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Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by on 2007-07-04 21:33:57
awwwwwwww.........don't worry!

you might have to try another character
if you have clothes in ur wardrobe, maybe u will come up with a costume!

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Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-07-04 23:02:46
라그나로크 온라인 (RO):
More 地獄少女 (Jigoku Shojo/Hell Girl):
We all know who this is:
I also had the last one here, for a while now, too.
Just, thought I'd share with you guys. ;P


Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by on 2007-07-05 01:21:16
The ragnarok ones are pretty sweet ^^


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Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-07-05 01:39:38
WHAAAAA~! I saw most of these before!
They're freaking cool!
I actually saw this really huge, buff guy who was, of course, Major Armstrong!
The only thing that was wrong with his "cosplay", was that his hair looked like a pig's tail. XD

It's funny how this European anime looks like when the Japanese cosplays as 'em.
It's still really cool~! ^3^
They even have Edward and Alphonse (second image) from the movie, too.

If I had my old computer, I'd show you my FMA cosplay pics. T-T

But, nonetheless, keep postin' 'em, Kitty-chan~!


Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by on 2007-07-05 01:43:20
TO:why don't you be my 4th captain of this club? oh and the 5th pic looks so cute but all the pics are really awesome!

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Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-07-05 01:48:37
Who's the third? lol~


Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by on 2007-07-05 03:55:23
@DA: ahaha~ yeah.. Gendou ^^ and.. the hell-girl,, the second pic looks like a CG loLz~

@Kitty: woW~ awsome.. O.O;

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by on 2007-07-05 05:12:09
zomg! those are really great! if those anime would be turned into live action, they'd fit the character perfectly... glad to see this club is alive! ^.^

and yes, the pictures I posted are from the conventions here in the Philippines :)

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2007-07-05 06:02:51 (edited 2007-07-05 09:29:55)

aaah i know that one? XDDD

OMG the coronel Hugdes is so kawaii XDDD
AL is really funny i love him :3
Lust is so damm scary DX

naaaah i said i wanted to get in the club... it was soon after DA enter.... so i think is me XDD

more pics? :3

---> :O D-grayman

--->many things XD can you say what is witch one of them?

sorry for the damm logo DX
this is the best site and still sucks DX


they suck for sure DX
the pics don't apear ppl sorry DDDDX

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by on 2007-07-05 07:45:34 (edited 2007-07-05 07:46:02)

So many cute cosplayers~
Either way, their totally cute :3

I wanna cosplay as Edward Elric ;__;
If I grow my hair out again, I'll be able to~ :D
And since I'm playing on going to a convention
next year, I COULD just do so :3
But I have to grow my bangs out again ._.
[Le Sigh]

And you're s o g l a d ,
No one can see inside of your

T i r e l e s s M i n d .

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-07-05 14:24:00
» Dragonfly, I'm not sure what you said in between there, but okay. XD

Also, it's Colonel Hughes.
Typos are killing you. XD

I wonder if you can cosplay as Japanese Musicians?
Like Mika/NANA or something? XD


Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2007-07-05 15:37:01
One day in a festival i saw a Nana XD
the punk one :3
it was really good


yes typos are a curse DX

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by on 2007-07-05 15:48:56
@Baby doll: Oh, cool. Yeah, sure! Why not? WHat is it that a vice-captain is suppose to do though? heh heh ^^;

I have WAY too many photos of this series. So.... "PRESENTING FFVII ADVENT CHILDREN COSPLAY!" (Kadaj looked like he'd been CG'ed though ^^; )

About the last image...ok, so Hojo never made an appearance in advent children. My focus was only on the Sephiroth. The photographer was trying to capture an image where Sephy looks like a doll...and he kinda does in this picture :)

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Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-07-05 16:26:01
See, like every Tifa cosplayer is incredibly pretty.
The one with Reno, is the same girl who was in that multi-Tifa gallery, earlier in this thread.

But seriously... I might be talking about her looks to much.
Her cosplay is perfect though. XD

The 6th image with Kadaj, looks like the real thing almost.
Not CG'ed, either. ;P


Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by on 2007-07-05 16:44:45
Yeah, forgot to mention that only one of them was not CG-ed. My bad ^^;

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Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-07-05 17:16:12
No worries. :3

This one here, yeah, you can tell for sure:
Choji from Naruto.
The only thing real is his face. ^_^;


Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by on 2007-07-06 00:38:18
Hmm...what to share with you guys today.....?




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Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by on 2007-07-06 00:55:29
@DANGEL: check the first page of the thread! you'll know the 3rd captain!

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Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-07-06 01:33:01
» Kitty, Pepsiman, eh?
Is there actually a guy in there or is it some figure just standing there.

» Baby Doll, oh third captain overall, huh?
I thought you were talking about the third vice-captain. XD


Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by on 2007-07-06 01:55:47
@Dangel: Hmm...good point. Makes me wonder if the guy (assuming there is one) could even breathe through that material ^^; But I'm sure it's someone in costume...if only I could remember the photographer who snapped this picture so I could ask for confirmation...

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