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Scarborough High (Apps. Temp. Full) RP HAS STARTED
Link | by on 2010-06-10 11:08:50 (edited 2010-06-18 20:23:52)

Woah.. Almost forgot my /orange... Gimme a minute.

Alrite, much better.

Okay.. So this RP is going to be called the GENDOU CHATTERS CLASSROOM RP, because that's what its going to be.

This is going to be an RP about Gendou Chatters in an ANIME HIGHSCHOOL CLASS!
Imagine if your friends in gendou... are your CLASSMATES!

Im hoping that this would be a 'light hearted' RP.
I would appreciate it if those of you RPers who's looking for some 'hardcore' adventuring, look at someplace else in this great site called

BUT. That does not mean that this RP does not have its fair share of adventures... Adventures such as...

The class tsundere breaking the chairs in class.
The hot biology teacher.
The virgin old geezer teacher, also known as the "Great Demon King (Dai-Maou-Sensei)"
Pool days.
Sports days.
The small boy who looks so much like a girl, that the girls (from other classes) are attracted to him due to maternal insticts.
The new transfer student.
Transfer student NUMBER 2! Dun dun Dunnnn~~
One sided Highschool romance.
The case of the perverted peeping tom.
Class outings!
The alien classmate!
Pedobear classmate.. omg.
Gundams defending the school from aliens!
And the greatest adventure that every Highschool Anime Student would go on is..


The possibilities are ENDLESS in what an anime highschooler would encounter or do!


But sadly, we would have to obey by the rule. Im sorry but its my first time managing an RP in this site. So i think some might see my rules as a bit too strict, but i believe it would ensure that people enjoy RPing here.


You are only suppossed to RP as 'Yourself'. Not some fictional character made especially for the RP. As this would defeat the purpose of havina a 'gendou classroom'. NPCs such as parents, neighbours, cats etc. are fine... SO LONG AS THEY DO NOT AFFECT THE OTHER PLAYERS IN ANY WAY.


Teachers, Principals and pretty much everyone else in school are for plot purposes only... You are allowed to interact with them, but please... PLEASE.. keep the interactions to 'adults' in the highschool RP as minimal as possible.


It is actually quite easy to understand and follow, and it allows a feel of 'reality' in the story. Just like any schools, you would have lessons depending on the periods. I will personally tell in the RP when a 'period' is over. There could be an end to maths, lunch break, Physical Educations, end of school, nighttime etc... What you do during those 'time periods' are entirely up to you... But you are required to take note of the period that i posted and should adjust your next post as necessarily.

Now that the RP has a standard time system...
Every RP-er is required to follow the time as per posted by the RP Master, any individual advancement would disrupt the flow of your character and storyline. XDDD


Apperently the RP is getting attention, so i'd appreciate it if there are no more people asking for reservation spots... And for those that already have, please fill in your applications as soon as possible.. thank you! XDD


Unless you are an RP Mod, or the RP Master... Using another person's character in your post, as if he/she is your own character, to further advance your story, is a NO... NO!.... Nobody is allowed to take control of another player's character without their permission.


Meaning that you should use the term "He / She" instead of "I / We"... This is a rule that I had decided on by asking certain RP-ers of the posts. This is to ensure that there is a certain uniformity and all the posts so as not to confuse other RP-ers.

These are player/players who have been given special authority within the RP to keep it fun and yet realistic for everyone. They currently have powers to enforce the rules should anybody, (i hope not >_<), breaks em... Please edit your post/s as need be should you be told to. Thank you..



Well that's all the rules for now.

As im currently testing out this new 'time system'... I'd like to only have either chatters, or veteran RPers apply for the RP.

Im also currently thinking of the beginning plot. The reason as to WHY are we all in the same class.. WHERE is the class? Who will be our teachers... etc.

But i appreciate it if those interested would drop down and give me an indication of your interest to join. Questions are also welcomed... Also.. If anyone is unsure with how the 'time system' would work... I'd be more than happy to explain further in a brand new post for clarity sake.

Application Example... (I'll be using this as my character in class)

Name: Frideros Vahrheit (Some personal info... ITS NOT EVEN A REAL NAME... Not needed if you dont wanna use it. Mostly only TEACHERS will call you with this.. Maybe... Honestly i have no idea why we even need real names since we call each others by nicknames.. lol)

Nickname: Inferno, Infee, Infy (Your nickname, the name that everyone/anyone calls you)

Character Anime Type: The good looking guy who loves women... ALOT... Yes.. He's very good looking and popular. But never really have any luck with the ladies sadly. He pretty much does whatever he feels like during his time in school. Always the rebellious sort. Gets into trouble sometimes, and he doesnt usually learn his lesson. (A brief description of your character characteristics.)

Character Summary: LOVES TO JOKE. Abit of a vain character. Some say he's a pervert... Flirts alot. But he's actually a gentleman inside, he's just too shy to show it to everyone... Prefering to show a 'mask' of a playboy to the public and only the 'gentleman' to that lucky girl, should he find 'the one'. His FAVOURITE color is ORANGE. And he has an obsession with sunglasses. Thus his customised Orange Sunglasses that he would typically use for 'scouting'... (Description of your summary/history etc)

Character Gender: Male (So because there is a thing called 'TRAP', and the fact that i SUX at guessing people's gender.. This is now a rule... lol)

SEATING: D4... (Look at the class arrangement for your seating numbers.. Please PM me your TOP 3 seating arrangement choices. It will be first come first serve... Non PM choices will not be entertained and will be given seatings on random. Just like a Japanese anime classroom, guys will be BLUE seats, girls will be PINK seats... All of you will only be notified when the RP fully starts.)

(Picture of your character... Try to find one with a school uniform if possible.)

APPLICATIONS ARE FOR ALL TO SEE... So post here... Unless you're shy, so you're welcome to pm me to take a look first. And i'll see if its okay.


OOC: OOC stands for Out Of Character, this is where we will talk with each other concerning the RP, but we will NOT be in character, just ourselves... OOCs are red in colour... And notice that below, you'll see the 'Time system' in action... EVERYONE... EVERYONE... needs to input the Time system at the start of their post. Notice that the Time system also features ('location' and 'weather')... The only thing that we share amongst all characters are the TIME and WEATHER... Where you are will be entirely up to you. TIME SYSTEMS WILL BE IN YELLOW

Time: Monday Morning before school starts... (Home / Sunny)

Inferno: Oh crap oh crap oh crap... Im gonna be late im gonna be LATEEE!

Grabbing the bread his mom made for breakfast, and putting it in his mouth... He hurriedly put on his shoes while chewing on his food.

Mom: Ah! Be careful on your way to school. Look both ways while crossing the streets. Dont talk to strangers you hear me? Even if they look like an 8 year old girl with a cat tail... Remember last time!? Geez, getting the police involved, so troublesome.

Inferno: Yessssss mooomm... I remember... >_>
Finally finishing putting on his shoes, he picks up his bag...

Inferno: Okay mom bye i love you so if im late cut me slack BYEBYE!
Mom: Ahh! Inferno, remember not to look under girls ski-

... *BOOM... and the door was closed in a hurry...

Mom: - ... ... Mo, that behavior of his.. Just like his father.. Heehee.


Time: Monday Morning before school starts... (Streets / Sunny)

OOC: Because my character has moved out of the house, his location is now 'on the streets'... Its not really that important of a change here, but if your character would like to be in the Gym, while everyone else is in the classroom, please notify us while using the Time System.

Inferno: *pant *pant Okay shortcut shortcut! CANT BE LATE FOR FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!
Dashing towards school while still chewing on his food, he suddenly felt a gust of wind...

Inferno: O' great wind goddess! How kind of you to grace me with your presence so early in the morning.

Instinctively, he looked around him... Yes.. He's looking around to see if he could get lucky... ... ... and he did...

Girl: Kyyaa!~
Inferno: AAHHHHHHHhhhhhh~~ Blue stripes... My favourite. Ehhee ehhee ehehhh ehh-BONG!

... and he accidentally made an epic headbutt to a lamppost.

Inferno: .. ... uuuu~ O' Lady luck... How cruel of you to grace me with bad luck so early in the morning... *faints.

Hmmm.. It seems he's obviously going to be late for school now.

Time: Monday Afternoon, AFTER SCHOOL... (streets / Raining)

OOC: Notice that the time and weather had changed. I wont usually change the Time system within a single post, but since this is for example sake im showing it in this same post.

Inferno: ... ... ... ... Uuuuuuuu~ ... ... ... *gurgle gurgle gurgle. Its soo cold and wet... X___X

Still unconcious... Inferno is wet with a mouthful of rain, he was absent from school today...

OOC: Notice how the weather & time affected my character? Yes... That is how everyone would post when there would be a 'change in the Time system'.


Re: Scarborough High (Apps. Temp. Full) RP HAS STARTED
Link | by FenrisOkamishiba on 2010-06-10 11:47:55 (edited 2010-06-11 06:24:12)
Nickname: Fenris

Character Anime Type: Calm and collected, it takes a lot to get him angry, but should someone
manage to do it they'd better run for dear life.

Character Summary: He enjoys life as it comes, doesn't stress about anything and just let's
everything develop at it's own pace. He doesn't really study for exams, but uses the knowledge
acquired by listening and hearing to get by. Getting bored in class results in a scribblings
appearing in his notebooks, coincidently all of his notebooks have multiple pages of scribblings.
For him company is always welcome.

Character Gender: Male

ClaimedStrong Heart

Re: Scarborough High (Apps. Temp. Full) RP HAS STARTED
Link | by on 2010-06-10 12:05:10
:D I'm so excited... so here^^

Name: Lacus Clyne

Nickname: Lacus, Lacush, Sia, Sia~chan, etc.

Gender: Female

Character Anime Type: A very random person, but is very nice, cheerful, and super helpful. And can also be very, very shy whenever her crush is around.

Character Summary: Lacus is a simple girl with a very complex personality. She's not bi-polar, instead she is very random. Lacus loves to sing, but not in front of many people. BUT, when people want her to sing, then it's fine with her. Lacus loves to read books--preferably romance--and is often seen chatting with her bookworm friends. Well, speaking of romance, Lacus is a romantic and dreams of having the perfect love story, however, the perfect love story that she wants will never be so easy because her crush acts like she doesn't exist! Nevertheless, she still distracts herself from her love problems by being with her friends and making more friends. :D (P.S. Lacus seldom gets angry, but when she does, expect for major disaster)

Character Picture:
I didn't want the real Lacus to be my Character Picture because her personality is so different from my personality in Gendou Chat~ :D

Re: Scarborough High (Apps. Temp. Full) RP HAS STARTED
Link | by on 2010-06-10 12:05:36 (edited 2010-06-11 18:34:34)
Name: Aly Nox Soche

Nickname: Nox

Character Anime Type: The cute tsundere who loves sleeping and playing tetris in class.

Character Summary: Nox is very mysterious, quiet and also ha a complex personality. She acts feisty and always throwing sarcastic insults towards everyone. In the inside, she's really a sweetheart, caring for those she loves the most. At school, when she's bored, she plays tetris or sleeps. She prefers studying at home than listening in class. Nox also gets random mood swings and does get annoyed very easily. When she does get mad, she represses her feelings and usually pigs out on food. At her free time, if she's not sleeping in the roof, she is mostly found messing with another student. Relationships are the hardest for Nox. She doesn't usually let anyone get close to her, but she does give them a chance. In romance, she is afraid of falling in love and being in commitment. Her ideal lover? Just found out =)

Gender: Female

*Character pic...*

Re: Scarborough High (Apps. Temp. Full) RP HAS STARTED
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2010-06-10 12:29:23 (edited 2010-06-11 12:05:05)
Name: Dani Dragonfly

Nickname: Dfly

Character Anime Type: Hyperactive (most of time) character that is VERY carefree. Sociable.

Character Summary: She is up to anything. A date in the last minute? Go for it she takes it XD
LOVES drawing in classes, cause other wise she is sleeps. Even with this carefree character she does study and passes most of the classes.
love? well she is quite airhead too... dunno what can be out of her
She is a reliable person to people in general, not even knowing them...

char pic:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: Scarborough High (Apps. Temp. Full) RP HAS STARTED
Link | by on 2010-06-10 12:40:08 (edited 2010-06-10 13:13:29)
I'm a chatter and a rp veteran :D RESERVE please.

Name: Derek Cartwright

Nickname: Haseo, Hase

Character Anime Type: That one manly boy that everyone thinks is cute, also the klutz and not to bright when it comes to the ladies.

Character Summary: He's pretty polite when you first meet him, but that's his outer shell. On the inside, he likes to joke around and have fun a lot. He's not afraid to get get rough either. He's also really kind, and a very smart student.

Character Gender: Male


Tales of FC

Re: Scarborough High (Apps. Temp. Full) RP HAS STARTED
Link | by on 2010-06-10 13:14:06
Application Example... (I'll be using this as my character in class)

Name: Madeleine Ayumi Neyosaki

Nickname: Maddy, Ayu, Anything you can think of

Character Anime Type: The aloof foreigner with an air of mysteriousness about them

Character Summary: Her looks are quite unusual, in the case you can't exactly figure out what ethnicity she is (black, white, asian, kitchen sink) And often just puts her in the mysterious foreigner stereotype. To be honest, she just plays up to people expectations and blame them if they expect her to be anything else. A bit of a closet pervert, it isn't too unusual to hear her say something that can make a prostitute blush. When not paying much attention in class, she is seen taking notes on people and generally creeping them out with the information she have taken down. Given to say, it takes a select few to hang around her and not be scared off once the novelty wears down.

Character Gender: Female, pretending to be male doesn't work out so well for her.

*Charcater pic...*

Re: Scarborough High (Apps. Temp. Full) RP HAS STARTED
Link | by temari_fan on 2010-06-10 14:17:57 (edited 2010-06-17 07:22:42)

Seems fun | Reserve spot please =]

Name: Temari Azuka

Nickname: Tem

Character Gender: Female

Character Anime Type: The mysterious girl who is always reading

Character Summary: Temari is a smart girl that has a strange fascination with death. She loves to read and you can usually find her sitting under a tree or on the roof top reading (especially manga). Something about her gives off a mysterious aura, and people are sometimes resistant to approaching her. She has a very good memory and is a straight A student although she never studies(very lazy). Temari also tends to keep to herself but is often friendly until you piss her off.


Re: Scarborough High (Apps. Temp. Full) RP HAS STARTED
Link | by inaby on 2010-06-10 15:28:12
Mite Join in ;D!!

Re: Scarborough High (Apps. Temp. Full) RP HAS STARTED
Link | by on 2010-06-10 15:33:55 (edited 2010-06-12 10:26:26)


Name: Naoto Inx Kusanagi

Nickname: Naoto, Transfer Student, Inx

Age: 17

Character Anime Type: Very quiet most of the time but friendly at heart. Takes
things seriously making them gullible for lies and tricks. Is very artistic and
likes to draw during their spare time. Not good in sports, because they are a
klutz. Very smart for their age. Somewhat mysterious as they do not talk about
their past. Doesn't get out much and have fun.

Likes: Art, sweets, water, and quiet surroundings.

Dislikes: Liers, Tricksters, sports, noisy people, strange food.

Character Summary: Born in a strict family, Naoto was always told to follow the
rules and become like their parents. In career, skills and intelligence. For
many long years Naoto has been going trough all of this since childhood. Till
one day Naoto demanded freedom, but the parents said they will only do that
if Naoto passed a challenge. Father said "live as the opposite gender trough
highschool, if anyone finds out the truth the deal is off". It was a strange
demand but took this chance. After a year or two their identity was safe, but
Naoto was transferring schools. Now Naoto has to start from scratch from
creating another illusion of them self.

Character Gender: "Trap"

Seating: [???]

[ Most of this info is like me, inside anyway. Especially in the catroom. ]

My Avatar & Signature Request are
currently CLOSED. Request as detailed as
as you possibly can. Find me on Skype,
life is keeping me busy.

"My Gender is Reversible~!"
<--- 「 Belphegor | Shizuo Heiwajima 」 --->

Re: Scarborough High (Apps. Temp. Full) RP HAS STARTED
Link | by on 2010-06-10 16:08:48 (edited 2010-06-11 08:39:11)
I guess I will join as well.

Name:Zero Yamato [ My real name was kira before I changed it into zero]


Character Anime Type: A genius, but tend to be an idiot at times. Basically a nice, kind-hearted guy, who would protect the people he care for no matter what.

Character Summary: Tend to cry a lot, when he wasn't able to protect the person he care for, head-strong, he is mostly ask by professors to help with a project. Excellent in Computer engineering and science. At times when he is bored, he play his guitar or draw.

Character Gender: Male

Character Picture:
*yes I am using his pic, for many of my friends who are major otaku tend to say that I am a lot like him*

Re: Scarborough High (Apps. Temp. Full) RP HAS STARTED
Link | by Lando on 2010-06-10 20:08:25 (edited 2010-06-11 21:25:26)
i'll join, posting the profile later


Name: Schubert Donovan

Nickname: Landon, Landy, Landa, Landina, Landonsei, Donvee

Character Anime Type: The guy who likes to throw something heavy when he's angry

Character Summary: He doesn't care about things that he didn't interested in. But when it comes in anger management, he always manage to calm his anger by throwing something heavy at someone. When he's bored he likes to play portable game systems like PSP or DS. At his free time, if he's not playing with his gamer friend, he's creating some sort of trouble. What he likes the most is about gaming. He mostly found hanging out at the cafeteria. Sometime he sings without noticing the surrounding, and he always sing woman voice song, and could imitate the voice nicely, his vehicle is a vespa scooter

Gender: Male

Character Appearance: Photobucket

Re: Scarborough High (Apps. Temp. Full) RP HAS STARTED
Link | by on 2010-06-10 20:51:58 (edited 2010-06-10 20:58:06)

No more 'reserve spots' please... Unless you're one of the few people that was with me while i blurted out this crazy idea in chat, and have yet to join... Posting first, but then editing it withing 5mins or so is fine... Just.. dont reserve a spot and only edit it for afew days.

Because I aim to start this RP by this weekend... So yeah...

Things will get crazy for awhile i bet. XDDD

I've added an EXAMPLE POST on my first post.. Please read it up... It shows the 'Time System' in action... Anyone with any questions please get back to me...


OMG AYU!.. That's an AMAZING character..
.. .... ... She seems JUST LIKE YOU! XDDDDDD


Re: Scarborough High (Apps. Temp. Full) RP HAS STARTED
Link | by zen on 2010-06-10 23:01:40 (edited 2010-06-12 00:49:43)
Name: Zenshiki Fukuzaki

Nickname: Zen

Character Anime Type: Playful and childish. Loves to flirt to her classmate when not busy playing in her PSP.

Character Summary: She is quiet WHEN playing but when not playing you can find her loitering around the class every break. She's lazy to study but fortunately she can pass any test. Loves to tease and to play. Well, she's too loud when angry but give her candy and she'll love you. Don't be deceived by her innocent looks cause she's a pervert!

Character gender: Female

Charac Pic:

Gendou RPer's United~!

Keiko Kubota (窪田 啓子)
Homura Akemi (暁美 ほむら)


Re: Scarborough High (Apps. Temp. Full) RP HAS STARTED
Link | by on 2010-06-10 23:29:52
OOCYou said the idea is to play like yourself and this character is basically me xD what, I'm vain

Re: Scarborough High (Apps. Temp. Full) RP HAS STARTED
Link | by on 2010-06-11 10:58:58 (edited 2010-06-11 11:02:19)

Anyway.. EVERYONE.. Perhaps the last 'change' that you would have to make for your character. Seatings have been included into this RP to provide slightly more realism...

Just PM me... Only when the RP start, and you find out your seats, will you need to insert it into your character sheets.

Quoted from the main post...

SEATING: D4... (Look at the class arrangement for your seating numbers.. Please PM me your TOP 3 seating arrangement choices. It will be first come first serve... Non PM choices will not be entertained and will be given seatings on random. Just like a Japanese anime classroom, guys will be BLUE seats, girls will be PINK seats... All of you will only be notified when the RP fully starts.)

D4 is already taken... I apologise, but that's my seat.. I've always been at the last corner due to my height... i have no experience sitting anywhere else. XDDD


Should be self explainatory...
OH! THe green circles at the edges of the classroom are plastic paper bins. You know... To throw your used notes away or something.. LOL XDD

@Ayu... Yeah.. Indeed.. Its typically you! XDDD which is why i think its so awesome that you managed to convey that into the RP.


Re: Scarborough High (Apps. Temp. Full) RP HAS STARTED
Link | by on 2010-06-11 11:10:32
@PHS.. No prob...

If any of you wanna go random on these things, you're more than welcome... You guy's will just have to wait till the start of the RP then... XDD


Re: Scarborough High (Apps. Temp. Full) RP HAS STARTED
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2010-06-11 11:29:42 (edited 2010-06-11 11:51:02)
where are the windows? .-.
ok stupid question
/pm's infee

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: Scarborough High (Apps. Temp. Full) RP HAS STARTED
Link | by on 2010-06-11 13:38:15
Hey! I would like to join if it's ok, this looks like it wil be a lot of fun! Although i have been out of chat for a looong time now. But on the other hand I've been in a lot of RPs :D


Name: Claire Thomas

Nickname: Cloak, Cloakie

Character Anime Type: Naive, but kind, the type who loves everybody but is a bit socially awkward. Has a hot temper and is very defensive of her friends.

Gender: Female

Character Summary:(Hmmm, this is based on my real character right? =_= This character might be a bit hopeless...) She gets extremely good grades and is said to be intelligent, however she is hopeless with everyday things and can never pull herself together. The kind of person who looks for a pencil when it is tucked behind her ear. Cloakie is always a bit out of it and sometimes startles people with her weirdness, however she genuinely wishes to fall in love and have many friends. She loves animals and walks to school with her golden retriever :D (But don't get into an argument with her or she will make you cry...)

Character Pic:

Re: Scarborough High (Apps. Temp. Full) RP HAS STARTED
Link | by on 2010-06-11 13:46:46
I wanna join but I won't be able to post my character until sunday ;3;

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