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Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by avy4gendou on 2008-10-16 06:50:35


I'm just drop by here,as I didn't have any idea what to write about.

Gomen,ne?Hope everybody are in good conditions like always.=D


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by vincentyuahyu90 on 2008-10-16 16:38:01
@engle ahhh i see. well u know what u should come to malaysia eveytime when u wanna take lunch or dinner though i think u might lose all ur budget on the transpotation fee LOL hahha. >W<

@@dt how sad lol well i really wanna meet u guys especially u! >.> wanna know more about software engineer.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-10-16 18:22:55
lol don't worry. glad you're dropping by
I'm not in a good condition...but meh

oh wait...whatever food?
oh short holidays...where did you go in KL? KLCC? XD
yep bukit tinggi is great because of the relaxation. a perfect campsite even

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dt-chan on 2008-10-16 21:24:33
i know dat already la.. jz wana point that out again.. XD
well, i also kinda hav high expectation of it.. my fren say its good but.. oh well..
lets jz see it ourselves ehh..
btw kira2, r u gonna join in the meetup..??

haha.. nothing much to learn frm meh, im also quite new in this.. jz start last august.. XD
but yeah.. i also kinda wana meet up wif all of u guys too.. i bet we can chat abt many things.. (but i guess its mainly abt anime la..) XD

lol.. jz drop by onli..?? btw, since i dono wat to do too, so ill jz be frank..
ur gona join in the meetup..?? nyahaha~ XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-10-17 01:24:43
Heylows evvyonez!

Engel- Alaa, buat faham2 je xD Speaking/writing rojak is my excuse for not being good at speaking/writing Malay properly ^_^;; I don't mind write in English if you want to. Last time I went to careers fair, one trainee said there's hardly any difference between ACCA and other Accountancy bodies (excludes CIMA- that involves with Management Accounting). These professional bodies are like exclusive clubs~~~ bleh, it's all about status nowadays ^_^;;
I need to do moar research on cosplays! Maid costume can't be an option xD

Did you know Nick Leeson? He was used to work for Barings Futures in Singapore and he was known as the 'rogue trader' in the 1990s, for letting Barings Bank go bust. I've only seen the movie version (the one with Ewan McGregor) and it was awesome yet shocking.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by yannway99 on 2008-10-17 03:20:40
Erm.....due to having so many Kira in this forum,u guys can just call me yannway. Well,OBVIOUSLY,thats my real name. Havent think of any new nick 2 start with.....


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-10-17 06:49:08
okay, i'm kinda confused who's kira and who's kira2 now XD
anyways.. kira ish kira. And I'll stick to calling yann as yann. XD

SPM is nearing guys, for those taking it, Gambaru~!

Yuki DT
Okies, I pm-ed you rinrin's msn mail. And yeah, I also added you, but only just XD Well, let's just wait abit and see if anything happens XD
Oh yeah, Lucky*Star OVA is out, I've watched it twice already now. It's EPIC XD. You want it? Err.. I prob can burn it onto a cd for you X3. But, I suppose we can only meet up for CF huh?

There's the AFA in Nov over in SG and the CF in Dec here in Kl. I'm planning to attend both XD The former to stalk Engel, and the latter to stalk Rinrin (ehehe.. jodan jodan..) XD

I think cosplays at anime cons is not STRICTLY anime-only, I've seen many ppl cosplaying game characters, many from Final Fantasy. There were other game characters too, though not so common.

Actually, a maid dress is not a bad idea.. I haven't really seen much good maid cosplays. Perhaps everyone thinks it's too simple, so they skip the idea? I'm forever hoping to meet someone who comes in what I call the 'Soba Cafe maid dress' (from Suzumiya Haruhi anime), but so far, no luck. *Sigh*

Is that piccie a cosplay suggestion for w00t0s? XD

Heh.. so you're pretty active in here as well nowadays XD I know you haven't said anything to w00t0s with regards to cosplaying, but.. *ahem* perhaps it's best for me to keep quiet as well. XD
*avoids Engel chop*

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-10-17 07:37:55
its almost 4 month im away from home now >< hue....

kobanwa minna! its nil-st again

summer already end in japan, its autumm now (aki?),uhh still havnt chance to take pic with kimono girls, the chance will get slimmer as weather get colder ><'. oh yeah, looking forward to see sakura flower^^, its matter of luck for me since its only bloom for a week............

after spending quite a number of kredit for black mailing and threathening, at last my friend agreed to burn and post me his anime, and i received it today, YAY!

what do you mean where ive been? im working way and away,but ive been posting every 2 weeks didnt i?
-let see you mention minato last time, did you name your character minato or something or did i read wrong post.....(not enough time to refer back><)

uh, sorieeeeee i really skipped it i think. actually i think i skipped your post since its too (horizontally) long, thought its only about the piccies ><
-basiclly i am in transportation industry just like bus driver, lorry driver, postman, despatch boy and pilot ^^
-ah, the title bokurano isnt cap, just purposedly cappped it so it pokes your(and others)eyes more
-i see youre really busy huh?, havnt even watch "5cm per second" ive recommended earlier?what happen to mai-otome sifr huh?

time to go again!
mata-arimashou neh?

loneliness = freedom!!!!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by avy4gendou on 2008-10-18 00:55:36
it's rainy season at here(I mean,at my place),and I think other states also experience this season.

I have watch byousoku 5cm past few months ago.the storyline is interesting for me,but my friend said it's kinda bored.-_____-

I can't join the meetup...sorry,ne?I didn't have opportunity to go there.

is there anybody here would be take part in cosplay competition?^^


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-10-18 01:22:32
ok i'll see that thing...maybe
meetup? even if i want to i can't dude >_<

lol confused
one of my nicknames is kira2 ya know

already autumn? cool...wish i could go and take pics with kimono girls too

yea it's rainy too XD
cosplay? nope

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-10-18 22:19:34 (edited 2008-10-18 22:20:04)
wow ! a version 2! good job everyone :D congrats!
hahaha, i'm off to studies TT _ TT
(I bet you dunno who i am by judging from my avy XD)
=) have fun everyone!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-10-18 22:57:10
Hihi~!! Long time din see you here. XD Good luck in your studies~~
Dear, you can change your avvy, but you can't change your username XD And your siggie hasn't changed much X3
No worries, I won't give away who you are >_<; Or rather, let's let the other long time members guess who you are.

Gomen~! Will reply to the others later.. gotta run and do some errands now T_T
Somehow I feel so blur today.. oh~~ the blur-ness of it all XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-10-18 22:57:43
OMG!!! darn it where have u been???
i missed ya T_T and in chat u were silent...or was it just me?
anyways...good luck ^^

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dt-chan on 2008-10-19 19:36:38
laa.. y cant come..?? i tot u gonna come.. 2 far away ehh..??
too bad..

@haruhi bkno9
im free on most weekend.. we could meet up somewhere next time if ur free la, & u can give teh cd to me then.. XD

@bl.. err.. wenjing XD
hullo there.. long time no c u in forum & chat.. u dont miss me ehh..?? XD
study.. so where u study now & taking wat course..?? :)
haha.. u cant change ur username.. so i know u immediately wen i scroll the mouse above ur avy.. XD

too bad then.. i know most of member here hav quite packed schedule, but i do hope more ppl will come..

hey nil, do me a favor & take many3 picture & share it wif me la.. XD
esp the girls pic.. lol
kay2, jz kiddin.. maybe some scenary is good too.. maybe i could use it as wallpaper background.. :)

well.. u can create a unique nickname for urself la, like meh & most user..
no need to stick wif an anime related name onli.. ;)

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-10-19 22:52:53 (edited 2008-10-19 23:07:23)
really..?I never thought that so many senpai here are taking software engineer too..Well..i still new in that sort of area..would it be really hard..?
Not many persons i know nice to meet you all..again..

its raining all these days


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-10-20 00:33:49
hey! XD
rain's the season...XD

so far loh
besides, my parents won't let me...

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Photobucket on 2008-10-20 01:18:08

Minato? LOL. Erm, I forgot his name was Minato. I named him Ayato instead XD;;
But yes, Minato is pure win.

The Anime-Me thing, if I'm not wrong, I did see Bkno9. Just thinking.

Anyway, DT, I think you better PM me your MSN cause I've been rather skeptical of who I add lately. : <


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-10-20 05:43:54
@ Vincent:: The most I'll lose is the time (in queue to get my passport chopped and the traffic jam on the causeway~~)

@Kira:: Think I went KL twice or 3 times... I went places like Chinatown (love one particular traditional chinese drink there... cheap and delicious~), KLCC (I like heights), KL Tower, this particular theme park which I can never remember the name, sunway lagoon and etc~~~

@w00t0s:: hahaha! Is always nice to put something under the "clubs and association" column of the CV~~~ But now... ACCA is half way out of my sights~ Nick Leeson. I've heard the name but frankly... I've not done any research on the Accounting world. Can you imagine that I only know about the Big 4 when I started studying ACCA... though I have a diploma in Business (which includes 4 accounting modules)... talk about being back dated~ >_<

@Bkno9:: Engel is not gonna be in AFA... Engel is gonna be in EOY (13th Dec @ Singapore Expo)~~~ =Þ

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dt-chan on 2008-10-20 23:12:05
ohh.. too bad then.. i really hope to meet everyone here in person la..
ur parents wont let u..?? y..?? its not like rinrin gonna kidnap u..
(well.. i might wana kidnap her, but.. u guess ur safe..) XP

yeah.. its raining hard outside now.. (at time i type this..)
hehe.. wat u expect of on9 community ehh.. dont be surprise many ppl here in IT-related course.. (in fact, almost all..)
im also new to software eng, its quite hard, but u can do it if ur creative & working hard la.. :)

@mikuru *meep* rinrin
lol.. is dat so..?? im not some1 suspicious la.. XD
kay2.. ive pm u my mail address.. add me to ur heart content la.. :)

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by yuwei on 2008-10-20 23:26:59
juz drop by 2 say hi to every 1.....

i would like 2 ask for yr opinion:
wat can we do if we go to ipoh for holidays, 2 days 1 night?

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