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Re: Singing Idol
Link | by on 2007-08-30 16:21:14

Tkuz: 5 votes
Doraemonz: none yet.


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Re: Singing Idol
Link | by on 2007-08-30 16:27:45
voting voting!! o.o so hard!! waaah~~ >.<

well...i vote fr Tkuz..~! ^^

but doraemonz you did great too!! ganbatte ne~!

~+~+~+Mikuru desu~!^-^ **~~Mi! Mi! Miracle Mikurun-run! Waaaaaaaaaaai~~**+~+~+~

Re: Singing Idol
Link | by on 2007-08-30 18:50:11
I vote for Tzuk too o.o

Roxas is Mine =D
Claim! your own

Re: Singing Idol
Link | by on 2007-08-30 18:54:46

I'm really really really sorry...I won't be able to do radio...

But hey...


Tkuz!! ^-^

And I'll post Group 6 in a little bit! ^-^

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Singing Idol
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-08-30 19:05:33 (edited 2007-08-30 19:52:42)
man i miss the voting..and i was gonna vote doremonz...darn it...>.<

well congrats to suk and tkuz!!^^

man when i think about it almost all semi finalist has a score of 4 above...and im still the lowest scoring dude in this competition bwhahahaaha wohooo!
if someone beats my 3.5 score your now the new SOD king hahahaha

Re: Singing Idol
Link | by Erkun on 2007-08-30 19:50:18
Oops... missed the voting too.
Congratulations to suk and Tkuz! Yeah!

Re: Singing Idol
Link | by on 2007-08-30 21:32:10
waH~ I missed the voting.. D':

now.. get ready for the next group ^^

Re: Singing Idol
Link | by on 2007-08-30 22:03:59 (edited 2007-08-30 22:34:10)
omgush no!!!!!!!!!

oh yeah congrats Tkuz!

am I the only guy in group 6?

Re: Singing Idol
Link | by tkuz on 2007-08-30 22:15:20
Thanks minna-san for ur vote TT_TT *sob* I didn't think I could get it to semifinal though..but thanks to ur votes..And I'll try my best in teh semifinal..I MeAn it! theehee XD

Re: Singing Idol
Link | by on 2007-08-30 22:25:49 (edited 2007-08-30 22:27:58)

ICD's entry

Mystuhmusic's entry

Kouji's Entry

Mizu's entry

Atashi's entry

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Re: Singing Idol
Link | by on 2007-08-30 22:39:28
@Atashi-san: ahhh.. soo sweet voice.. ^^ very nice ^o^

@Mizuki: niceY~ whhOo~ ^^

@Kouji-san: woaH~ it's been a while.. as good as always :]

@mystuhmusic: what a nice song.. and also nice singing =]

@ICD-san: whhOoO~!! love the harmonies :] cOOliEs~

@Pame: ahaha~ seems it'll be a hard time for judges.. again xD

Re: Singing Idol
Link | by on 2007-08-30 23:40:37 (edited 2007-08-30 23:42:30)

Song Selection: 5
Technique: 4
Voice Potential:6
Comments:Impressive (and fun) performance - solid, save for a few parts where your voice wavered. Stil, very nice and full of potential. Ov. Score: 5

Song Selection: 3
Technique: 3
Voice Potential: 6
Comments:Good tone, but very frequently out of tune. Work especially on your falsetto - even more so than your normal voice, it requires more air and intonation. Ov. Score: 4

Song Selection: 5
Technique: 4
Voice Potential:6
Comments:A solid performance; voice needs a bit more air behind it - otherwise perfect. Do try and balance your voice out a little better with the background music in the future, though - it's kinda hard to hear. Ov.Score: 5

Song Selection: 6
Technique: 4
Voice Potential: 6
Comments: Cool song - your voice/mood matches it well. Do try and let your voice shine a little more, though - being laid back works well with this song, but it may well hide your true potential. Ov.Score: 5.33

Song Selection: 5
Technique: 5
Voice Potential:7
Comments:Very charming, and well done. Only occassional bouts of near-miss intonation keep you away from the recording studio. Ov.Score: 5.66

Note: Judge 2 is not the same judge as group 1-4 ^-^

Song Selection: 4
Technique: 5
Voice Potential: 6
Comments: I enjoyed your harmonization very much. You blended very well. And I like the upbeat-factor in the song....however, I feel that the song lacked vocal variety and challenge. It was a tad repetitive. I think you have a wonderful ear for harmony, and I hear a lot of potential in you. The more you practice, the better control you will have over your voice. Ov.Score: 5

Song Selection:5
Voice Potential:4
Comments: Do you warm your voice up before you sing? I think it would help you too keep better control over the consistancy of your voice, because you lost more control the higher you went. I did think you started a tad too soft in the beginning, because I had trouble hearing your voice over the music. I like your vibratto. Be careful with your intonation. Ov.Score: 4.33

Song Selection:6
Voice Potential:7
Comments: You're letting the music be the strength of the song when it should be your voice. This song requires a lot of energy. Try standing up when you record, and moving with the music. It just doesn't sound like you were enjoying yourself! You have a beautiful voice, but I don't feel you are using all of it. Stop holding back! Let yourself out, woman! Ov.Score: 6

Song Selection:4
Voice Potential:5
Comments: I would have enjoyed your performance a lot more had you put more energy into your delivery. This song fits your voice, but you're singing too softly for me to really hear what you can do. Ov.Score:4.33

Song Selection:6
Voice Potential:7
Comments: So cute! I really felt that you were having fun during this song! I think you could add a little more power, though. Nice performance!
Ov.Score: 6.33
Song Selection: 5
Technique: 6
Voice Potential: 5.5
Comments: That was a nice performance. I enjoyed the harmonies a lot, that really shows the potential you have with music! Just make sure to control your voice a little bit more...there were parts in the song that I felt your voice was a little shaky, but you could barely tell. Ov.Score: 5.5

Song Selection: 4
Technique: 4
Voice Potential:5
Commens: careful with your high notes...there were some notes that were slightly off. If you keep practicing that little issue won't be noticeable.
Ov.Score: 4.33

Song Selection:6
Technique: 4
Voice Potential: 5.5
Comments: Nice song selection! But where did your volume go? I could barely hear you...the song was over powering you...make sure to be louder than the background music next time. Nice job. Ov.Score: 5.16

Song Selection:4
Voice Potential:5
Comments: Hey Mizu...where was your energy? I missed it completely.(sad face) You would have made me love the song if you do have potential, so next time try to add more strenght and power to your voice. Ov.Score: 4.33

Song Selection:6
Technique: 5
Voice Potential:6
Comments: Really nice performance! This song suited your voice perfectly...there were some weak notes because you were holding back...especially in the chorus...but you'll fix that. Right? Ov.Score: 5.66


Congratulations Atashi! You are our new semifinalist! ^-^ is open for ICD, Mystuhmusic, Kouji and Mizu! ^-^

Voting closes tomorrow night! ^-^

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting CHECK MY YOUTUBE!!! Subscribe yes? PAME'S YOUTUBE * Ohh Pame has a sounclick! pame's songs!

Re: Singing Idol
Link | by Erkun on 2007-08-31 03:39:04 (edited 2007-08-31 03:40:19)
Great!! I've nothing to say... pitch perfect. ^^

Overall it was nice; just work on the high pitches bro (both falsetto and normal voice.)

Great singing~ watch out for the high notes though-- some were flats, but you can correct that through practice.

Really nice Mizu-chan! Yep more energy and its perfect.

Wow... cute song, cute voice!
I liked your performance very much~~ more songs, ne? ^^

Ok, this one's difficult, but I'll vote for ICD.
Everyone did great! (Semis will be *TOUGH* I tell ya.)

Re: Singing Idol
Link | by Daniel on 2007-08-31 04:49:49
@atashi- gratz. that was the most coherent entry i've heard so far. adorable lol

i'll vote for ICD

Re: Singing Idol
Link | by ICD on 2007-08-31 04:56:58 (edited 2007-08-31 05:14:32)
Well I was gonna hide in the shadows and not say a thing because I didn't record my song for this competition. I just chose it out of my pre-recorded tracks. But anyway I think I have got something to say o.o Obviously no offence to anyone because I am an outspoken person and I just like to tell you guys what I think in a straight-forward manner.


Quote:: However, I feel that the song lacked vocal variety and challenge.

Well in response to this.. I personally don't think it can be said that the song I sang lacked challenge. Most girls can go reasonably high and are usually able to hit a high C (an octave above middle C) rather confidently, I would say. However, not many girls could go low as confidently. The lowest note in this song is a low E, which, in my opinion, is pretty challenging to be hit it perfectly and to have it singing out, especially for a girl. Pitch, therefore, is one of the challenges in the song (in mah opinion). To maintain a good pitch when singing is vital and it was hard to do it with this particular song because I tried to make myself sound happy X"D (which is important to do when delivering a song!) and also because of the very low notes in the song. (I think most people would agree that extending one's lower range is harder than extending one's higher range.) I found it hard to project my voice while singing low. The second challenge is harmonization. The harmonies in this were all made up by me. In the original version, some of the guys harmonized too but they aren't the same as mine. Not many people I know could make up harmonies so I think you could call it a 'challenge' too. ;D

I'd agree that this song lacked vocal variety though but then after all a song is usually consisted of verses, choruses and a bridge so.. i dunno ahha X"D

Anyway X"D I hope that no one is offended by what I said. And I definitely am not doing this to get me through because, well, everyone ought to vote trutthfully. And it's a really subjective thing anyway. :)

All I am trying to do is to make myself clear and state my opinion :) The wavering was, by the way, a result of me attempting to do a vibrato. This recording is rather old and I am getting there now :) At that time it obviously did not work so XD

Thanks for listening peepz~ And well done to all of the other people too. *goes back into hiding*

Re: Singing Idol
Link | by on 2007-08-31 05:18:35 (edited 2007-08-31 05:19:09)
I'll vote for Kouji.
even tho the mix was not balanced right, awesome voice ^_^
hard song too. damn. XD

Re: Singing Idol
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2007-08-31 05:57:28
I vote for the Mizukiness!!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketYou people better vote for Mizukiness!!
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketIs the Dragon comand!!

Re: Singing Idol
Link | by on 2007-08-31 06:18:08
I think ICD and Kouji are really close here. Hmmmmm....... thinking.... thinking..... thinking............ *racks my brain!*

Ok.... I vote for ICD.

Re: Singing Idol
Link | by on 2007-08-31 07:31:51 (edited 2007-08-31 07:32:32)
OMG group 6 was AWESOME~!!!! ^^

CONGRATS Atashi!!! your voice is SOOO cute!!! waaaaaai~~ ^^

great harmonies!~!~ the song was a bit boring though, in my opinion~ but you did great! ^^

zomg a gackt song!! i love gackt!! ^0^
you did a great job with the song!! i actually thought you were gackt at first! hahaha~!! ^^

the music was waaaay too loud and i could barely hear your voice :(
but you sounded good though, from what i could hear! ^^ good job!

you chose the right song to sing~! but you definitely needed more energy and power~ and maybe a bit more practice~~ but you did good! ^^

awesome awesome job! ^^ you chose the perfect song! yeeeey~!! ^0^ congrats~! and good luck in the semis, my rival..+_________+ [haha kidding! ^^]

waaaaaaaaaah voting is soooooo hard!!! *panic panic*
i think i'm gonna vote for....Mystuhmusic~~! ^-^

~+~+~+Mikuru desu~!^-^ **~~Mi! Mi! Miracle Mikurun-run! Waaaaaaaaaaai~~**+~+~+~

Re: Singing Idol
Link | by tkuz on 2007-08-31 07:50:10 (edited 2007-08-31 08:04:03)
*hail to teh dragon command!!* lol..kiddin' It's my own will!!
Oh yeah...btw..revising all my pronunciation comments: "I'm asian lol, I dun even know how to spell i nor to understand what it means @_@ bad"...well..thats all..theehehe..

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