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Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2006-12-04 17:53:07 (edited 2011-01-22 18:04:38)
Welcome to the Gendou Awards Night thread. This is the. . .fourth or fifth time doing this I believe? Anyway, Gendou Awards Night is all about recognizing members, clubs, parts of the forum or aspects of the website for various reasons.


~The 2010 Awards have been canceled due to lack of interest~


Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2006-12-04 18:02:08
I nominate....

Best storyline-Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Fate(Blue Crisis)

Best random RP-THE INSANE WORLD [Kill the EBiL twins!!!!]

Craziest member-Lady Maia!! XD!!!! I'd say me but that would be going over board >.>

Mosts said it XD

Funniest topic-I cant decide!!! >.
Happiest member-mmmm...I still have to think about it....I'll eventually PM you =]

Darkest member- Ditto =]


Best personality (person)

Most hyper(subtited by crazyness I guess...hey that rhymed!)

Most intimidating clan

Most missed member

eh thats about it for now XD i'll think up some more later. din din Is now! :3

Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2006-12-04 18:37:21
That's another thing, since only four can be nominated we'll vote on the ones nominated until their narrowed down to four.


Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by K i D on 2006-12-04 20:15:36 (edited 2006-12-05 00:51:13)
wow...sounds glamorous & interesting!

how about>>>

- wildest imagination member (to be chosen from 1-Best storyline RP / 2-Best random RP)

- most helpful / friendliest member? laughs.

- brainest / knowledgable member (i.e. abt any TOPIC under the sun, however; it has to be facts not crap..)

- nicest avatar / signature design?

- most popular anime/manga in Gendou community

- most loved anime character in Gendou community

that's about it, i will add in more if there's any new ideas




NOTE: i just thought of one reallllllllll funny & all rounded one..

P H D holder of Gendou community!!!

this award will go to......
someone who is good in

P - programming, physics, posting GREAT entries

H - H T M L, H E L Ping people in Gendou

D - design (in terms of ava, sig & wallpaper)



- It's NOT.thecolorofyour s k i n.|BUT|.thec o n t e n t sofyourHEART.that reallymatters -

Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by zparticus27 on 2006-12-04 21:50:49
hey id go with the most missed member and the most memorable sig and ava award

for the physics buffs why dont you put a best in physics award?

and best in programing?

and the exclusive member of the year!

this can even be announced on gendou's aniversary...

Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2006-12-04 22:11:27 (edited 2006-12-04 22:12:15)
Excellent idea Jon... you're always having great thread topics. This one really looks like an important one ^_^... every half year?... wow!!.

Right now I cannot think of any other category besides the ones all you already mentioned, but I think this is cool.

good luck with it, I'll say who do I nominate after you decide the official categories.

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by hoheshii on 2006-12-04 22:40:59
@ Jonathon: With so many categories, you are going to have one heck of a scoring job. I can help, if you need it.

Wise Man says: "Take a dog off its leash and it will wander."

Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by Huy on 2006-12-05 08:20:16
Can`t think of ideas now!
When does it start?

Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2006-12-05 09:55:11
This is an awesome idea!!!!!!!! How cool!!!!!!!! ^-^ Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay for Jonathon!!!!

Mmm...Categories?? ^-^ I'll think about some more...^-^ and then edit!

Kisses to all!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2006-12-05 09:59:00
I'll think about it, I'm still kinda new so I might need a bit longer to find out who's who. ^^ ; I'll edit this post when I find out more. ^^

Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2006-12-05 13:43:36 (edited 2006-12-05 13:56:59)
"With so many categories, you are going to have one heck of a scoring job. I can help, if you need it."

@Engineer- Well won't be that hard. Voting will be done one catagory at a time, then when they've all been voted in I will announce the winners all at once[Probably on Gendou's aniversery.] Also since all votes will be sent to me through PM it won't be hard to keep track of. Speaking of which when is Gendou's aniversery exactly? The exact date I mean.

"When does it start?"

@Huy- When I get enough catagories and 4 people/things in each then I'll open voting. So it might be another week or so depending on how many people nominate.

Alright, here's what we have so far:

Best Storyline RP
Best Random RP
Craziest Member [Crazy in a good way]
Favorite Member: Overall
-----------------------In the Waste of Time section
-----------------------In the Anime section
-----------------------In Gendou City
-----------------------In the Other section
-----------------------In the Physics section
Funiest topic
Happiest member
Darkest member
Most intimidating clan
Most missed member
Best personality (person)
Wildest imagination
Brainest / Most knowledgable member (Any topic. Has to be facts.)
Most loved anime character in Gendou community
Most popular anime/manga in Gendou community
Best avatar / signature (Current, can't be any from over a month ago.)
Most helpful / friendliest member
Member of the year


Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2006-12-05 13:56:49
WOW!!! sounds great!!

@Jon: Kei-kun alredy asked it,, how many clans are there in Gendou?? Just know Hiranabegumi and Juppongatana.. is that all?? And,, do you choose the nominated people or there is some other way about it??

Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by zenkyorex on 2006-12-05 13:57:28
Wow!!This is great!!Exactly what award should we give?


Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2006-12-05 14:05:03 (edited 2006-12-05 14:06:36)
@Rei- Well I may remove the clan thing since the clans have broken down and there is only really one major one left.

Nominations will be part voting and part my own choice. I want who and what is nominated to be something the members decide but I also don't want a bunch of random topics or not very well known members being nominated that will only get maybe 1 vote.

@zenkyorex- Check the catagories above, those are the awards.


Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by zenkyorex on 2006-12-05 14:06:39
Well, you're the boss. Name it(them).


Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2006-12-05 16:00:38 (edited 2006-12-05 16:49:01)
Okay, Gendou registered on 09/08/01. So I assume that's when the site went up. Looks like the Aniversery thing won't happen since it's too long. So I guess I'll just announce the winners around Christmas maybe[Dec. 25th]?

Also since the Waste of Time rule is in effect everyone is free to PM their nominations to me if they want to save one of their 10 posts. Ok?

Nominations are open. Everyone is allowed to vote/nominate even mods. Mods can be nominated too but the same rule applies to this as it does to the Member of the Week, if you nominate a mod or vote for them do it because you really think they should get it, not because their mods.


Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2006-12-05 17:21:07
This is a cool idea!! Except I'm too lazy to post my nominees right now...sorry..x_x

My deviantART!
Link (from LoZ) claimed by me!
Current obsession:
Icons from here

Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2006-12-05 18:27:16 (edited 2006-12-05 18:27:36)
@Suzaku- You don't have to make your nominations all at once you know, and you don't have to nominate someone for every catagory.^^


Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by K i D on 2006-12-05 19:01:56
yeah... it's starting... FUN FUN FUN!!
let's rock the house down before the year ends...

@Jonathan: by the way, shouldn't there be any criteria for the nominations/votings? it's like a rule of thumb kind of thing.. *just wondering*


- It's NOT.thecolorofyour s k i n.|BUT|.thec o n t e n t sofyourHEART.that reallymatters -

Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by zparticus27 on 2006-12-06 02:53:16
well on gendou's anniverasy...when he was asked in the Q/A thread he said...

" the first version of Gendou's Anime Music started january 2001. the database was created about a year after. the domain was created april 2002. the first registered user was in october 2003"

so when will the nominations staRT? and a can we nominate the now inactive users?

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