Re: The Depression Thread V3
I think that the reason that so many of us talk about love is the simple fact that alot of depression comes from love. I know that thats why i orriginally started this tread, to deal with my lonilyness...i needed love and you guys gave me an overwelming response in saying that i do matter. |
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Wolf, yep, 'bout it really. Sero, head gaskets are much cheaper than $700, plus you could install it yourself, but there's a high chance that you could A: void any warranty on you engine B: break something C: mess up and have no effect at all. You could save up to $600 depending on the availability of the part. SuicidopoliS, you've probably heard this hundreds of times: don't keep your emotions inside; let others help you with your burden. Look how successful your thread is now. Think of the countless numbers of people that have been helped in so many ways on just this thread. You've changed the world for the better, how's that make you feel inside? |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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by overlordsero
on 2006-11-17 06:13:21
Well the headgasket isnt the big pricer its the LABOR thats whats so expensive. Plus who knows what ELSE might be wrong with it <.< ![]() |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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Woww i just finished watching Elfen Lied and now i'm totally depressed to the point that i'm crying like a baby!!! I hate it when that happens...I can't stop crying...It's been an hour already...And i can't stop...I didn't think it would hit me so much...The story was amazing...I really did like it...and now I'm depressed...T_T (*feeling a little dumb too for crying like this) |
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Please Pame, don't be depressed, I know is kind of a sad story, but in the end it can very happy if you want, cause the end leave a lot to your imagination. ![]() ![]() |
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Eh...depression hits everyone. But then again, I hardly get depressed. This is the first time in nearly 7 years. more and more stress is upon me ever since I accepted the rank of second in command in my Kendo school and now I have to deal with immature kids that rather whack each other silly and start crying. eh...Don't get me wrong, I like kids, but about depressed. I never felt so down and miserable in my life. well...once before but that was it. @pame:DN is right, Pame that ending might have been sad and everything, but well, how do I put this, hmm...well, yeah, I'm stuck for words, but DN is mostly right in that you can change your viewpoint on an ending. ^^ ![]() |
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THANKS DN AND DARK!!! (*SIGHS...) Yes...i guess you are right...I don't know what it was...but so weird that i got so depressed with that anime...I mean i've cried in the endings of other animes...but because they were my favorite...but this one was different...Probably because i got too related with the story line and that hit me in the end. But...Yes...I'll try to think about hope in the ending! ^-^ Thank you... |
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Awww.. Pame! you know i cry allmost everytime when i finish anime series? And thats sometimes just for the fact the series is now over T.T i dont usually watch any series again. I dont allmost have time to watch them even once! But yeah, i like weeping after watching awesome series. And i get angry too! I want to change endings etc. And then i dont want to change them xD I kinda know the feeling Dark. I love kids too, and i usually be loads with the kids in my neighbourhood, but well.. You cant treat them like kids and same time not like adults >S Theyre usually so cocky that if you go to speak to them like they would be small kids (which they are) they consider you as an idiot. If you treat them like olders, they strat to ignore you.. -.- puh! Okies.. But im bit depressed now too. Im so tired allready (the clock is nine at evening here) and i have to read 10 chapters of bilogy. I dont want to! I hate exam week. Im never ready when it starts, and its stressing! ![]() ![]() |
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What's with you kids and talking about things that I have no grasp on. Never saw Elfen Lied so no idea, but I have cried during a few Miyazaki movies. It's always the stories that get the closest to you that hit you the hardest, movies like Pooh's Heffalump Adventure for example. Dark, there's only one solution to kids who don't listen, it involves something very shiny/cool/expensive. All you need to do is wow them out of their young stupor, then they think you're cool and follow you around and do what you say. Nekomimi, but Bio is oh so very intuitive. Like most sciences it builds upon its self, so once the basics are down the rest flows like...something that flows really well... Of course it's stressing, it wouldn't be school if there was no stress. |
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D-ninja, I know what you are talking about, but trust me, you don't know these kids like I do. as an assistant kendo instructor, I have pretty sharp eyes. These kids, if I ever brought one ((and you know what I mean)) would probably steal it when I have my back turned. I don't leave weapons around, but they are very sneaky. How I know that, you ask? well, I'll say it happened more than once but not with weapons, I assure you. ^^ ; ![]() |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
I disliked Elfen Lied, go me! I didn't make it in time for ground shipping so I had to pay for air, and I think I forgot to put the pictures in with the envelope right at the mail store. That pisses me off, I had everything all set and it just had to fail right when I mail it. |
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Jomunga, ???? If I'm perceptive enough I'm guessing that you tried to mail a letter with pictures of yourself to someone (probably honeyko)? I'm more than likely wrong, but anyway, that's why you seal the letter before you go to the post office. Dark you don't have to bring in a weapon, just show your skill. Nothing shuts kids up than seeing you do something cool, I use fire you can use whatever. |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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by MiCHiYo μ
on 2006-11-21 16:45:23 (edited 2006-11-21 16:55:52)
okay, i'm just going to tangent off the current topic... it makes me wonder if it'd make a difference if i weren't around, standing where i am right now. what if i was born to a different family, or raised differently, let alone given a different life? why must some things in life be so difficult? it's not that i hate my life. well, i used to... before i ended up gaining a scholarship in my current school. but i never thought that it would be a very difficult situation for me. i was always nice, to an extent that i was pushed around and bullied even by younger kids because i was way too nice. people took advantage of me. but now i'm happy. the last time i slashed myself was more than a year ago, and it wasn't even school related. but am i really happy? in school, i suppose. i've got friends who actually understands and accept me for being such an immature 12-year-old-like 18 year old. i've got friends who has proven themselves that they'd never leave my side, no matter what. i've got friends who's turned their backs on me because of their self-centeredness, but has apologised and now we're friends again. but why do i feel so empty? why do things seem to go out of hand? in my old school, we rarely had homework. basically it's because of the different system my school ran to teach their students. i transfered to my current school september 2005, not expecting anything but the best. after all, i have been blessed with such a gift. i never even thought that i can ever score such a scholarship. but now i'm struggling. i used to be such a neat-freak, a well-organised geek. well, not anymore. blame it on my current environment at home, which is all disheveled up because we transfered and now nothing's neat and orderly, or blame it on the system that i came from, which never got me used to pools of homework. either way, there shouldn't be anyone to blame but myself. i shouldn't have accepted the schoalrship in the first place. if i didn't, then at least my family wouldn't have burnt pockets, and i should be in university by now. gah~ i dunno. i just feel empty. i sometimes cry for no reason at all. i stare into space with a black head. i can't concentrate when i do my homework. my grades are fluctuating, and i'm not living up the standards of a scholar. i want to do something about myself, bring my grades back up to how it was last year when i first entered my school, and prove to people that i'm worth their time and my life. right now, i don't even know where i'm going, or what exactly am i to do in the future. i want to become a pilot, or a writer. i don't see why i can't reach them because i know i could... but, must emotions really interfere with the things that i need to do? if it does, then i am in for a kill. then, there's my heart, which plays oddly with the way i feel for people. is it me, or am i just too nice? yeah, i guess i AM just too nice, and they're just being nice back to me for the nice things i have done to them... how do i know if they're sincere? oh well... based on my experiences, it's gonna be tough to pinpoint who really cares about me and who are doing it just to make me feel better. i'm in a mess with myself. heck, i don't even know myself that well anymore, let alone my sexuality (i used to be sure that i'm bent. well... now i'm a confused soul.). i'm just glad i have other ways of shelling out. i just... never really bothered to, because i'm the type of person who doesn't want to make my problems my friend's problems as well. *shrug* -michiyo- ![]() beware. the QueeN oF SiGGieS is here. kill that mr. scrolly or your siggy goes BAI BAI. it's solidarity month! let's be united! +[-- GeNDouNiaNS: i am half-back! visit my blog by clicking on the siggie banner! updated: 12.07.07 --]+
~*..:: i'm never going to give up... if i do, then it wasn't worth trying. ::..*~  
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I'm kind of like you Michiyo. Well, not nice to the point where people push me around, because I look more threatening than you do and people would rather not push me around for fear I might snap. As for me, well, I'm not really depressed about this but I found out a little while ago that I could die soon, anywhere from a few weeks to a few years, there is of course a slimmer chance that I could live to be 80 or so, but not likely. It's something to do with emotional pain making my heart weaker physically, it also hurts a lot and quite often. Some people might just say "Well go out and do something or hang out with someone or do something so that you aren't sad/depressed/lonely" or whatever the case might be, but the fact is it's not just my life it's the way I am. Besides, it's easy for anyone to say, "Go out and make things happen" or something along those lines, but factors such as where I live, where I fit in life currently, my values and other things that are out of my control that affect me are kind of hard to change. Like I said, I'm not really depressed about it that much, I'm learning to accept it and just wait for it. |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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by MiCHiYo μ
on 2006-11-21 17:16:27
i guess my weakness is showing that i'm actually feeling empty. more like, i don't know how to. everyone sees me as little miss perky, little miss happy, little miss joyful. people even said that i'm like an anime character: multiple expressions with a kinky personality. i dunno if it's supposed to be a complement, but i just accepted it. it's rare for me to snap just like that, but it's happened in my old school. they knew that i was like that... they even said so during our retreat (a retreat is like a religious trip where you do stuff related to God, and have fun and reflect on stuff and the sort). once, we were asked to draw objects that will represent our friends, and i was surprised that i got a lot from my classmates. when asked to describe the drawings they drew, one even said, "you know, she's just always happy, and even quiet sometimes. you don't see her abilities and her creative mind, but i do. she just shows us that she's okay. but, like this tree, standing sturdy and all, she has weak branches as well, and if we put too much weight in them, one of them just might break." i understand what you mean... "why don't you go out and just have some fun?" sheez~ they make it sound easy. i get a different one, though, and usually, from my mom: "fix yourself." gah~ can i do that in a mere second? she makes it sound easy as well. makes me wonder if she actually understands me. -michiyo- ![]() beware. the QueeN oF SiGGieS is here. kill that mr. scrolly or your siggy goes BAI BAI. it's solidarity month! let's be united! +[-- GeNDouNiaNS: i am half-back! visit my blog by clicking on the siggie banner! updated: 12.07.07 --]+
~*..:: i'm never going to give up... if i do, then it wasn't worth trying. ::..*~  
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@ D-ninja: I tried that as well, but they believe they can do better. As I said before, I do not disdain kids, it is their cockiness and miscoordination that makes me somewhat frustrated. ![]() |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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by overlordsero
on 2006-11-21 18:33:13
Yeah people who dont understand others usually say those things cause they do not know how it is. I was born with a hole in my heart had surgery at 4 yrs old, still have the scar when they opened me up hehehe, and i think i had to have a follow up surgery too. Then like a couple yrs ago they said to take this one medication, i guess its supposed to make my heart smaller or something so there is less strain or what not and well i had a combo of forgetttin gto take and then when i moved out of my house i lost health insurance and i really cant afford to pay for it. And i know what its like to have pains in the chest area....actually one just hit right now XD. yeah Im always the optimistic and smiling all the time and such. And well people got used to that so...if im down people know. Also I can never stay down long...its really annoying sometimes <.< I kinda feel its like...I HAVE to be upbeat for everyone else. I can tolerate alot but you REALLY dont want me to snap, cause im not even sure what the heck i will do. oh update! now im looking at 1000 to 1500 dollars to fix it... it had a crappy engine, i need new belts and a bearing and...ugh... and guess what...I dont have the money! w00t and i have to work <.< greeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaatt well at least im with my family so i can stay there and my mom will drop me off and that also means....ACCESS to the INTERNET!! HUGE w00ts! well guess i will be seeing people laters....or such nots ![]() |
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Yeah, my condition is similar to Sero's, except mine is more of a neural thing. So in other words, medication won't do a thing for me. Actually the only way to prevent the risk of me dieing within the next few years is to have a complicated surgery involving my nerves, but I digress. |
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Shesh I go write an English paper and take a shower, look what happens. michiyo, sharing your problems shouldn't be something you worry about, defeats the purpose. If you have to think about whether your friends would be happy with you sharing your problems then you might want to look into better friends. I'm going to give the classic "high school counselor" answer and say that you may want to take a personal inventory and find out out who you are. Not knowing who you are as a person can lead to confusing situations in your life in which you don't know what to do. The best thing you can do is take a day that you're free and ask yourself questions and see what you say; be honest with yourself. This is going to sound very selfish, but it's actually the first step to becoming extremely unselfish. You need to put yourself first for a while, get yourself back up and into a "good-place" and stay there. You might want to start with something that you've been wanting to do for a while (what-ever that may be), and then start focusing on how you can improve your feelings about yourself and make them happen. After that's all said-and-done, you'll feel a whole lot better than you did before. Once you reach that point you can't go below it, or at least you should make yourself such that you are no longer capable of going below that point ever again. This inventory will also allow you to appear as your true self, and you won't have to worry so much about people seeing the side of you that's not really you. If you don't know who's the real you then how will anyone else know? Sero, at that price you might as well get a new car, 'cause once they start replacing that kind-of stuff the rest is bound to go within 6 months. You'll end up with a new car in about a year from all the replacement parts anyway. Good luck with your car, don't worry the price can only go up. |
Re: The Depression Thread V3
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by MiCHiYo μ
on 2006-11-21 21:00:25 (edited 2006-11-21 21:02:19)
wakarimashita. it's just that, i'm like that... i don't want my friends to worry about my problems. but, then again, what's the use of having them...? why don't i do that when they run to me when THEY have problems. i'm an idiot sometimes. i allow myself to problemise other's problems, but not allow them to make mine thiers. about the evaluating thingy, i've done it before, though, but i guess doing it again may just work, huh~? i think i know myself. well, i used to. i just get lost, though. especially with the addition of being suach an immature 18 year old. seriously. but, i would try doing that. it might fill up the emptiness i feel. -michiyo- ![]() beware. the QueeN oF SiGGieS is here. kill that mr. scrolly or your siggy goes BAI BAI. it's solidarity month! let's be united! +[-- GeNDouNiaNS: i am half-back! visit my blog by clicking on the siggie banner! updated: 12.07.07 --]+
~*..:: i'm never going to give up... if i do, then it wasn't worth trying. ::..*~  