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Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by on 2008-10-05 20:00:52
Thaaaank yoooou muuuuch!!!

Syaondri: Yaaaaay You are baack!!! *-* Thaaank yooou sooo muuch

Suzaku: Huuuuugs! Thank yooou sooo muuuch

*hugs everyone

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2008-10-06 14:17:39
@Suzaku&Hikari: I would talk with you
but we don't have SAT here so I have no idea ='D
have fun talkiing, after all Suz-chan, this club is for you ^.^v


I wonder if KK will come back u.u

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by on 2008-10-06 18:01:07
Yees...bad KK

He said he was baack..

He lied u.u

Well I hopeee everyoneee is doing greeeaat!!!

I'm not sick anymore...well my voice is still a bit affected but I have no headache anymore yaaay

The flu sucks!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by syaondri san on 2008-10-06 19:37:50
UN!! I agree Flu is suck...
I can't help it but this flu made me suffer several week without ice cream T-T
not only that....
THIS FLU I can't shake it before...
she say goodbye too many times today...
wahaha...T-T I hate flu!!

syaondri Wow... Sos brigade's tank won against a gundam... syaondrilet the flow of the time take us grow more than now

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2008-10-07 08:49:44
omg!! BAD FLU!!! >_<*

I'm happy pame is not sick anymore =D yaay


now... we are so low of memebrs now... DA is not posting here anymore u.u
the king is lost u.u
KK is nowhere to be found u.u

well, at least we have both of our idols here! =D

*glomp the idols*

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by on 2008-10-07 10:30:14
That was soo... aaggghhh *dead*

@Pame: I'm really really sorry for all this... I don't even know myself now. I mean, I'm not here often, I barely go online on msn... what's going on? T__T.

For the meantime I want to apologize for my absense, for real >_< I've been a bad KK XDD (gee that didn't sound right) XDDD.

*Waves* take care everyone!!!... See you guys soon again. BTW it has been raining and raining over here everyday, it's crazy! @_@

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-10-07 14:01:59
I had like a light flu (fever~ish), so I still went to school, but it wasn't serious.
Actually, I rarely get the "flu", but others similar, but I can never miss school anyways. >_<;

Hope you guys feel better, though the cold temperature is starting to pick up once again. :/


Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2008-10-07 14:47:05
ahh, the missing ones XD

@KK: I know what is your problem, is something called DOFUS!!! XD
try to use your time better =P

@DA: ohh, you are inmune to flus :3
super DA!! =D

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-10-07 14:50:06
Haha, well I wouldn't say that, like I get tiny colds/runny noise here and then, it's common.
Any time I would get sick and have to miss school the following day,
I'd get sick on a weekend of holiday, which would suck, lol.

Going to school everyday is tiring/stressful/boring/all-the-above! /exhausted~~


Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by on 2008-10-07 18:34:04
@ KK:
At least you made time to post at least once. XD Hopefully you'll be done with whatever you're doing and join us again!

@ DA:
Lol, same here. I force myself to go to school even if I'm sick (unless I'm throwing up or something), cause I just hate making stuff up. Ick.

But ANYWAY, no school stuff please. XD Ew.

I feel like I need to post a song, but I haven't recorded anything, and haven't really sung either...

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Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by on 2008-10-08 13:12:36
@ Suzaku: Actually, I'm taking the PSATs er... next weekend. The 18th. The PSATs aren't really that important, I think, unless you want to go to nerd camp or if you're a junior and want the national merit scholarship thing...
Sing something :D

@ Pame: ugh! Flu! Is the flu vaccine free? o.o almost that wonderful season of sickness...

@ DA: Haha, really? Senior year is not fun then? Darn -_-; Are you doing college apps already or no?

@ Kei: zomg, it's you! XDD

Five day weekend! *cheers*

Roxas is Mine =D
Claim! your own

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-10-08 13:17:05 (edited 2008-10-08 13:37:47)
lol, well my mom will b**** if I miss like, a second of school. -_____-"

Well, it really depends, Hikari.
I'm just exhausted, it's kinda lie going to work for eight hours straight.
School is repetitive, and yes, I believe it's tiring, no matter what grade you're in.

I might be headed towards one of the Art Institutes so I can apply anytime I want.
My friend, who is currently there now, graduated last year and told me he did it near the end of the year as well.
He said I can easily get in, plus my background/resume would be stacked and perfect, so it's fine, I think.

I'm not totally sure about my future profession in college yet, but it's an idea to start.


Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by on 2008-10-08 21:29:33
@ Tsume:
I see o.O (lol, I keep calling you different names...xD)
Sing something? like what? >_<

@ DA:
"plus my background/resume would be stacked and perfect"
Lol, that made me laugh. XD
Anyway, please tell us where you go!! I'm thinking of majoring in the arts as well, but still not sure.
We are all turning so old T_T
And I did not know that you are two years older than me. o.O I thought it was only one.

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Icons from here

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-10-09 13:42:57
Haha, didn't I say I might be headed towards one of the Art Institutes?
Me and my friend talked about possibly opening up a personal business to get some cash, like entrepreneurship?
Woah, that's a really hard word to try to spell for the first time in context. XD

Anyways, it was funny talking about it during study hall, cause he brought up pr0n, lol.
Moving along, I'm still not sure what I want to do yet, but it's still early in the year.
Plus people can do something completely different than what they applied for college for after graduating so who knows.

I think this part of my life will go where the wind takes me, y'know what I mean?

And why did that comment I said make you laugh? :P


Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2008-10-09 15:09:18
I think I decided what to study when I was in the second half of my last year of school
anyway, ganbatte DA ^^

@Suzaku: hey, can you sing the ending of Jigoku Shoujo?? =D

@Hikari-chan: *glomp*


Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by on 2008-10-09 19:42:35
@ DA:
Yeah you did, but I mean, the school specifically.
Sweet, haha. XD

Ummm. I dunno. Just that you're so sure of yourself I guess. :P

@ DN:
The ending of Jigoku Shoujo first season? Karuini or something? I've never heard it before, but I have heard Aizome. That song is freakishly high. XD

I might be able to sing Nightmare though, if you're interesting. :P

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Icons from here

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-10-09 20:16:39
Oh, ummm, I'm not so sure yet.
There's three of them in my state, and about 40 total in the US currently.

There's a quiet closer one near my house that I kind of like,
but then the one everyone else is going to is in Philadephia, and it's like, "different".
A few of my friends (seniors from last year) who are down there now said it's pretty chill, so who knows.
I'm just scared that I might be wondering off to the other one all by myself. :/

And no, I don't mean to sound cocky or conceited if it sounded that way, haha.
Just since I entered high school, I've taken classes that back up my knowledge on what I might major in in college (if I decide so by then).
Thus why my resume will be okay, plus my friend said I can already get in anyways, but we'll see.


Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by on 2008-10-10 16:04:03
@ DA: I kinda like school this year. Better than last year, anyway. Wow, entrepreneur. o.o I would totally buy your stuff XD
I've heard of Art Institute of Pittsburgh XD that's it, though -_-;

You could draw stuff for Disney =D
I heard that lots of people from some art school or another draw stuff for Disney -_-;

@ Suzaku: XDD; I am known by many names *nodnod* Hikari, Tsume, God... any is fine with me XD
Yaaargh, my parents are like that too D'= They're all "GET A SCHOLARSHIP OR YOU'RE NOT GOING TO COLLEGE!!!" I might end up going to a public state school. bleh, I wish I lived in CA or somewhere with better state schools -_-;

Oh-oh! Sing Nightmare!

@ DN: XD why the glomp? *glomp*

Roxas is Mine =D
Claim! your own

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by syaondri san on 2008-10-11 07:36:31
@HIkari: Ahaha... scholarship neh.... yeah sometimes it's too shinny to be touched. I'm (and my parents)also wanted me to have the scholarship in the state's college... but I guess it is still too shinny... Tonikaku! GANBATTE IMASU! Neh, Isshyoni. GANBATTE!

and @ all: Don't forget homework school is a bit important...


Sometimes, life is not about knowledge,
It won't always get you over the hedge...

It is, about You yourself,
who wants to struggle life...

And, for that kind of life reason,
Give up is not one of the option...
>< by SAN

Oh... so keep alife, and don't be sad for anything, keep your head straight no matter what happens next ok?

@all again: Too cheerful mode switch ON!

syaondri Wow... Sos brigade's tank won against a gundam... syaondrilet the flow of the time take us grow more than now

Re: Pame and Suzaku's Fan Club IV~!
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-10-11 10:31:40
Yeah, I'll relay more info if we ever get it going, haha.
That's the third one in my state, too, and it seems pretty chill, who knows.

Just everyone I know is going to the one in Philadephia. :/


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