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Hey! What's up?!
Link | by akira-chan on 2006-01-19 13:02:21
Hey, I'm Akira! I'm brand new to the site and am looking forward to chatting with some, if not most of you, in the forum. Looking around at the topics on the site I'm already sure that I'm going to enjoy being a member! Talk to you in the forums!

***the good, the semi-bad, and the not-so ugly***

Re: Hey! What's up?!
Link | by Nanaya Enix on 2006-01-19 13:04:42
Hi, welcome to gendou.....please follow the rules and visit the Critic's Bar and Dark Resturant thread.....thank you.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingLaharl, the Overlord of all. I rule Netherworld Restaurant as well. Photobucket - Video and Image HostingEtna Photobucket - Video and Image HostingFlonne

Re: Hey! What's up?!
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-01-19 14:36:24 (edited 2006-02-22 17:35:23)
Welcome! I would say "Hope you have fun here," but looks like you'll be fine ^_^

And your image...!

Bwahaha, my image is now removed... :P

Re: Hey! What's up?!
Link | by kaoru on 2006-01-19 15:16:01

i'm new in here and looking forward 2 chat with some1.


Re: Hey! What's up?!
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-01-19 15:22:47 (edited 2006-02-22 17:35:15)
*is getting tired of trying to sound cheerful and happy after about 200 greetings T.T*

*will keep on trying anyways ^_^*

Hello! Finding someone to chat with isn't hard, all you need is to look for a little bit ^_^

And here's my image to you:

Bwahaha, my image is now removed... :P

*has just used up the 9 images that I got today >_<*

Re: Hey! What's up?!
Link | by yoyo on 2006-01-19 16:37:16
hi! i was wondering how u could put some songs on my website....if u know can u help me?

Re: Hey! What's up?!
Link | by on 2006-01-20 02:41:06 (edited 2006-01-27 18:20:34)
A pleasure to meet you Akira & kaoru...^^

Enjoy what the site has to offer...but please read the FAQs & Rules for your own well-being...being BANNED is not fun.

(Sounds familiar doesn't it....Yes i'm to lazy to type something different :P)

(image rmoved)...gomen...photobucket organizing

A couple from Fate Hollow Ataraxia....the "alternate" to Fate/Stay Night...^^

Re: Hey! What's up?!
Link | by Immortal on 2006-01-20 06:16:31
what a lineup of new members! *phew*

hi there, Akira-san, kaoru-san!

Welcome to Gendou! you can chat with everyone here! but remember that this site is not an instant messenger! to know more about the rules here, read the FAQ/Help so you'll know more info about this site.

endless free pics for the newbies! enjoy and take care! ^_^

Kawasumi Mai ~ KanonImage hosting by Photobucket

Never forget the one whom you truly loved the most. People change but memories will never fade

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