Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 4
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on 2007-09-29 19:53:45
*´¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´Okay, now to add two other people to the list for me. + This person is funny, kyaute, and loves to sing. She's pretty hostile, too, but I love her. xDD + This person is veeery hostile and is pretty quiet in chat. He's a total n00b basher too. xDDD No one can see inside of your T i r e l e s s M i n d . |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 4
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on 2007-09-30 09:35:30
The first one are me Edo :'DDDD |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 4
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on 2007-09-30 11:12:36
Edo: 1. Lily 2. Kisho Am I right or what?! xDD (I lke your little doo hickeys above your post O__O It looks beautious) Frat: Omfg, I laughed so hard at this: 7.heheheheHAHAHA. you hab a crush on your mommeh!! I laughed so hard that my sister started yelling at me from the other room xDDD *le gasp* Is your crush click here for spoiler |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 4
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on 2007-09-30 12:28:10
*´¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸. Frat is so mean ;~; I wuff my mommy so much, and Frat your not special enuf to get them right! YOU PHAIL D:< |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 4
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on 2007-09-30 14:12:27 (edited 2007-09-30 14:12:37)
*´¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸. Nahah, Rechii's right. But no one has correctly guessed my fourth crush, yet, so yeah. xDD No one can see inside of your T i r e l e s s M i n d . |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 4
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on 2007-09-30 16:49:34 (edited 2007-09-30 17:01:36)
rofl I could answer that one too, Edo, but I'll let you have your fun with the rest of the gendou community ^__^ Holy jeez. |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 4
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on 2007-09-30 18:35:04
@frello nuuuuuuuuu XD get 7 right pleease XD @Edo nah more hints X3 @Reka 1-Edo 2-shinta?[agaian omg!!] 3-Key? 4-Lily... of course XD 5-hmmm me? 6-schala? 7-kiba??? 8-OMG i have no idea 9-Latino! |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 4
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on 2007-09-30 19:43:51
@Df: You got 1, 4, 7, and 9 right xDD All the rest are wrong xPPP |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 4
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on 2007-09-30 22:33:55
wow. lots of crushes ^^" |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 4
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on 2007-10-01 01:15:12
Wow that's a lot!!! |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 4
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on 2007-10-01 11:21:19
Ok them reka i will try again @reka 1- Edo! 2- Frello? 3- nuuuu hmmmm Synai? 4- Lily! 5- Schala? 6- Bear?? 7- Kibaba!!! X3 8- Naychii? 9- Latino! |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 4
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on 2007-10-01 16:30:14
o.O geez, I miss like one day and there's a swarm of crushes xPPPP I'll leave this to you guys...since I don't know any of you except Dfly O_o |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 4
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on 2007-10-01 16:52:07
*´¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸. How much bigger of a hint do you want then food as the nickname?? o__o No one can see inside of your T i r e l e s s M i n d . |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 4
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on 2007-10-01 17:30:48
GOSHI Edo!! I have no idea someone with a food name... Scarlett? once someone called her scarletto... like the ice-cream Frejello don't count... we all know itachou is your first crush X333333 aaaaaaah! nuuu |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 4
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on 2007-10-01 20:53:58 (edited 2007-10-01 20:55:19)
I cannot believe I'm lost so fast!... how many crushes have been guessed since my last post?... like 20? @__@ @Reka-san: is it Frat? ^__^, I'm like 90% sure it is Frat! XDD but wait... there's a reason why I'm lost eh? =PP... I could be wrong this time |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 4
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on 2007-10-02 00:29:27
woaH~!!! this thread sure ish very popular lately.. ^^ anyone willing to help us,, the newcomers,, with a lil bit of summary.. >.< |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 4
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on 2007-10-02 20:25:00 (edited 2007-10-02 20:25:50)
Lets see, Dfchii: This time you got 1, 2, 4, 7 and 9 right. You have one person in your guesses out of place. =00 Remaining guesses: +..::Le Gasp::..+ |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 4
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on 2007-10-03 13:24:54 (edited 2007-10-03 13:26:33)
Reka one of those is Liina right? D: I don't know... is number 5 me? Rei~san, ppl post clues about their gendou crushes and others try to guess who it is XD and if they get it right, woohoo! and anyone who has a gendou crush can post hints^^ |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 4
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on 2007-10-03 17:15:57 (edited 2007-10-03 17:53:10)
*´¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸. Wooow. Phail. D= Nickname: Edo_ _ _ _. + Fill in the blanks. And yes it IS a four letter plural word. + It has to do with food. +EDIT+ Okay. Didn't notice. Frat got it. XD It was Shinta. =33 No one can see inside of your T i r e l e s s M i n d . |
Re: Gendou User's Crush ~ Version 4
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on 2007-10-09 19:46:19
3. Isha crazy. Says Mrow when I say rawr. 6. Isha crazy from a long time back. 8. Always been nice to me. @SK: You got #5 right. And yes, Liina is in the list somewhere. I'm not going to say where, though. xDD |