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Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-11-07 07:50:46
a few days has passed and still no halloween pics? *sigh*
guess the thread is dead again...

on a side note, remember that cardboard box gundam kei-kun and I were talking about?
well here's something similar to it...
its a prototype (phase 1) of a failed kikuchiyo (samurai7) cosplay...

kikuchiyo boxman

and i just had to post this one in case DN didnt notice the pic thread
(taken from VIE's post)

if has a DRAGON NEGRO, then i hev GATO NEGRO ahhaha!

hope this thread comes to life again...T,T

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2008-11-07 08:09:29
thanks Z, you are the one who spreads life everywhere *hugs´*

I had noticed the gato negro but I haven't post in the pic thread ^^'

hahahaa, you and your box customes XD
is so cool, I'd give you the price just for being so original XD

and via has a Gato negro =P
nice ^^

mmm... Pame is busy u.u
we barely see her around, is sad, but we must be strong

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by on 2008-11-09 15:30:05
Heeeey Guuuys!!

I'm so soooorrry I haven't been around!

I promise I will be soon!!

I'm just recording like crazy XDD

But haven't uploaded anything to youtube yet!

As soon as I do it I will ^-^

I'm still waiting on the Halloween Piccies my friend has so when she gived them to me I will post them! ^-^

Gato negro! XDDD I drank that once...not a good experience...have u try to cry and laugh at the same time...yeaaah those are the effects of wine XDD

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-11-09 17:07:22
Dang Zpart, you hittin' that gym daily? Beasty d00d. XD


Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-11-09 19:30:18 (edited 2008-11-09 19:31:56)
@dn i do what i gotta do!hahaha

@pame yesh! PICS PLS!hahaha so gato negro has that effect huh..hahahah

@DA hahaha i been popping in and out of the gym last week hahaha
if you want beastly you should see the guys over there...those guys
are HUGE!ahahaha

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2008-11-10 04:52:09
@Pame: yaay!! recordings everywhere *.*
and pics comming soon, I can't wait >.<

@Z: the gym uh?... are you still bodyguard??
that is your rank in your ID of the club XD
so... keep the good wrok =P

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by on 2008-11-10 18:24:15
@DN: lol, now that you said bodyguard.... that song... can't take it out of my head AAAAA... lol. Good for Z, he's gotta be a tough guy then =P

LOL, gato negro hehehe, awesome XD

@Pame: recording! that is unbelievable! so great for you!!.. you're the best, keep going like that and you'll be superbly huge! woot woot woot!

Ok guys, as you know I'm like, never here so... I can't do anything but to say I'm really really sorry. I hope you guys can forgive me... nevertheless I already have a new goal and that is to be here at least for one single post everyday >_<... I'll do my best! wish me luck =P

*runs in circles*

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by on 2008-11-10 20:54:41
Nooo problem Kei Kun

I forgive you

U just have to sing a song for me...and it will be forgotten ^-^


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by on 2008-11-11 05:54:33
@ Z: XDDD that's amazing.

@ Pame: yay for (soon) songs and pictures =3 How is Makenai?

@ Kei: lol, a ghost! Uni is very busy?

Roxas is Mine =D
Claim! your own

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2008-11-11 06:45:53
KK have to sing !!

Pame has spoken!! you have to follow her comand!! XD

Hikari is here!! *glomp*

I need to find mi mic to sing something >.>'

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by on 2008-11-12 21:00:58
@Hikari-san: hehehe, yup I guess I'm a ghost now XD, it's all my fault.

@Pame: yowza!!! now I will have to sing, *starts thinking what to sing* =P XDD *Hugs*.

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2008-11-13 05:12:48
@KK: what about "super campeones" opening song??
the one in spanish?? XD
that woukld be awesome!!

super campeones!!
llegaron ya, para jugar, muchos goles van a anotar!! XD

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by on 2008-11-16 19:30:10
Hiii guuys!!

This is the new song I uploaded in youtube

I hope you enjoy

Looove you all!!!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2008-11-17 11:21:20
ohh.. anastasia!!
that was beautiful pame *.*
why do you apologize!!?? >_<

you were great!!

*hug kiss*

I loved it!! =D

yaay for new song!! ^^

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by on 2008-11-17 19:26:25
Hey guys, how's it going?

@ Pame:
*_* so beautiful! agh! jealously! XDD

Hmmm~ nothing's really going on in my life right now. Though I can say I'm looking forward to long breaks from school. xD

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Icons from here

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-11-18 08:18:04
hey awesome song pame!hahaha

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by on 2008-11-18 16:34:25
@ Pame: *-* omg, I loved that movie! That song just brought me back to my childhood t.t So beautiful...

@ DN: lol, yesh, I ish here ;P
What're you gonna sing?

It snowed today. First snow was right before Halloween. First lasting snow was yesterday. *throws snow at Pame and Suzaku and others* fwee~

Roxas is Mine =D
Claim! your own

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by on 2008-11-18 17:48:35
@ Tsume:
What~ you guys already got snow?!!
Well, considering where you live, I guess it's not that surprising.
I want snow so we can have snow breaks TvT *tired of school stress* -___-;

10th grade is so much different from 9th grade. xD Though it's not super hard or anything, and the workload still is doable, I just want to relax. *can't wait for Thanksgiving break* *_*

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Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2008-11-18 19:26:24
*catch snow*

*run in circles with the snow*


I don't know what to sing, but first i need a good mic >.<

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by on 2008-11-20 18:07:58
Hey guys, can I ask for some input please?

Could any of you please go here and vote? It's something for school.
Description is in my first comment (scroll down a little), but if you're too lazy to read it there I'll repost it here. XD
"Okay, there's this event at my school called the Taste, and it's where people bring in dishes of different countries to share since our school is really diverse. There are different rooms for different regions of the world. I've been asked to draw for the Asian room, and I only have time to draw one piece (and it's pretty big), so I want you guys' opinions on what I should draw. Vote now, please~ XD It would help a lot!
Oh yeah, the Taste is on December 6th, so I have more or less two weeks to draw this, so don't suggest something impossible. Thanks. XP"

I dunno if non-members can vote or not, but if you can then please do. I'd be really grateful!

If not, could you reply here with what your answer would be?

Thanks all! *hugs* ^__^

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Link (from LoZ) claimed by me!
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Icons from here

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