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HI!!!!! ^^''''
Link | by Kuro~Tenshi on 2006-02-26 05:24:37
hey lolx i can't beleive i'll be joining gendou but i am now!!!lolx my name is Kuro Tenshi!!!!currently listening to the rage beat from gravitation its nice... anyways i love to RP!!!!! its my 1st most fav thing to do ...2nd is to read and write facfictions lolx....i am from japan but move to singapore and is permanatly staying there lolx... haixx i miss japan and my japanese is getting really rusty...anyways anyone looking for people to RP i will be here muahahaha!!!lolx too much sugar k then i be online anytime but other times i be asleep....rite...ummm be posting a lot more laterz!!!!!!

Re: HI!!!!! ^^''''
Link | by See ya! on 2006-02-26 08:49:55
Hey! Welcome to Gendou's! It always sucks when you have to move eh? I hope you like it where you're at. I would send you a picture but I'm still fighting with HTML. It's customary to send new comers pictures at Gendou's. You should get use to it. ^_^

Re: HI!!!!! ^^''''
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-02-26 09:47:02 (edited 2006-03-22 06:28:11)
Oooh... Thou art a friend of Sero, art thou not? Well, here's an image for ya regardless ^_^

Sorry, I must remove the image now.

PS: Sounds like you might enjoy clicking on my signature XD

Re: HI!!!!! ^^''''
Link | by eternaltorture on 2006-02-26 12:28:04
thou, again??? it's so confusing!!!

well, hello!

i see you joined gendou...nice!! ^_^

who told you about it??? kyle or jomunga???

haixx... never knew your name was really Kuro Tenshi!!

welcome and enjoy!!

BTW, i'm tinna! remember me??? lol Image hosting by Photobucket

Re: HI!!!!! ^^''''
Link | by miss kris on 2006-02-26 16:27:59
hihi, kuro tenshi-san! welcome to gendou's anime music! please do remember to read the faqs and rules as they are ever helpful and can answer your questions. that gendou-san of ours is a stickler for following rules and whatnot. ^^; anyway, i hope you enjoy your time here.

Re: HI!!!!! ^^''''
Link | by SK on 2006-02-27 11:08:11
Hi :) welcome to Gendou, i just joined yesterday.

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