Displaying 4941 to 4960 of 4968 polls.
Start Date Deadline Author Question Votes
2009-12-03 14:35:55 Never File format you prefer for your audio files? 138
2009-12-03 12:53:57 Never darkhades Language you want to learn? 395
2009-12-03 11:32:30 2009-12-20 cutebunnykyu Who has the funniest emote? 23
2009-12-03 11:30:32 2009-12-15 xxxbloodangelxxx User who gives the most hugs? 18
2009-12-03 08:13:12 Never holkers Which user appeared in your dream? 39
2009-12-03 00:56:21 2009-12-15 Most playful user? 35
2009-12-03 00:42:52 2009-12-10 BrotherhoodBrotherhood Best retro video game? 59
2009-12-02 23:17:00 Never litterbox012 Best console game? 159
2009-12-02 22:40:49 Never Towa Most tomboy-ish user? 40
2009-12-02 22:35:07 Never Favorite kind of filled buns? 70
2009-12-02 22:06:57 2009-12-17 nime624 Most "moe" user? 34
2009-12-02 16:16:29 Never Which user do you want to marry? 34
2009-12-02 15:08:22 2009-12-31 Most random user? 28
2009-12-02 13:28:14 2009-12-10 temari_fan Nicest user? 52
2009-12-02 11:37:54 Never riiko-chan Best speller in the chat? 41
2009-12-02 11:30:04 2009-12-24 RzR Manliest chat user? 33
2009-12-02 11:03:28 2009-12-15 Best couple? 57
2009-12-02 10:29:01 Never holkers Best typo? 51
2009-12-02 09:46:49 2009-12-15 Best clan in the chat? 45
2009-12-02 09:40:45 2009-12-15 Funniest user? 34
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