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Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by forest on 2007-05-19 16:13:08
I can't wait. So it's gonna take place in June? Great, cos my holidays are in June ^_^

Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2007-05-19 16:34:24
@Katt: That was one of the old categories, I believe, so it'll probably get brought over to this Awards Night, too.

Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by imppy on 2007-05-20 00:49:20
Yay for another Gendou Awards Night C:
btw, did the "Best Gamer" or something like that has already been added to the categories~?

Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-06-10 21:11:49
Phew, thought I missed this already (&again).
Hope this starts since June is here now. :3


Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by kattdesu on 2007-06-11 03:28:21
Ah, thanks Eureka, I wasn't here for the last one so I didn't know about it. (O.o); hehe

Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-06-28 01:49:29
Is this still going to take place? o(^-^)o


Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2007-07-31 14:30:15 (edited 2007-07-31 14:41:37)
Alright, I'm going to pick up where I left off. Had a bit of trouble earlier so I had to let this go for a while, sorry about that. Anyway, the categories will be up up tonight, if anyone has anymore suggestions then they should get them in now.

~Nominations are Open now. So start nominating~


Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-07-31 15:40:58
Yeah, I'll be around later tonight (if I don't take a nap before hand). XD
There's like 20+ categories on the first three posts alone or so, but that'll make things more fun.

When's the deadline and when's the date for the actual, er, show? XD
I hope I don't miss it like last year's. T-T

One last thing. Do we nominate you here or via PM later tonight?


Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2007-07-31 16:29:34 (edited 2007-07-31 16:32:24)


WE are having this again!!!!! Awesoooomeee!!!

Hey Jonathon: Can we still add categories?? Or are those the only ones available? Please let me know!!

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Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by Terror on 2007-07-31 16:53:51
Nice, but are all the categories set though/where are they?

Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2007-07-31 18:13:06
@ToD- Categories are on the first post of this thread.

@Pame- You can suggest them, I'm open to add more (but not too many, otherwise people won't bother voting).

@DA- Nominations can be done either here or by PM, only the votes are kept secret. As for the deadline, that depends on how fast 4 different people are nominated for the categories, how fast people vote and how long it will take to actually get enough votes for there to be a difference (to choose a winner.).


Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-07-31 18:42:44
We're picking this up again? O_o

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Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2007-07-31 18:53:59
I'm going to start doing this every 6 months or so. So this is the first one of the '07 Awards Night. The next one (if this goes alright) will be in December or January and will include the Member of the Year and other categories not included in this one.


Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-07-31 19:12:04
Ah, sounds good.
Just be sure to add everything on the first post so it's easier to look at rather then skimming through the first few posts, first page, etc. ^_~`
After that's set, I can do it all at once; seems easier.


Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2007-08-01 15:28:05
Alright, the categories are now set (Nobody suggested any more of them.).

~~~Nominations are open, you don't need to nominate for every category if you don't want. Nominations end in 2 Weeks~~~


Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2007-08-01 15:34:39
Oohhh, this is starting again? coool :)

Nominations...can you nominate more than one person for each category? *_* cause the ones that has to do with graphics are a bit hard...:D:D

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Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2007-08-01 15:37:15
Sure, people don't really bother to nominate much (Which sucks, because I wish more people got a little more involved in this.>.>) so go ahead. If there's more than 4 people for a category I'll find a way to choose between.


Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-08-01 15:46:20
Hmm, since that's the case (it seems), I'll nominate like 3-5 people for like 40+ categories!
I'll try and use every category on the first few pages of the first post, and maybe add a few later on as well.

I'll ask you on messenger if I can that is since I'm not honey, but yeah. ^.^;


Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2007-08-01 20:43:41
Hey! this thread is back!... yes!
The last Gendou awards night was simply awesome!

I'll nominate later hehe, right now I gotta think of the possible ones

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: Gendou Awards Night(2010 Awards - Canceled)
Link | by on 2007-08-01 23:22:26


@Jon: so, we will send our nominations to you through PM?

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