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new..but not new. Ello jello! Ja...
Link | by killiandcc on 2006-03-24 13:45:07
Hey! Thought I'd just introduce myself a bit. I live in Alaska and I'm a highschooler. I love music, and I love Japan, and am taking Japanese. *ichi nensei* Anyway, hi!! I'll probably be posting more, so I don't want you guys going "Who's this opinionated chick?O.o"
Fav JBand: L'Arc~en~Ciel
Fav Anime: That's rough. Maybe Hagaren..(you know the rest of the title)Saiyuki is a big fav too.
Fav manga: Death Note!!/Gravitation.

Wee>? Nice to meet you guys!

Re: new..but not new. Ello jello! Ja...
Link | by miss kris on 2006-03-24 13:53:15
konnichi wa, killiandcc-san! hajimemashite. welcome to gendou's anime music's forum! please do remember to read the faqs and rules as they are ever helpful and can answer your questions. that gendou-san of ours is a stickler for following rules and whatnot. ^^; anyway, i hope to see you having a good time here. ^^v

Re: new..but not new. Ello jello! Ja...
Link | by eternaltorture on 2006-03-24 14:16:46
whoa!!! that's so cool!!

alaska??!! man, how's the temperature down there??

omg, u can speak japanese!!?? that's awesome!!!

lol..hope to be seeing u more and more!! umm...i meant the

well, have fun! Image hosting by Photobucket

Re: new..but not new. Ello jello! Ja...
Link | by amano-san on 2006-03-24 15:34:41
Cool... you're in Alaska? It's pure snow there! Welcome!
Tradition: A Final Fantasy IX (Dagger & Zidane) image for yae! Hope yae like it. ^^

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"To be forgotten, is worse than death."

Re: new..but not new. Ello jello! Ja...
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-03-24 16:40:36
Whoa... Alaska... O_o I never even thought about schools in there o.o

Here's another image for ya ^_^;

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