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Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Third Edition~!
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-08-30 16:34:42
I tried one verse before, and maybe the chorus, too. Not sure, I don't remember.
Try "Hare Hare Yukai!" Song's so cute. I can do only try again with the TV version like one of the endings for Lucky Star by Shiraishi.

Or, you can take requests or something, too? O.o`


Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Third Edition~!
Link | by on 2007-08-30 16:42:42
I dunno why...if I don't sing with the karaoke, I can sing the whole thing. But then when I try to sing God Knows with the karaoke, I feel like I'm forced to sing in a higher pitch. *_* So then I mess up xD
Hare Hare Yukai. I could try it, but maybe cutesy songs aren't for me? XD

Sure, I guess. Usually it takes me forever (if not never) for me to sing the requests though. XD

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Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Third Edition~!
Link | by on 2007-08-30 18:55:12
@ Suzaku: OoO~ that kinda happens to me >_>; when I sing with the original to find my first note then I sing higher and when I sing with the karaoke the first verse is messed up as I try and pull the notes out of thin air OoO~

Roxas is Mine =D
Claim! your own

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Third Edition~!
Link | by on 2007-08-30 20:54:39
@Suzaku + Tsume: hmm.. maybe it's because your voice was covered by the original singer before,, so you didn't really know how your voice was like.. ^^ I think o.O; because that happens to me too.. loLzzZ~

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Third Edition~!
Link | by on 2007-08-30 22:29:34


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Third Edition~!
Link | by on 2007-08-30 22:31:12

I'll check that now ^^

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Third Edition~!
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-08-31 05:51:52
OMG!! Links not working??
I have to call KK...
and Suzaku, please reupload the songs...
I lve your songs..
If you don't want to, tell m,er wich are the ones not worrking and I will upload them =3

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Third Edition~!
Link | by on 2007-08-31 08:07:53
@ Rei: o.o eh? what do you mean? o.o;

@ DN: >_>; how did you get them? o.O;;; gimmeeeeee~ ^o^

Roxas is Mine =D
Claim! your own

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Third Edition~!
Link | by on 2007-08-31 08:54:20 (edited 2007-08-31 09:55:30)


I'm stressed! T-T

Ahahahah the competition is making me crazy! Ahahahaha

I felt really sick yesterday...but made myself out of bed in order to do radio for group was all for nothing T-T

I couldn't do it...because someone else was broadcasting >_<

Anyway...I'll re sing the songs that are missing ^-^

Stupid putfile!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Third Edition~!
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-08-31 09:52:47
» [suzaku] That's common, so if not, forget about singing "God Knows..." again.
I tried it before, and it's not a song my voice can match up with.

You most hear me saying I can sing a bunch of Laruku songs, well... 'cause my voice seems okay with their songs.
Not saying my voice is like HYDE's though... ^.^;

I tried Visual Kei songs, but I can't scream like that, lol. XD

» [pame] I was feeling stress, too. In fact, I'm still feeling a it.
Sucks, doesn't it? Well, it'll get better... sometime in a few... months? *cough*

Use that one site I said earlier to use when the Gendou band thread was still around.
I forget what it was called, but that site was much easier to use.


Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Third Edition~!
Link | by on 2007-08-31 09:56:34
DA: Thank youuuuuuuu...I'll check it ^-^ *Hugs...Hopefully you feel better!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Third Edition~!
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-08-31 10:11:49
No, no, no! Hopefully, you feel better. School's not just going to away for me.
You sing and is in college, you do other stuff...
I can't really say just going to school and doing and checking on my daily online activities is worth the same... or can I? >XD


Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Third Edition~!
Link | by on 2007-08-31 11:32:45
waaaaaaaaah~!! hope both pame and DA hubby feel better soon!!! ^-^
drink lots of hot tea and get lots of sleep!~! both of you!!

God know..??? i LOVE that song!! i'm actually gonna try it soon! yeey~! ^^ hope i don't butcher it haha!

~+~+~+Mikuru desu~!^-^ **~~Mi! Mi! Miracle Mikurun-run! Waaaaaaaaaaai~~**+~+~+~

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Third Edition~!
Link | by on 2007-08-31 11:35:36
God Knows! Wohooooooooooooo FA!!


i WANT TO hear Suzaku's new version of it too!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Third Edition~!
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-08-31 11:48:31
Pame!! tus links tambien estan dañados??
Yo tengo todas tus canciones grabadas... si se daño algun link, KK y yo lo arreglaremos, en serio
Confia en tus presidentes =3

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Third Edition~!
Link | by on 2007-08-31 11:49:01
~_~' Err...

@ DN:
Umm, I don't want you to reupload them...>_>

@ Hikari:
haha, *reminded of the fun we had yesterday* =3

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Icons from here

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Third Edition~!
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-08-31 11:50:09
@Suzaku: is the history of your singing, it has to be there..
I will be there, moajajajaja *evil laugh* =P

*GLOMPS Suzaku*

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Third Edition~!
Link | by on 2007-08-31 12:06:34
No no noooo!! you must not!!! I hereby ban anyone from reuploading them +___+ muahahaha~ >:3

*runs away to work on another song*

My deviantART!
Link (from LoZ) claimed by me!
Current obsession:
Icons from here

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Third Edition~!
Link | by on 2007-08-31 12:17:19

I don't want Hitorijanai or Blurry Eyes to be there T-T

Hehehe they were bad !!! REALLY BAD!

Anyway...Suzaku I want to hear your new song! Yaaay

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club Third Edition~!
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-08-31 12:34:22
Thanks wifey-chan. o^_^o

Someone sung Blurry Eyes in here? WHO!? (XD)


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