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SOLIDARITY MONTHS : July-August 2007
Link | by MiCHiYo μ on 2007-07-07 22:44:36 (edited 2007-07-29 00:35:43)
Hey everyone! It's me, Michiyo. ^^

I'm here to get us all united and have fun while sacrificing small things that we can do without. This we call "Solidarity Month". Solidarity comes from the French word, "solide", which means solid. As Mr. Encarta say it, "it is a mutual agreement and support: harmony of interests and responsibilities among individuals in a group, especially as manifested in unanimous support and collective action for something."

Here's the thing: for every week of July, we do a little action of sacrifice and stay connected and united as we are as a family. Because this lessens our resources creativity, we use what we have to cope up. For example, if we are stuck with text-based names (e.g. no avatars for a week), we do other stuff like colors, emoticons, et cetera, to put flavour to our names. This way, sacrificing the little things we can do without can actually heighten other strengths we have. At the same time, we are being one and united with everyone, despite our cultural and racial differences... not to mention location. ^^ you get it? XD



TeXT aVaTaRS --- required IF you will enter chat.
- no pictures in avatars (okay okay, maybe tiny ones will be fine.)
- you may use any colour, any size, any font, any language
- no all caps
- no vulgarities (in any language)
- no profanity (in ANY language, including sound effects.)
- all rules still apply (e.g. the 25px rule, the respect rule, the blah blah rule, ALL ALL rules.)

NOTE: it is important that you comply to these rules. if you don't, watch the zappers because we're going to zap you. XD

Best Text Avatar Award
Nominations for the Best Text Avatar Award is now open until WEDNESDAY, 11 July 2007. To nominate for the user who you think has the best and most funky, artistic, stylish, texty name, simply post on this thread stating that you are nominating _________________________. You MAY cheer for the person, but NO SPAMMING allowed (all rules still apply). The list of nominees will be posted here at the end of Wednesday (gendou time). Keep an eye for it!

Votations for the candidates will follow accordingly. Set of rules regarding this will be added soon.

winner: kawaii_no_koneko

c/o rEi (thanks dear!)

sample: kawaii_no_koneko's signature
rules: ALL rules apply, including the mr. scrolly rule. same rules as text avatar. marquees are allowed. if possible, no images at all (because they will be disregarded during the nomination and voting process).

Best Text Signature Award
winner: kawaii1411

WEEK THREE (29 July - 03 August)
c/o Kei Kun

rules: ALL rules apply. all posts of the user in any section MUST be html-dressed and uniformed (meaning all the posts of the user should be all the same html styles --- think of it as a signature style or trademark style --- and none should be un-htmled). NO positng of any pictures of videos.

The Trademark Post Award be conducted by KeiKun.

c/o DA

---To Be aNNouNCeD---
let's be patient. ^^

Please be reminded that you are not forced to follow Solidarity Month (unless it's stated, like chat goers for week one), but it is greatly recommended that you do so. It should be fun, and there is a surprise at the end of it all. You never know who can be awarded what for which next. *hint hint*

All right, Gendounians! Ganbatte~! XD


beware. the QueeN oF SiGGieS is here. kill that mr. scrolly or your siggy goes BAI BAI.
it's solidarity month! let's be united!
+[-- GeNDouNiaNS: i am half-back! visit my blog by clicking on the siggie banner! updated: 12.07.07 --]+

~*..:: i'm never going to give up... if i do, then it wasn't worth trying. ::..*~  

Re: SOLIDARITY MONTHS : July-August 2007
Link | by on 2007-07-07 22:47:31


no avy week ftw!

lots of benefits come out of it xD

and it looks pretty stylish too~

Hahaha, well awsome! see you all in a week! :D [with avies]

great idea~

and..does it have to be all orange? XD

Re: SOLIDARITY MONTHS : July-August 2007
Link | by on 2007-07-07 22:47:40
woooooooootttttttttttt~~~ FTw~ hahaha~!!

Ohai. I HAZ RETURN AS OF 18-APR-2020!

Re: SOLIDARITY MONTHS : July-August 2007
Link | by on 2007-07-07 22:47:43
i will try to follow these hard times XD


Re: SOLIDARITY MONTHS : July-August 2007
Link | by on 2007-07-07 22:50:35
This is indeed a great idea, I will support it 100%

Also I've noticed that this text avatars are pretty cool too, ne?.

Let's do this! ^__^

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: SOLIDARITY MONTHS : July-August 2007
Link | by DeG on 2007-07-07 22:50:37

Roger that :O [although I've been using no pic avys already for a while XD]

wootness~ :3


Re: SOLIDARITY MONTHS : July-August 2007
Link | by MiCHiYo μ on 2007-07-07 22:52:36
lol! think about it! faster load times! XD


beware. the QueeN oF SiGGieS is here. kill that mr. scrolly or your siggy goes BAI BAI.
it's solidarity month! let's be united!
+[-- GeNDouNiaNS: i am half-back! visit my blog by clicking on the siggie banner! updated: 12.07.07 --]+

~*..:: i'm never going to give up... if i do, then it wasn't worth trying. ::..*~  

Re: SOLIDARITY MONTHS : July-August 2007
Link | by on 2007-07-07 22:57:49
That's one of the main benefits ^__^... viva el reduced loading time! XDD

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: SOLIDARITY MONTHS : July-August 2007
Link | by りんーちゃん on 2007-07-07 23:02:03
lolx kewlness for dial-upers such as myself~! ^^

  m y . L i F E . i . t r a d e . i n . f o r . y o u r . P A i N .

Re: SOLIDARITY MONTHS : July-August 2007
Link | by on 2007-07-07 23:09:45
I'm found often in the chat and this terribly upsets me for the main reason of I should have a choice whether I want to participate in this or not. You're going to making me change my avatar. That's IS NOT right.

If you're going to put together some event, at least give us some room, not abuse you power and take away our image avatar.

Besides, you don't have to some event to bring together the Gendounian, this website should be enough.

I don't care if we can do without I won't.

*ends this before it gets out of hand*

Re: SOLIDARITY MONTHS : July-August 2007
Link | by MiCHiYo μ on 2007-07-07 23:13:20
owkie owkie, ayu. ^^
you don't need to be mad or anything. it's just a little thing we thought of that should be fun rather than looked at as something harsh. =P
it's great to hear your opinion regarding the matter, and as a light to this, i guess we're not gonna require the chatters anymore. ^^

let's all be a sport, neh? XD


beware. the QueeN oF SiGGieS is here. kill that mr. scrolly or your siggy goes BAI BAI.
it's solidarity month! let's be united!
+[-- GeNDouNiaNS: i am half-back! visit my blog by clicking on the siggie banner! updated: 12.07.07 --]+

~*..:: i'm never going to give up... if i do, then it wasn't worth trying. ::..*~  

Re: SOLIDARITY MONTHS : July-August 2007
Link | by kattdesu on 2007-07-08 00:21:49
I love it!

I'm in! :D:D:D

Re: SOLIDARITY MONTHS : July-August 2007
Link | by on 2007-07-08 00:57:56
weeeee~ me want in!

Re: SOLIDARITY MONTHS : July-August 2007
Link | by on 2007-07-08 01:52:16
yeay~! im innnn~!!

*this is the other side of mee~! hahaha*

i ♥ it~! ^_^

"..It would be nice if a study guide for love existed
There are too many problems I don't understand
It would be nice if a teacher for love existed.
Does you plus me equal LOVE?.."

Re: SOLIDARITY MONTHS : July-August 2007
Link | by on 2007-07-08 03:37:45

~mah ebil side and teh ebil~ness ish in.... ~wooohooo...

Re: SOLIDARITY MONTHS : July-August 2007
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-07-08 04:18:49 (edited 2007-07-08 04:19:37) join...or not to join...that it my question....

(so that's why some of the user's avatars are missing...i thought they were bored of them already XD)

Find me at Twitter and Google+

Re: SOLIDARITY MONTHS : July-August 2007
Link | by MiCHiYo μ on 2007-07-08 04:31:56
hahaha~! it's just a weekly thing. it's not like it's forever. XD
besides, it's fun. AAAANNNDDDD, you get to show off your other side of creativity...
AAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNDDDDD, we help out in the load times (because most of the tasks will deal with pictures. XD *hint hint*)


beware. the QueeN oF SiGGieS is here. kill that mr. scrolly or your siggy goes BAI BAI.
it's solidarity month! let's be united!
+[-- GeNDouNiaNS: i am half-back! visit my blog by clicking on the siggie banner! updated: 12.07.07 --]+

~*..:: i'm never going to give up... if i do, then it wasn't worth trying. ::..*~  

Re: SOLIDARITY MONTHS : July-August 2007
Link | by on 2007-07-08 04:48:46
I'm in ^^

Re: SOLIDARITY MONTHS : July-August 2007
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-07-08 04:50:49
decided to join in XD. i made my avatar...fonty O_o

Find me at Twitter and Google+

Re: SOLIDARITY MONTHS : July-August 2007
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2007-07-08 06:10:29 (edited 2007-07-08 06:12:48)
okay get in :D

i just need to change it XD

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

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