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Re: Gendou singing Idol Death Match S.1 vs S.2!
Link | by on 2008-01-12 07:06:21
One week away from, and there's already semifinalists from Group 2. Wow.
I HAVE to be here when Group 3's up, no more missing performances! XD
And with that, the count nears to 5. My "end" is nearing, as I know how good the other singers are and how unpopular I am compared to them... duh, be positive...

Well, last but not least, congrats to the chosen semifinalists, and good luck to other fellow contestants from Group 3 and all groups after 'em!

Re: Gendou singing Idol Death Match S.1 vs S.2!
Link | by on 2008-01-12 08:57:44

Hitomi's entry

Izanami's entry

Kaoru's entry

Yinzhao's entry


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Re: Gendou singing Idol Death Match S.1 vs S.2!
Link | by on 2008-01-12 09:27:52
Whoo! Group 3!

@Hitomi: That was sweet! Be careful with pronunciation, though, 'cause sometimes you blow your mic.

@Izanami: You've got a sweet voice! You need more control of your voice, though, and also watch your timing.

@Kaoru: You sang a bit too soft at the beginning, but from the middle onwards, it's great, I like your energy :D

@Yinzhao: There was a part where you seems to have a little problem reaching a high note, but other than that, it's very pleasant to hear :D

Re: Gendou singing Idol Death Match S.1 vs S.2!
Link | by on 2008-01-12 11:52:27
woohoo group 3 nice job everyone.

Re: Gendou singing Idol Death Match S.1 vs S.2!
Link | by on 2008-01-12 12:43:22
Wow... Good job group 3! Gud luck to ol of you! ^_^

Re: Gendou singing Idol Death Match S.1 vs S.2!
Link | by on 2008-01-12 12:46:54
Wow blow me away group 3!!! That was so wonderful. I love you all!! That made me so happy to hear your songs. It helps me feel so much better in spirit as i recover.

I vote for Yinzaho!!

Look deep within your soul and you will find the spirit of the wolf.

Re: Gendou singing Idol Death Match S.1 vs S.2!
Link | by on 2008-01-12 17:16:35
I thought you vote after the judges give their review?

Re: Gendou singing Idol Death Match S.1 vs S.2!
Link | by on 2008-01-12 17:17:31
Congrats Drather and FA! ^^

And group!

@ Hitomi:
Man, it's been awhile since I last heard this song...I think dating back to when I tried to sing it XDD it's a really high song, it's amazing to hear someone record it! You have a really good voice for was really pretty >.< You just need to watch the pitch on some notes, but otherwise I think it was great :3

@ Izanami:
I agree, you have great potential, but I don't think you chose the right song >.< Your timing was off at parts, plus the pitch at some notes, but if you learn to control that, you can make this cover great. ^^

@ Kaoru:
Man, I really like this song...who is it by? Anyways, I think you chose a great song, cause it fits your voice pretty well! Just watch your volume in the was kinda quiet >.< But like Asd said, from the middle on, your energy was great, and your pitch is pretty accurate. great job! ^^

@ Yinzhao:
It's nice to hear you sing again >.< Of course, you did wonderful with your beautiful voice :3 I love the harmonies you added :)

Can't wait for judge's results~!

@ Asd:
Aww, don't say that T___T

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Current obsession:
Icons from here

Re: Gendou singing Idol Death Match S.1 vs S.2!
Link | by on 2008-01-12 18:53:49 (edited 2008-01-12 19:03:28)
wooh^^ group 3 cool!~!!!!
i love you all^^ muach muach

@pame : finally i have time to come here^^. anyway Pame-san , could i change my entry yesterday?. thank you^^

Re: Gendou singing Idol Death Match S.1 vs S.2!
Link | by on 2008-01-12 23:46:51
Wooooot~! Hooray for group3!

This song really suits your voice... pretty!

Sweet voice! Nice song too~!

great energy! Very well done.. :)

you really have the voice... love the song~! weeeee~!

Re: Gendou singing Idol Death Match S.1 vs S.2!
Link | by on 2008-01-13 01:48:32
XD aaarg people in mah group re good XD

ganbatte minna

Re: Gendou singing Idol Death Match S.1 vs S.2!
Link | by Dragon Negro on 2008-01-13 18:30:59
I have to say to you all: Hitomi, Izanami, Kaoru, and Yinzhao.
good work, that was pretty, energetic,great!!

But i think Yinzhao was the best ^^
Good work

Re: Gendou singing Idol Death Match S.1 vs S.2!
Link | by on 2008-01-13 21:29:25 (edited 2008-01-13 21:29:45)
HItomi>> Quite a bit of blowing sounds and timing gets slightly off at times. Nonetheless, u've got a good voice and technique and is a good pick of song.

Izanami>> You seem to have entered into the song slightly late. You have a good voice potential which could be better displayed if you could be more confident in your singing.Also, the high pitches of the song seems to have been quite a challenge for you.

Kaoru>> Great interpretation and a good choice of song to suit your vocal. However, at parts of the song the words do end abruptly. Perhaps having a slight bit more of "drag" will be good?

Yinzhao>> A professional at work. Great work at those high pitches on "WHY". Totally love the song on 1st hear~

No SHnY songs this round. and ack.... one more round gone... *trembles*

Re: Gendou singing Idol Death Match S.1 vs S.2!
Link | by on 2008-01-14 10:45:14
Yowza! this group was pretty cool again!!.

I Think you all guys are quite good, let's just wait for the judges reviews and then I'll post my vote ^^

Gendou is really full of talented people!... man I'm glad to be here hahahaha, so I can be count as one even if I suck XD

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: Gendou singing Idol Death Match S.1 vs S.2!
Link | by on 2008-01-14 17:13:46 (edited 2008-01-14 17:16:21)

Song Selection: 5 Interpretation: 4 Voice Potential: 6 Technique: 3
Comments:Nice tone, and good falsetto. You start off-tune, but gradually improve your intonation, which shows promise. Your delicate voice simply needs more control in order to achieve its potential.

Song Selection: 4 Interpretation: 3 Voice Potential: 4 Technique: 2
Comments:You have a fair idea of the melody, but you'll need to stick to it more stringently to do it justice. If you have access to a piano, use it - you canuse it to play back passages and match your voice to them properly, one at a time.

Song Selection: 4 Interpretation: 4 Voice Potential: 6 Technique: 4
Comments:You've got a gentle voice and good feeling for your song. Sadly, it's this feeling - or rather, style - that gets in the way of your technique. By keeping things soft, you're also removing much-needed breath support - which, combined with your vibrato, gives your voice a very shaky sound. One of the hardest things to do is to sing soft with alot of air - but master that, and you'll be singing with the best.

Song Selection: 4 Interpretation: 4 Voice Potential: 6 Technique: 4
Comments: A nice song, performed with energy. You have a tendency to go flat, however, which deeply impacts your performance - correct this and you'll do just fine.
Song Selection: 5 Interpretation: 4 Voice Potential: 5 Technique: 4
Comments:You pick a very sweet and gentle song. Wow the intro is very long. You have a very pretty voice. Great tone, but you do go sharp on your high notes. Try to open your mouth a little more and relax your throat.

Song Selection: 4 Interpretation: 2 Voice Potential: 2 Technique: 4
Comments: Wow.

Song Selection: 4 Interpretation:3 Voice Potential:4 Technique: 5
Comments:Pretty song. You have a very soft and voice. If you sing from your diaphragm and support you could be a little louder. This song may have been to deep for you. I would suggest getting closer to the mic. I really enjoyed the second half of the song.

Song Selection: 7
Interpretation: 5
Voice Potential: 6
Technique: 6
Comments:Good song selection. You have a very soft lullaby type of voice. Great harmonization.
Song Selection: 5 Interpretation: 3 Voice Potential: 4 Technique: 3
Message: Your voice has a very pretty quality that fits this song
nicely! And I love your vibrato - with more practice, I'm sure it'll
become clearer and stronger. Critique: Watch out for proper
intonation and pronunciations. I found myself trying to figure out
what you were singing for most of the song. Soft is good for a ballad
like this, but emotion is also important. Be sure to understand the
lyrics and try to express them through the heart of the song ;D Don't
be afraid to sing out more!

Song Selection: 4 Interpretation: 2 Voice Potential: 3 Technique: 2
Message: This is a great song, but I'm not sure it's fitting you very
well. I'm sorry for the tough score, but I do think your voice
deserves a bit more practice ;D You have potential to improve though!

Song Selection: 5 Interpretation: 4 Voice Potential: 4 Technique: 4
Message: Nice choice of song! I can definitely hear the emotion in
your singing here. Props to you. But I'd love to hear more dynamics!
More 'oomph'! And better clarity in your words.

Song Selection: 4 Interpretation: 5 Voice Potential: 5 Technique: 5
Message: Two Ayaka songs in this round! You definitely have the most
power in this group. *cheers* I like the energy and emotion you've
put into this recording. I'd just watch out for a better
interpretation of the lyrics. Ayaka has a very distinct slurring-
quality in her singing, but I wouldn't try to copy it too much,
because it can make lyrics heard to hear when it's not your natural
singing style. Good use of head voice in the high notes! My favorite
of this group.
Song selection: 5 Technique: 5 Interpretation: 6 Voice potential: 6
My advise is , add some echos, the vocal sounds too dry..

Song selection: 4 Technique: 4 Interpretation: 4 Voice potential: 5
Watch out the tempo and high notes. Most of the time, you entered a new bar slower, ...and you seems not quite familiar with some lyrics..well, you can correct it by practising more

Song selection: 6 Technique: 6 Interpretation: 7 Voice potential: 7
A challeging song for male vocal to sing Ayumi's song , moreoever, it's "Heaven"..

Song selection: 6 Technique: 7 Interpretation: 6 Voice potential:7
As good as always!
Song Selection: 4 Technique: 4 Interpretation:5 Voice Potential:6
Comment: You have a sweet voice and a beautiful vibratto. You were off key at the beginning but corrected it as you kept singing...You have great potential...just keep practicing and you'll get better!

Song Selection: 4 Technique:3 Interpretation:3 Voice Potential: 4
Comment: You need to be careful with your pitch...I can hear you have a really pretty voice and potential! Like another judge said..try to practice with a keyboard to hit each note properly and you'll sound great!

Song Selection:5 Technique:4 Interpretation:5 Voice Potential:6
Comment: Greeat song! You started a bit shacky but improved as you went through! You have great potential Kaoru...don't hold back!

Song Selection:5 Technique:5 Interpretation:6 Voice Potential: 7
Comment: I loove your falsetto! Really nice job in those high notes! You just need a little improvement on adding more in your voice for the low notes...your voice shines in the high notes...but hold back in the low ones! But still...a great performance~

CONGRATULATIONS YINZHAO...You are the next semifinalist!

Pleaseee cast your votes for Kaoru, Hitomi and Izanami!!

Good luck!

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Re: Gendou singing Idol Death Match S.1 vs S.2!
Link | by Hitomi on 2008-01-14 17:32:53 (edited 2008-01-14 17:38:29)
thank you, judges, for all the critique! i've never received tips before, so i'll be sure to keep them in mind.
and in reply to one of the judges' comments, soft is the only voice i can's always been like that. i really envy singers like yinzhao, who can do two 'tones'! good job, yinzhao, you deserved it!

ganbatte, minna!

Re: Gendou singing Idol Death Match S.1 vs S.2!
Link | by on 2008-01-14 18:24:09
XD Congrats for Yinzhao

and thanks for the judges comments

ganbatte the rest of group 3 XD

Re: Gendou singing Idol Death Match S.1 vs S.2!
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-01-14 18:59:29
man i missed group 2...>.<

well congrats to drather and FA!

now i vote..HITOMI!

Re: Gendou singing Idol Death Match S.1 vs S.2!
Link | by DeG on 2008-01-14 21:15:41

Hmm good job group 3! ^-^

vote time...
Hitomi did good too and her voice was fine..but my vote goes to Kaoru overall~

Congrats Yinzhao! Awesome as always.. :]


Re: Gendou singing Idol Death Match S.1 vs S.2!
Link | by on 2008-01-14 21:44:39
Congrats Yinzhao! ^^

And I vote for...hmmm...
I vote for Hitomi. ^^

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