. Therefore, wish for what you want, and work to attain it.

You are in control of your life; put it to good use!

Re: Taking action
Link | by Kotuso on 2006-10-06 15:22:52
Very good point Sachiel,
I also got a little somethin' to rant about. It has to deal with the childish nature of the Present U.S. attitude.
Too many people today have the, "Its not my falt, its ____________ fault."
People will sue for anything and everything it seems these days, not only that but whenever someone gets arrested they try to make the jury sympathetic towards the accused by blaming someone or somehting else. Look potential juries, Tickle Me Elmo doesn't cause litet Jimmy to go on a k illng spree.
The worst part is, the believe into this sentamental junk!

Re: Taking action
Link | by on 2006-10-06 16:05:46
Why sachiel why!? WHY DO YOU ALWAYS MAKE ME THINK!?, hahah, good point though!

Re: Taking action
Link | by D-ninja on 2006-10-06 17:51:34
People feel safer when they don't have to make decisions. The reason is that they feel as though if they make a mistake it is purely upon themselves, while if someone else makes the mistake they can feel perfectly at ease and complain about that decision.

I do have to disagree with you on your part about breeding your own results. Changing yourself just because you feel as though something needs to be done to either better fit in or change someone else is a very bad idea. Trust me, once you begin to change yourself for others you bein to forget what it was you were changing for. Hypothetically if I were to change myself to be more acceptable in society I could very-well change my perception of what is acceptable. Once you change your perception of something you lose your original perception. That could be disaterous to you as a person. If I were to stat to act a certain way arround a sele ct group of people,and only act that way arround them, I may eventually lose how I was before I began down that particular path. Upon heading down that path those paths that crossed mine before may begin to seperate. It is then thatcould find yourself wandering in the forest of loneliness and have noone arround you. It is then that you try and find your way either forard down the new path or backward and having to play catch-up with those that were on the path earlier. You may never know how long it takes to find someone in either direction. While I'm saying to not change yourself for others, you should do it for yourself. If you are unhappy with what path you are on change, that simple. Take another path, one that you feel would better suit you as an individual not as a memeber of a group.

Re: Taking action
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-10-06 18:03:31
lol, yeah, I agree with you on both.

The reason I used that acceptance and respecting thing was... because... *mutters* I was thinking of a certain 1-4 people I know of XD

So yes, if you're not one of those 1-4 people I'm thinking of, go with Dirty-Ninja here XD

"...Once you change your perception of something you lose your original perception."

Isn't that why you change your perception? To see things in a different light?

Re: Taking action
Link | by D-ninja on 2006-10-06 18:08:36
Yes, but doing this wothout the exspress purpose of seeing something for what it truly is and not for what you currently percive it as is bad. Wan-ton changing of perception leaves you confused as to what you truly belive and percive. To see something as one thing and then rapid change it to antother leaves you without a clear defintion (in your mind) of what that really is. To have soemthing and have no means to classify it, or define it, is a state of poor metal acuity. This can lead to confusion not only within yoursefl but also in the minds of others. Which, if I'm not mistaken, is the exact opposite of what we are trying to acomplish as per in the original statement of this thread.

Re: Taking action
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-10-06 18:19:20
Bwahaha... Very good statements, Dirty-Ninja.

Everyone! Go listen to him!

Re: Taking action
Link | by on 2006-10-07 06:10:27
And thus the conclusion is "just go do whatever suits you".

Re: Taking action
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-10-07 07:25:39
KEYWORD: "Just go and DO whatever suits you (and makes you happier)."

If you think that Dirty-Ninja's saying to never change the way you see things, he said to not rapidly change the way you see things, which are different.

I say to change the way you view things from time to time, and thus make you able to see things in different lights and understand things the way others see them.

Re: Taking action
Link | by sai on 2006-10-07 10:52:00
Just go and do whatever suits you and makes you happier...

Somehow, to me that sounds like it's telling us to not care about other people and do whatever we like, even if it makes others unhappy... -_-

Re: Taking action
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-10-07 15:04:08

Just go and do whatever suits you and makes you happier, as long as it does not infringe on other's rights to live or their freedom, and make more of an effort to do it if it is beneficial to a wide array of people;
Thou shalt not kill;
Thou shalt not steal;
Thou shalt not covet;
Thou shalt let thine words tend to edifying one another;
Thou shalt make efforts to pay it forward to any and all;
And thou shalt go and do whatever suits others and makes them happier, as long as it does not infringe on other's rights to live or their freedom.

I believe you should all get the gist of what I'm trying to say here... Take action for happiness!!

Happy happiness all!

Re: Taking action
Link | by D-ninja on 2006-10-07 19:07:28
I think this is how the Bill of rights was written. just a bunch of people sitting arround, making amends to things and including very non-specific, open-to-interpretation, non-sensical statements.

Thanks Sach, for I know not what I would do without your help in clarification of my very non-specific, open-to-interpretation, non-sensical statements.

Re: Taking action
Link | by angelyuki on 2006-10-07 19:44:21
hum...i've ranted quite a lot about this topic in Bladesman Temple and yeah, im kinda tired with this attitude of not taking action and what i dislike the most is the unwillingness to try. those people just mourn on their problems, refusing to see/think of any other way out. their brains work in such a way that, if they have a problem, they dont want to fix the underlying causes of the problem, but they will just give up, or run away from the problem (which wont solve it) and this will lead to major depression and such. we've been trying to help those people, but they wont listen, they wont try to look at things in different perspectives, thus they cant help themselves. so, its really up to them to try and take action, and change their pessimistic mind settings. so yeah, take action for happiness (in a positive way)!

Re: Taking action
Link | by iorchi on 2006-10-07 21:04:34
can you explained on simple word.......

Nice to known every one in here ok

Re: Taking action
Link | by on 2006-10-07 22:08:53
Define Happiness.
If doing nothing makes me happy, then why, angelyuki-sama, why do you persist?

Because if everyone were like me, nothing would get done? and thus that makes doing nothing immoral? it would be impossible then, to find an action that were universally ethical.

In truth, doing nothing is an action in itself. People choose to do nothing. They dont just spontaneously do nothing.

I believe pie makes people happy.
Go make much pie, and there will be rejoicing.

Re: Taking action
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-10-08 08:50:12
Happiness: A joyful feeling received when something happens that you like.

If doing nothing makes you happy, then go do nothing. You can also get overweight, dependant on others, and learn nothing in the process.

If nothing gets done, then people die. If you do nothing, you will get no money with which to buy food, you will not go buy the food, and thus you will not be able to survive.

Yes, I do suppose that doing nothing is a mental action, but not a physical action, which is what I was mostly talking about.

If you made pies for people, they'd be happy. Go do that *claps*

Re: Taking action
Link | by psoplayer on 2006-10-08 10:35:26
This all realates to a rather universal human principal. That is the struggle with freedom. Freedom is a buzz word in today's world. The US is supposedly bringing freedom to the Iraqi people, but do they really feel more liberated now that they have to fear for their lives out in the open?
What is absolute freedom? Is that what the human race strives for? Absolute freedom is an infinite void. Standing and having the freedom to make a choice in any infinite number of directions. Facing that void, humans recoil in fear. One truth of the human race is that freedom is the one thing that people are quick to give away in favor of personal security. True freedom would be in some sort of country state without any sort of government, but government exists all over the world because people give up some of their freedoms for the relative confort and security of a government. This same phenomenon happens on progressivly smaller scales, down to where people who go to counselors want their decisions to be made for them because they don't like the risks placed in their own hands.

Re: Taking action
Link | by angelyuki on 2006-10-08 18:28:17
doing nothing is a decision indeed, its a decision to not make an action. if you have a problem, you do nothing, sure, you feel safe and happy because you dont need to accomplish anything. but will your problem be solved? its just like hiding or running away from your problem temporarily. then again, if you yourself dont wanna try to take any actions, i wont persist, because im not gonna waste my time and thoughts to think of ways out that is impossible for people who wont even try.

Re: Taking action
Link | by MiCHiYo μ on 2006-10-08 18:52:37 (edited 2006-10-08 18:53:09)
i agree with sachiel that we all have to make decisions for ourselves some time.
people have made too many decisions for us. think about it... if it weren't for
the people wh decided for us, where will we be now? the thing is, we need to
return the favour to them by decided for ourselves and alllowing them to take a
break. some of us may be old enough to do this, but some aren't yet. if you
aren't yet, or if some family circumstances do not permit you to, then try
deciding for little things.

i definitely do not agree with the whole threaten-your-parents kind of thing.
first of all, it doesn't work with all families, though i must say i've heard it
works in america. but really, here in asia, it's a whole different world. when
it comes to parental problems and you ARE trying to grow up, take it from me and
don't go against your parents, no matter what. i may have been mean to my own at
times especially when i know that they did something wrong and they never
admitted it, but hey, if they didn't decide to have you, where will you be now?

you ARE in control of your life, and don't abuse it. one day, you just might
have a day to live and it wouldn't be all the time in the worl to take charge
and change things.


beware. the QueeN oF SiGGieS is here. kill that mr. scrolly or your siggy goes BAI BAI.
it's solidarity month! let's be united!
+[-- GeNDouNiaNS: i am half-back! visit my blog by clicking on the siggie banner! updated: 12.07.07 --]+

~*..:: i'm never going to give up... if i do, then it wasn't worth trying. ::..*~  

Re: Taking action
Link | by on 2006-10-08 20:16:19
There's something I want to say (I think Sachiel said it in the first post with other words but it's really good I want to repeat it)

You have to do something to see the changes, if you just wish than you'll get nothing.


With this I wanna say that it is important that you must have a way of thinking that lets your dreams and wishes to become true. It's about the way you take the desicion you want to/have to/need to take.

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

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