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Re: Share your karaoke ver. 4
Link | by on 2007-09-30 20:27:26
Yume no tsubasa

I did this....I don't know, I was on crack?

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 4
Link | by on 2007-10-01 16:36:41
@ SkyL:
Reflections?! That song is so hard....>.<

@ Hikari:
Yep T_T I guess I get used to it after awhile though :P

@ Engel:
O_o I'm a teacher? Wha? Since when was I a teacher? XDDD

Let's see...what did I type...
a teacher is taking students there~

xDD What I was trying to say was, a teacher from my school is taking students to Japan as an option for the Focus Week this year :3 So yes, i'm a student xD

My deviantART!
Link (from LoZ) claimed by me!
Current obsession:
Icons from here

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 4
Link | by on 2007-10-01 17:30:32
@Suzaku:: ooooo.... I was hoping you are the teacher... hahahahaha~~~
BUt it'll be cool to go Japan and if u get to choose or something... try to go places other than Tokyo (because it just looks like another big city?) like Kyoto (really beautiful with losta shrines) or some more rural area where you get to see the culture... Opps!! off topic... hahahaha...

I wanna sing too... but i'm so tried recently... is trying out a duet with a fren~ u guys be ready to once again hear my manly voice... unless i find a way to change things~

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 4
Link | by on 2007-10-01 21:05:00
*starts thinking about Suzaku as a teacher... maybe a hawt sexy teacher?... O__O yowza!*

It will be really awesome to go to Japan... and hot and humid are not a problem to me since I live in... let's say... Hell XDD... although hell might be a little colder than here X__X... it's so hot that is absurd.

@Ayu-san: I thought it was ok ^__^

@Skyl: your mic sounds awful but at least you have one of your own... that's nice

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 4
Link | by on 2007-10-02 00:28:27
@Kei-kun:: OMG!!! What kind of fantazies are you having over Suzaku?! Hahahahaha!!! ^^
Where are you staying? Why is it so hot? Summer?
I do notice these days the nights are getting warm... I want my cool nights~

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 4
Link | by on 2007-10-02 06:09:28
I feel sorry for all ye tropic dwelling beings. It is starting to get cold and gloomy here in Minnesota (exactly the way I like it, BTW) Perfect temperature of 18C. It is like heaven. Give it another month and all hell will freeze over. XD

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 4
Link | by on 2007-10-02 16:49:48
@ Engel:
Ahh, i see
I'm not talented enough in anything to become a teacher yet :P:P

yay!! duet!!! hope to hear it soon ^-^

@ KK:
WHAT?? O___O

*pretends she didn't see anything*


@ W/O:
so you like cold weather? interesting xD

Gee, lots of spamming.
I haven't gotten around to singing these days T_T if i don't record something soon my voice will go rusty again >.<

My deviantART!
Link (from LoZ) claimed by me!
Current obsession:
Icons from here

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 4
Link | by on 2007-10-02 21:59:43
@w/o you:: 18C?! It was 18C when I was in Japan this March-April and I was near frozen =(
I think give me a 24C and I'll be jumping with joy~ Give me a 36C (which is what we have here often... being 1 degree north fromt he equator...) and I'll melt into a puddle~

@Suzaku:: hmm... did I see a "yet"? Yes... I did... so you have intentions to be a teacher?
Hahhaha... looking forward eh... lemme see if i can get the song out over this weekend...

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 4
Link | by on 2007-10-03 22:36:14
Okay Engel!~! I'll put all my songs on share your karaoke thread then... XD

Click here to watch "POKEMON"


This is Viva rock

And the NEW song XD

It's a new song sung by me, 1000 words XD

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 4
Link | by on 2007-10-04 01:22:00
Wuuhuu!! Listen to Mr TIE sing!! *advertises for Mr TIE!!*

@MrTIE:: Nice~~~ 1000 words is nice too but if u can release urself more.. be more confident and sing like u r on stage... and with a karaoke background.... U'll sound totally fab!! ^^

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 4
Link | by on 2007-10-04 05:19:22
It's been a while since i posted meh song..

DUet #1 with Rie Tanaka

There.., that's all for now..

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 4
Link | by on 2007-10-04 06:04:05
@Mr.TIE: Hey, the english version of the song I sang! xD Yea, be more confident, then it'll sound very much better! 8D

@Lacus-nee: I could barely hear you... But it was a very nice duet! 8D Be more energetic, Lacus-nee! It'll sound nicer that way!

----- For war never chooses it's participants and it doesn't care about it's victims... To protect is to kill and to suffer is to survive. And hence, I do both. But at the same time, I do nothing. [A gamer, cheerleader, cosplayer and wannabe singer.] Interested in joining me for a Vocaloid song chorus? PM me! =3

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 4
Link | by on 2007-10-04 09:45:33
MrT.: LET IT OOOOUTTTTTTTT! Be more confident kk? Nice job!

Lacus: T-T I could barely hear you...but it was nice ^-^

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 4
Link | by on 2007-10-04 15:48:25
Errrrgh....It felt more right to be speaking softly during that song...but other then that, i was singing at a time where I couldn't just SHOUT out on no particular reason ehehehhe ^^;;

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 4
Link | by on 2007-10-04 17:02:47
I just felt like killing a song so here.
Cover your ears? Haha jk

This includes a commentary of a event that happened in my high school some past year ago. Enjoy my horrendous singing, with a karaoke mic hooked up XD

I'm Too Sexy (SkyL's Ruined Edition) 10/4/2007

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 4
Link | by on 2007-10-05 07:35:38
I'm sorry everyone.. edited version.. ^^


sorry again.. :D

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 4
Link | by on 2007-10-05 08:10:19
@Lacus-nee: YAY! Much better! 8D But it needs a more energy~~ xD

@SkyL: LMAO of all the songs... xD But that was a very nice song to ruin. xDDDDDDDDD



Hero's Come Back (2)!

Listen and die! *dies coz she sang it while still coughing that irratating dry cough* @_@

----- For war never chooses it's participants and it doesn't care about it's victims... To protect is to kill and to suffer is to survive. And hence, I do both. But at the same time, I do nothing. [A gamer, cheerleader, cosplayer and wannabe singer.] Interested in joining me for a Vocaloid song chorus? PM me! =3

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 4
Link | by on 2007-10-05 08:59:57
Skyl: OMG! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaa....oooooooooommmmgg!!! Ahahahahaha...This is hilarious!!! *Faints

Deep voice...ahaha you were having fun uh? Ahahaha I love your little breaks! Ahahahaha.

Rixena: Yaaaaaay! Hero's come back...LOVE IT!!!!!! *-* A little more of energy would have been AmAZING! But hey Rixena this song really suits you!! ^-^

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 4
Link | by on 2007-10-05 09:41:00
@ Rixena: :3 It's amazing you can sing the lyrics without sounding like mumbling :3

@ Lacus: I can hear your voice in this one ^o^/
there's no karaoke of it? T_T


Roxas is Mine =D
Claim! your own

Re: Share your karaoke ver. 4
Link | by on 2007-10-05 18:34:37
@Pame: Imma still suffering from cough and sore throat, so the energyless-ness is kinda there... xD Thanks.

@Hikari: Uh... I have a quick tongue? 8D *shotshotshot* Thanks.

----- For war never chooses it's participants and it doesn't care about it's victims... To protect is to kill and to suffer is to survive. And hence, I do both. But at the same time, I do nothing. [A gamer, cheerleader, cosplayer and wannabe singer.] Interested in joining me for a Vocaloid song chorus? PM me! =3

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