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Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-11-01 13:33:39

I started out in Novel format, but when an RP came along in which I was required to post in script format, I found it so much easier not having to put, "she said" along with various adjectives that it stuck.

I also think it's easier for other people to follow the main elements of the plot and see where their characters come in in script format, I often can't be bothered to read a whole bunch of text glomped together ^^;

My favorite RP... definitely Meta-Bestia. For me it just had the best plot that progressed the most. The Rps I participate in now never seem to get off the ground.

@All: Ok, this is a fairly obvious question and I think lots of you may have answered it in previous posts, but what is your favorite type of RP?

On my behalf, maybe because of my age, I nearly always prefer Highschool Rps and all of those have been based on Supernatural Abilities. But otherwise I will always go for an apocalypse RP, or cool science-y Rps (Where your genes have been mixed with an animals', for example, like in Meta Bestia)

And finally, do you think a slice of life or romantic Rp, could ever work? Or would it just become too boring?

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by red_13 on 2010-11-01 14:57:27
Hm, well it actually depends on the plot itself, RPs sometime don't have anything to do with the genre, but the story itself. But I would like a slice of life RP at least once here, Cloak.

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-11-01 15:23:43
@Fenris - Those names are a little more. . . what's the word, fantasy based than I'm looking for. I'm just looking for simple names like you would find in the Pokemon games. Things like Viridian City or Blackthorne City. I will use Nocturne and Zephyr however.

@Everyone interested in the Pokemon RP - I may go ahead and set up the RP thread tonight or tomorrow night (if I can get the map done). I'm about ready to pronounce the Valkyria Chronicles RP dead (although I didn't send out participation check PM's, so I haven't tried to jump start it yet), so I may just go ahead and basically replace that as the RP I'm currently running. I'll edit this later with my decision.

NOTE: I am planning for space to be limited, so if you do want to join, then I suggest you PM me soon. I don't know the exact number yet, but I want to try and keep it to 2 groups of players. I dislike limits, because that means I have to turn some people away, but I feel like I have to for this one. Only apply if you are genuinely interested in taking part and plan to stay in it. I can't stress that enough.


Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-11-01 16:05:09
@jonathan; hmm names of city for the pokemon rp. . .how about twilight, like in kingdom heart game→ Twilight town. Well that is one name I thought of. Hmmm. . .how about Sulphur, Vendetto, Chronos or Carvahall?

Sorry these are the only names I can come up with T_T

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-11-01 16:26:50
@ Fenris- Those names are way too Sci-Fi/Fantasy XD

@ Cloak- I think a slice of life/romantic RP could work as long as you get the right players for it (The ones who won't be bored with an RP that doesn't have much action). I don't think it would be boring as long as there is a lot of drama in it and such (For example, it could be set in a high school with rival cliques that spread rumors about each other and only one clique can be the head of the school, something like that would have a lot of drama).

@ Jon- I'll definitely want to join it, but should we PM you now? (To reserve before the RP even starts? XD)
Also, about the town names, shouldn't they relate to some sort of theme? Kanto's towns are named after colors, and Johto's towns are named after flowers and trees.
As for town names, the only one I can think of is Hydropolis. I was thinking about a Geography related theme, that way you could keep one of the names Fenris thought up of, Stonehaven, but just put it in a rockier place to match the geography. Likewise, Hydropolis should be on an island somewhere near water, like where Medrengard or Talassar is on Fenris' map.

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-11-01 16:36:41
@Toyumi - I want to try and keep them to a central theme, but it may be a little difficult, so I'm just gathering any names I can find at the moment. A Geographical theme might be a good idea. I was also thinking of just using a mineral or gem theme, but getting different names than the games (plants might be the best option though, since there are plenty of plant names out there).

Also, yes, you should probably PM now if you are positive that you want to join. The quicker you reserve a spot, the less likely you are to be turned away because of a player limit. I still have quite a few details to hammer out (and I'm still not done the map, which I'm only going to get back to after this post).

I was going to wait a while to see if some RP's would die off, but since my own RP is already pretty much gone I figured I would replace it with this. I am a little concerned with a lack of activity though. It has been relatively slow recently (at least for me).

@Zero - Sulpher might be a good one, although I may go look for a different name for Sulpher.

I suppose town names really don't matter that much, since they will only be talked about, but I want to make this feel like a Pokemon game.


Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by Icarael on 2010-11-02 06:13:07 (edited 2010-11-02 08:58:44)
@Fenris: Is that a town named after 40K's Iron Warriors' home planet? Hope we don't meet any actual Chaos Marines there XD

@Cloak: Actually, there's already been a school-like, slice of life RP before. It was called Scarborough Academy. Unfortunately, it didn't quite click. On the other hand, I think a school RP could have potential, if we put in some other factor that catches attention, ex. the Rose Duels in Revolutionary Girl Utena.

As for my favorite kind of RP, I've always had a soft spot for zombie apocalypse RPs. They're easy to set up, and a ton of fun because you don't have to worry too much about making the plot too convoluted or hard to keep up, because in the end, the goal is to have your character survive. Not to mention I'm a big fan of World War Z and 28 Days Later.

Besides that, I also like post-apocalyptic RPs like Vagabond Survivors, semi-futuristic RPs set "twenty minutes into the future" like Immortal Machina, and modern, "magic realism" settings like God Child. I also have a soft spot for any RP with "Magitek" or a combination of magic and technology, although I haven't seen that many aside from Ugo's AWP series.

@Jon: I was kinda thinking the gem/mineral theme more interesting, since you could have names like Graniton or Shaleburg, then move on to names like Schistenheim (for schist) or Node Reef.

On the other hand, if you're going for the plant theme, why not focus on a kind of plant, say, tree names. That could make for an interesting theme. You could have names like Pinecrest, Elmston or Oaklane (although that might make it sound like all our towns are named in honor of Pokemon Professors. XD )

As for the lack of activity, that is the precise reason why I'm not releasing my fantasy/two-fisted-tales RP until much later. Besides, Immortal Machina is still up and about, and it just hit 347 posts. That's how many posts Phantasmagoria had when it died.

EDIT: I want to ask, do you think that I should put a limit on the number of people who can join in my next RP? And if so, what should the limit be? I don't want to end up having slowdown because of a missing member (Heaven knows I have enough of that in Immortal Machina), but I don't want to be too restrictive.

Part of the New Breed of Gendou RPers: Haseo, Fenris, Roxas, Zero, Toyumi and Kyosuke.

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-11-07 13:53:02 (edited 2010-11-07 14:58:02)
My rp, Zweilt seemed to have been going slow lately, due to the lack of posting from what I could tell. . . *sigh* Not even sure if this rp will be able to complete it's first case.. .

Anyway, it is now November. An idea came to me, an rp idea that is. . .

Anyway, the rp I thought of is that, in the beginning, spirits who had once departed from there bodies after death is now being judged, the souls that is sin during there life-time will be punished and be taken to Tartarus. And for those who are not punished yet are sin or the pure will be given a duty of Paladin, Shinigami or guardian deities.

The pure are souls that are not sin. Souls that are not punished and yet sin are called the forgotten and as for the ones that are punished and sin are called Death.

The Pure and the Forgotten who were assigned a position will perform the task given to them. They will be sent back to earth, they cannot be seen by human eyes on broad daylight, but can still be seen by certain people. Only at night are they seen by human's eyes.

The rp will be located in Ikebukuro, where many unexpected things tend to happen.

Well, that is the summary of the rp I thought of. There is more detail to this rp that I have yet to mentioned.

What I wish to know is that, will you join this rp if I make it, and will it last long and survive?

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by red_13 on 2010-11-07 14:23:16 (edited 2010-11-07 17:34:46)
@Zero It seems to be a okay story, with one exception. How are they able to be seen in a shop but not outside? That doesn't make any sense at all. It should be that only certain people, like people who can see ghosts, or shrine maidens or something can see them. That would be a better suggestion. That is a good idea overall though. But any RP that has a good idea like that, I'm always up for joining.


Edit: My new RP idea.

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-11-07 16:49:10
I Would Love To Join, If I'm Not To Late.

Username: misu-chi

Nickname: Misu

Rp's I've Been In:
1)Apostles Of Dark And Light (Mine -> Finished)
2)The Lost Heaven (Finished)
3) Heaven Resurrection
4) The Lost Heaven
5) Zodiac War

Quote: "I'm Not Alone Anymore"

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-11-07 18:28:17
@ Icarael- I don't think there should be a limit, or if you want a limit, it should be a large limit. My first RP, Destiny Card Battle, had a limit of 18 players, and by the time it died all 18 slots were filled. I don't think there should be a limit, because sometimes that turns away people who might want to join but can't because of the limit.

@ Zero- I agree with Naru, having people who can see ghosts or shrine maidens would be a better explanation.

I think I've reached my limit of being in RP's, since I'm in 6 right now and school's really starting to give me a lot of work. I won't give up on the ones I'm currently in, but don't expect me to be joining anymore for awhile.

Also, Icarael mentioned how there's a lack of Magitek RP's a few posts back and that got me thinking about an idea for one. I have a rough idea of it now, but it seems like a good idea (At least, it does to me). I'll share it here once I get some of the details worked out for it (Even though I probably won't be able to start it until December at earliest because of school stuffs >.>).

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-11-08 22:30:18
@ all, just created a new rp. If you all recall in my post few pages back that I mentioned of an rp that is somewhat based on megaman but yet not? Well it is now up. As for the rp about the spirits and such, planning to have that around christmas instead.

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-11-09 18:41:03
I'm still open for joining more, so I will probably read over Zero's as soon as I get a chance. Little tired at the moment.

Pokemon has finally started. Mistress dropped out though, so I'm not sure if I should open up a slot for another person. I originally planned for 7 anyway. I also need to find someone else to play Mistress's Gym Leader as well. Anyway, for the time being it's going a little slowly. I think starting off will be the hardest part.

@Icarael - I don't usually go with limits either. I think it would be better if you left it as open cast, unless a big group of people would be a problem.


Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by Icarael on 2010-11-11 07:04:03
@Jon, Toyumi- Thanks for your perspective. I guess I just wanted to make sure the plot didn't collapse and bog up the activity in the thread all because one person doesn't post. Then again, I did add a new rule to Immortal Machina for such a situation, so I guess I'm good.

@Toyumi: Yeah, I'm in at least 5 RPs now, so I think I won't be posting my Magitek RP Ars Alta Arcana until Christmas/late January. The furthest I'm willing to go is around late March, since it's summer.

@Naru: Damn, I want to join that RP... but I can't. Have my hands full right now. And I was looking forward to giving my would-be ship a weapons system named "Death Blossom". XD

@Aeon/Zero: I'd like to see what your new RP idea is, but I might not be able to join. I'll just see.

Part of the New Breed of Gendou RPers: Haseo, Fenris, Roxas, Zero, Toyumi and Kyosuke.

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by on 2010-11-14 17:19:49
@ Icarael- Oh, you're going to start a Magitek RP? Then I can wait with my Magitek idea. Plus I have another idea in my head at the moment that I want to try out soon.

Alright, so I have this idea in my head about starting a high school kind of RP (By the way I got the idea during school this past week XD), although it won't be as wild as Scarborough Academy was since I want it be a slice of life RP. Right now I think I'll go by a "anything realistic goes" for a class and club policy. I'll have a full list of classes, clubs, and sports, but I'll let the players PM me if they have any ideas. So I'll be adding onto the list and I'll make it the last part of the profile you fill out. I'm thinking about having 6 to 8 classes a day, and then there will be clubs after school.

For the setting of the RP, I was just thinking about not really saying where it was to avoid the whole school and curriculum of other countries thing. I would have gone with a private island setting, but I want a small city nearby the school so the players will have somewhere to go outside of school, or they could live in the city and commute to school instead of living on school grounds (Since I was planning on it being a boarding school too).

As I said before, anything would be possible in this RP as long as it's realistic. I don't think I'll start it until sometime in December, because of school and because quite a few RP's have started recently. Still, I want suggestions for this idea (Especially now since it's still in the planning phase).

Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
Link | by misanouta on 2010-11-15 10:30:46

  • Inferus Terra
  • Where's My Angel?
  • Butterfly
  • Akehanareru
  • Years of Memory
  • Sekai no Andeddo
  • Nephilim
  • Tears to Roses
  • God Child: The Sons of Fate
  • Dawn of Dreams
  • Our Days Under the Sky
  • To Aru Majutsu no Index

    [Let's go, you cat-obsessed moron.]

  • Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
    Link | by Icarael on 2010-11-15 12:32:16
    @Toyumi: If you were planning to make a Magitek RPG, maybe we could combine our ideas into one grand RP. I want to see what we come up with.

    As for your school RP, how about inter-club rivalry, bullies, b**chy cliques, and locker-room brawls? Plus concerts, sports events, dates, proms, that sort of thing.

    @Kyosuke: 'Sup! Haven't seen you around since Our Days Under the Sky and God Child: The Sons of Fate. My apologies if I haven't joined any of your RPs. I have four right now: Jon's Pokemon RP, Haseo's Other Life, Zweilt Guardians, and Immortal Machina.

    On a side note: God, I really wish Our Days had taken off. I was planning on making Rhinennah/Tory canon. >:3

    Part of the New Breed of Gendou RPers: Haseo, Fenris, Roxas, Zero, Toyumi and Kyosuke.

    Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
    Link | by red_13 on 2010-11-15 12:42:03
    @Icarel I wasn't planning to start it until my christmas break which is around December 15th, so you have time. XD

    @Kyousuke welcome! XD about time you joined us. Also, I have too many rps I'm in, so I couldn't join yours, sorry XD

    @Toyumi I like that idea. I have no suggestions, but I do expect silly things to happen.

    Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
    Link | by on 2010-11-15 15:40:13 (edited 2010-11-16 14:47:54)
    @ Icarael- Well, I didn't have any major ideas for a Magitek RP (It was just a thought, and I don't have a lot of details for it), but PM me about yours and I'll give you my the thoughts I had for a Magitek RP.
    As for my RP, those are all good ideas. I've thought about some of them already (Such as concerts, dating, cliques, proms and dances), but having class/club rivalry is something I need to think more about.

    @ Naru- I expect quite a few silly things to happen too XD

    Okay, so I have a few more ideas laid out for my high school RP idea. I have all the classes, clubs, and sports I can think, along with the grade levels the classes will go with. I just have to think of the schedule for those classes (Since in the profile there will be a part for the character's school schedule, along with an area for clubs they're in and sports they play if there are any). Like I said before, I'll let players PM me if they have any more class/club/sport ideas when I start the RP. I'll just have to work those out later.

    Teachers I'm not too concerned about, I'll just give a basic description of the teacher with the class description and let players control them as long as they don't butcher up the teacher's personality in their post (For example, they make a really strict teacher nice). Plus, they shouldn't play a big part since I don't want players dwelling on in-class posts. Actually, I'll have a rule that a person should make only 2-5 posts in one class. If they get to 5 and the class isn't done, then just end it. I don't want a lot of people to be stuck because they need one person to post to end a class.

    As for cliques, I think I'm just going to let them form freely within the RP as it goes along. I don't want players to be restricted by any pre-made cliques, although, I don't want any one character to be the type that's "best friends" with everyone (Or worse, more than one chaarcter that's this type). But I think I'll just have to take my chances with that and hope that it doesn't happen.


    @ Cloak- I was thinking that we could elect a Student Council in the RP (Like having the players campaign for the spot). As for the Head for Dormitory thing, I don't think there would really be one. The school is going to be a boarding school for only some students, and then non-boarding for others (The non-boarding ones would just commute from the city nearby to school everyday). I was just thinking that the President of the Student Council would be the head of that too (So the Student Council would make decisions for all of the school grounds, including the dormitory area).

    Re: Gendou RPer's United~!
    Link | by on 2010-11-16 09:59:46
    @Toyumi That sounds really fun! I love boarding school RPs although none of them I've been in have worked out so far, I think people get bored, but I have really high hopes that you can stop that from happening!

    Will you have the positions of power that usually go with schools such as a Student Council, Head od Dormitory etc. assigned to students? Or will they be Non-Playable Characters?

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