Bonjour comment telle vous
He he he ha ha ha nano? last night I got like 42 million e-mails or just 42 it depends on how ya do it...^_^Ive only had a computer 4 17days now and it won't let me get a I proceeded to yell at my cookies and those of various friends but they just said somthing about...moral or somthing..last night I also got a Shigure dog Ima Junior not the younger one...the high one anyways one of my...well...I found the coolest plant which when you hit sombody with it it catches on fire...not really it just explodes seeds into that damn lake=^-^= meowwwwwwww or meyawn anyways you heard it all b4so Ohayo and don't hate me for to long
I went all ninja yesterday and i left a peice of paper on my friends front porch with the door open while they sat on a coach near by that cover was almost blown by the loud honking of the melting pot car as i like to call it......................SERVICES RENDERED
Re: Bonjour comment telle vous
Ohayou, Ray.S-san. Welcome. Here's an image for you! =D ![]() P.S.: Wow... 42 million? O_o; That's a lot, be wary of spams. They're such pains in the neck. My mails would only go for a thousand, then I delete those chain letters. And words like that, yae know? We call 'em text type. Say..., hu u? (who you?) B4 (before) also, btw (by the way), wut (what), y (why), r (are), etc., (so Filipino-like) |
Re: Bonjour comment telle vous
Hello stranger mind if I call ya that<_>Japanese face,or is it...and quite alot 42 million is I would have never been able to read them if i haden't erased 41,999,999,999 of them because of concerned parents wondering why there kids stay at my house all day @-@...I hate them all so then I go to a-hugemongus hole in the ground and sit there by the way that pic is most lovely
I went all ninja yesterday and i left a peice of paper on my friends front porch with the door open while they sat on a coach near by that cover was almost blown by the loud honking of the melting pot car as i like to call it......................SERVICES RENDERED
Re: Bonjour comment telle vous
Wait now I sound like a child molester...damn you hester a little bit ago I wrote to M.Aand I told him to help me because the guy from the constrution manual company had a gun 2 my head(THAT WAS FAIRLY CAPABLE OF BLOWING MY HEAD OFF) but he said "no" so then i commited Sepakuto(yes I am a avid Bleach reader)
I went all ninja yesterday and i left a peice of paper on my friends front porch with the door open while they sat on a coach near by that cover was almost blown by the loud honking of the melting pot car as i like to call it......................SERVICES RENDERED
Re: Bonjour comment telle vous
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by S-a-c-h-i-e-l
on 2006-01-07 16:24:14 (edited 2006-02-22 17:37:59)
lol, you're an avid Bleach reader and you didn't recognize Rukia?? Rukia = stranger ^_^ And you are possibly the strangest person I've ever seen... Even worse than me!! T.T Take your image! Go on!! TAKE IT!! *S-a-c-h-i-e-l doth sadden himself* Bwahaha, my image is now removed... :P |
Re: Bonjour comment telle vous
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Hey there, Ray.S!! Welcome to! I hope you enjoy your stay here while browsing the music and forums! Please read the FAQ/Help if you need any questions answered!! Can't find what you need, ask me! Nice meeting you! >_< |
Re: Bonjour comment telle vous
Really you can't have seen me or that'd mean there's somthing desparetly wrong wiyh you and yes I did recognise R-chan I just didn't see her for a very long time ~sweatdrop~ya know I usually skip forums but dis is now cool cause i'm in it^_^(shallow)seeyalaterbye
I went all ninja yesterday and i left a peice of paper on my friends front porch with the door open while they sat on a coach near by that cover was almost blown by the loud honking of the melting pot car as i like to call it......................SERVICES RENDERED
Re: Bonjour comment telle vous
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an avid Bleach fan who didn't recognize rukia! well that new here! ^_^ anyway, Welcome to Gendou! you will find people here who is equally crazy just like you or even more!!! 42 million E-mails eh? well thats a record...hope I can beat that but its still a strain to the eye to read em all! ~_~ here's another pic for you! grab it before someone does! ^_^ ![]() ![]() |
Re: Bonjour comment telle vous
MEW-CHU!!!awww so cute comma anywayyyyyyyyyyyysss...I was funna come here and write dis nanyway so yes...^_~a wink I took a trip to the magical land of quizzes and then I left cause I hate things on one of the ohhhh wait this one first...I used to have this small hoard of trees in my room but den since it took up 2 much space(after 2 yrs I finnaly noticed)I threw dem out and now I got mega room to hang my pics which I would like to put on da internet but I don't got a thingy to put them dere and from people from sea to sea can you help me and tell me nani you need?if it cost money ner'mind cause im poor
I went all ninja yesterday and i left a peice of paper on my friends front porch with the door open while they sat on a coach near by that cover was almost blown by the loud honking of the melting pot car as i like to call it......................SERVICES RENDERED
Re: Bonjour comment telle vous
The dude in the pic that I gave you is Kuroro Lucifer, leader of Genei Ryodan (Shadow Brigade) a.k.a. Spider from the anime Hunter X Hunter. They're believed to be Satanists... o.O; And I just didn't get you there.... gomen. -.-; |
Re: Bonjour comment telle vous
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by S-a-c-h-i-e-l
on 2006-01-08 00:10:11
Sounds like you either need a digital camera (very expensive) or you must read psoplayer's n00b guide to html found in this topic ^_^ |
Re: Bonjour comment telle vous
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A pleasure to meet you Ray.S...^^ a tad late Enjoy what the site has to offer...but please read the FAQs & Rules for your own well-being...being BANNED is not fun. (image rmoved)...gomen...photobucket organizing I'm re-using a few pics lately....too cool to pass up though ^^ ![]() |
Re: Bonjour comment telle vous
bonjour!!! guess what i'm the most insane person here in gendou's! hehehehehe...... konnichiwa.... magandang umaga... ni how ma?.... p.s. give me a reply in 3 different languages(english not included) hehehehehe....
^v^ "Kawaii!!!!"
Re: Bonjour comment telle vous
Itadakemasu! ish labad dish and not to be forgotten... Quand J'etais petite je fait du betsies I hope dat's enough i'm not sure I understand the second one but these 2 girl's keep saying it to each other O_o should I be concerned going to this thingy 4 my family not mine though(hint hint) I refuse to use lol'once I got an email from this nice lady across the way and it said LMAO and I thought that might b a word 4 a llama on pot~sigh~good thing i'm techno savy now ya know dis morning was cooly cause I lanch this hairbrush at my brother(reason not 4 u)and it gave me a FLCL feeling moment cause it nailed him in the face...and TIME stood still Ayway's seeyalaterbye
I went all ninja yesterday and i left a peice of paper on my friends front porch with the door open while they sat on a coach near by that cover was almost blown by the loud honking of the melting pot car as i like to call it......................SERVICES RENDERED
Re: Bonjour comment telle vous
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Bienvenue à Gendou. Nous avons un forum très actif ici. Veuillez nous joindre au cours de nos discussions. Gendou-chan ![]() |
Re: Bonjour comment telle vous
Qui merci beacoup,J'adore mon amies a la Gendou Hi im back...I think my great grandma stole a year off my life cause when I came home I went into the woods with some friends I got winded just walking up the hill... does hot sauce go bad cause i'm eating a bottle of 2 year old hot sauce on my chicken...^_~if I die you'll never know ~shiver~ my cat won't let mr type sorry about the slight language earlier in this this forum 4ever or does it fade away like oppressed overworked children?...sorry im mega evil 2nite just had a serious chat wif someone...@_@agh my cat just stole my chicken...I was walking home wif my YUKI hat over my eyes and after getting out of the pit over the constrution site I was almost home when I ran into some guy(yes I can tell wif my eyes closed)when My friends started laughing and I said "did I just run into a stanger"which is when they laughed even harder so I spun sruond and said GOMEN but dey were gone eto...
I went all ninja yesterday and i left a peice of paper on my friends front porch with the door open while they sat on a coach near by that cover was almost blown by the loud honking of the melting pot car as i like to call it......................SERVICES RENDERED
Re: Bonjour comment telle vous
Sup erry BUDDY I'm here and I sent some friends out wif thus place and one of them plans on signing in ^_^So dis boy at lunch said he was a princess^_^and den he confused the lady on the cover of Bleach 9 for a girl...and mon proffesuer finally got back after her husband got "THE POX"terrifying and all...whatever I got a Princess Tutu anime to watch hope to hear from you all
I went all ninja yesterday and i left a peice of paper on my friends front porch with the door open while they sat on a coach near by that cover was almost blown by the loud honking of the melting pot car as i like to call it......................SERVICES RENDERED
Re: Bonjour comment telle vous
NOOOO not a girl I mean a boy AHHHHHHHHHHHH that was the confusion earlier...^_~my sis might make a sudden apperance...Ya know that the mail telling me I put up a thred toook 3 hours ANYWAYs Tutu made me laugh Why does EDWARD dye his hair black? is it a chibiyo-desu...>^_^ Going to store srry PEOPLE
I went all ninja yesterday and i left a peice of paper on my friends front porch with the door open while they sat on a coach near by that cover was almost blown by the loud honking of the melting pot car as i like to call it......................SERVICES RENDERED
Re: Bonjour comment telle vous
I GUESS EVERYBODY IS IN THE TOILET CAUSE YOU SHOULD WRITE WHILE YOUR HERE mmmmmmmmmmm chocolate ya know that mega condensed grainage ummmm CEREAL...yeah...did I ever tell you all how The Naruto head band saved me from a nasty concussion at least twice @-@ it scares me how I only hit my head when I'm wearing it though...^-* etai...I watchted the second volume of Princess Tutu that 6 epipisode was a tear jerker...but i won't cry to TV...the closest I came was that episode when Hughs died...-_-hmmm wise old man on shoulder say that ghost attach often and fast...>_?again...i'm begining to disbelieve him... ohh so you...............................C...OK bye-bye-su
I went all ninja yesterday and i left a peice of paper on my friends front porch with the door open while they sat on a coach near by that cover was almost blown by the loud honking of the melting pot car as i like to call it......................SERVICES RENDERED
Re: Bonjour comment telle vous
There's a new...thingy...but you can't...>_ all my Blood through my neck...oh wait...that's not my blood... shin-nen akemashite omedeto gozaimasu kotoshi(aihrue)mo yoroshiku onegaishimasu(aihrue)with somthing like that I bid you farewell "Courage"If I were the king of the forest...with a hrumph and a rumph I would rule...(THE HUMAN WORLD...MOO HOO HA HA HA)
I went all ninja yesterday and i left a peice of paper on my friends front porch with the door open while they sat on a coach near by that cover was almost blown by the loud honking of the melting pot car as i like to call it......................SERVICES RENDERED