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Link | by bluedude on 2006-01-20 21:05:52
Hi, im bluedude_05 but that just a name. a nicknames im cool with are blue or bluedude. I am here because my friend refrenced to me when I asked about anime music. I am into rap, R&B, j pop, anime, vidogames and other things. Im looking into the worl of cosplaying....*looking into not completely into*. So hello, whatsup, and I hope to enjoy myself here and meet people.

Re: Hello!
Link | by TIE_Defender2nd on 2006-01-20 21:13:02
Greetings~! nice to meet u~!
Here's a photo for U:

Re: Hello!
Link | by bluedude on 2006-01-20 21:17:12
Uhh thanks... its cute. ^_^

Re: Hello!
Link | by miss kris on 2006-01-20 21:17:28
hey, bluedude-san! welcome to gendou's anime music! please do remember to read the faqs and rules as they are ever helpful and can answer your questions. that gendou-san of ours is a stickler for following rules and whatnot. ^^; anyway, i hope you enjoy your time here!

p.s. blue rocks! ^^v

Re: Hello!
Link | by bluedude on 2006-01-20 21:22:47
Thanks I'll try my best not to break any of the rules. >.> ill try to remeber them too ^_^'... and yes blue rocks!

Re: Hello!
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-01-20 21:49:51 (edited 2006-01-20 21:51:31)
My computer theme is blue! (and black, too ^_^) I got a picture in this thread ^_^

Here's an image for you, too!

Re: Hello!
Link | by bluedude on 2006-01-20 22:23:27
Thanks. ^_^ I never knew so many people liked blue like i did ^_^

Re: Hello!
Link | by SCHALA on 2006-01-20 22:25:34
Welcome to the forums!!!

I like blue, I look really good in it, but I prefer Purple and red and black ^_^ Have a good time ^_^ Gendous is like my internet home, everyone looks out for each other!


Re: Hello!
Link | by Kino on 2006-01-20 22:29:36
heyah!!!welcome to gendou!!!you'll surely enjoy here and have lots of friends because people here are so friendly and nice ^^
here's a pic from me to you!!! ^^ hope you'll like it...

Image hosting by Photobucket


Kino Petto Kino Petto

Re: Hello!
Link | by Phoebe on 2006-01-21 06:04:37
Hello ! Nice to meet you

Enjoy your stay!

Re: Hello!
Link | by Nanaya Enix on 2006-01-21 07:10:44
Hi, welcome to gendou! Please visit the critic's bar and dark resturant thread because if like parties, there's gonna be one. Enjoy!

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingLaharl, the Overlord of all. I rule Netherworld Restaurant as well. Photobucket - Video and Image HostingEtna Photobucket - Video and Image HostingFlonne

Re: Hello!
Link | by Immortal on 2006-01-21 07:43:10 (edited 2006-01-21 07:43:39)
hi there, bluedude-san!

Welcoem to Gendou! remember to read ther FAQ/Help and the rules!

be active especially on forums! enjoy your stay here!

here's a free pic! take care! ^_^

Minase Nayuki ~ KanonImage hosting by Photobucket

Never forget the one whom you truly loved the most. People change but memories will never fade

Re: Hello!
Link | by bluedude on 2006-01-21 21:28:59
Gee thanks for all teh pictures guys! ^_^

Re: Hello!
Link | by eddie on 2006-01-21 21:56:05
Hello! I'm new! Brand Spankin...This website is so awsome! I hope I can help out any way I can! I had never heard of this website before. It's such a good source of anime music.

um, ???

Re: Hello!
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-01-21 22:14:34 (edited 2006-02-22 17:38:52)
And you know the drill; EAT WELCOMES AND IMAGES!!

Bwahaha, my image is now removed... :P

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