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What has become of us gamers (A short rant thingy)
Link | by animesucks on 2006-01-06 21:10:17
I really gotta vent some anger off of this, I'm sick of seeing new games and systems coming out almost screaming "Were a money wasting scam, come buy us!" And then have flocks of people drone to the stores to buy them for more money than there worth. And I'm not talking 10-15 dollars I'm talking 70-100 dollars. Or a new game coming out thats either so close to other games coming out before it in it's genrea or so under done its sad. Square Enix has changed the most. Since Final Fantasy X came out I new it was going to change for the worst- I'm not saying FFX was -bad- I'm just saying it didn't "have" what the other Final Fantasy games before it did. Then Kingdom Hearts came out. Sure, lot's of people like it. But there almost always people who have been loyal to Square for so long and won't admit it sucked, People who are just playing A Square Enix game for the first time or so or the most common people I see- Teenage girls. But to some one like me, who looks past the "graphics" and "people with voices" (As if thats as big of a deal as Square makes out of it.) And look into the game itself. Kingdom Hearts is an Okay game at best for a company who hasn't made games like Square has, But this was SQUARE SOFT (Or Enix as I hate to call it) You know, the same people who brought you games like the Final Fantasy's and others (Theres too many to mention) And then they give of this, Kingdom hearts. I can't even call this rubbish a game. Why you ask? Thats easy- All but three people on the game have already been used in other games or movies already. The heartless were so stupidily designed. It looked like 4 year olds made crude drawings of them and Square just threw em' into the game. Ansem can't be counted as a charachter cuz he's pretty much a bulkier Sephiroth with a small diffrenece in hair. They did the same with Seymour from Final Fantsy X. I'm not sure why maybe they tried basing these guys off Sephiroth becuase he has got to be the most popular bad guy off all time. But it's not just the new games that make me mad (The Kingdom Hearts was an example of the newer games.) It's the new systems, Like the Xbox 360. What a load of bull that is, 400 bucks for nothing. Yes there may be some inhancements to it but far from enough to make it 400 dollars. Also portable systems like the PSP and DS, I'll throw the PSP a bone and say it is a decent system but the cost of it, and the games and the movies (And you'll say the movies prices are rip off's too once you try watching a few on it.) It does have Internet on it- but to get it you have to be willing to pay out your ---. The DS though has no upsides to it. Its a waste of money plus the games are hard becuase it all revolves around "Touching" as if that's a big thing. But besides you get to sit around clicking all over trying to do things thats about it for it. (Also SP has to be the biggest rip off ever. It was a game boy advanced with a light up screen- boy howdy that was worth the flipping 100 or so dollars you paid for the thing.)

The point is there getting lazy, and people are buying there stuff anyways. Maybe if we would stop giving them money they'd get up off there fat butt's and give us somthing worth the money.

Also- if any one has G4 and watches it you'll find a lot of jokes about fat losers with no lifes who spend all day playing vedio games and etc... I resent this and wish people like that would die, turn to ash, and burn off the face of the earth. They give gamers a bad name and I'm sick of it.

-That is all continue with your lifes.

Re: What has become of us gamers (A short rant thingy)
Link | by overlordsero on 2006-01-06 22:23:38
I thought Kingdom Hearts was pretty good.

Of course there is always room for improvement.
Oh and my friend thought it was good, you ask yourself "how is that relavant?", this is why: HE IS A PICKY GAMER AND HE DOESNT LIKE THE 3D VIEW GAMES THAT MUCH. The Dot Hack games were pretty good too.

Cant wait for KH2, come out 3/2/06

I also beat KH:COM in a week, BOTH Soras AND Rikus stories.

I cant wait to graduate from college in bout 3yrs....hehehe...
Then I can go out into the gaming world and create some AWSOME KICK*** games, that is my dream.

If anyone has ideas plz post them HERE thanks ^_^

Light and Dark

Re: What has become of us gamers (A short rant thingy)
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-01-08 00:03:54
Hey Mr. animesucks, nearly all of your stuff there is based on opinions... I've heard people freaking out and loving the touch screen on DS, I think the light up screen and small size of the SP is cool, Xbox 360 is much better than Xbox, though I'll admit it's overly priced. Never played Kingdom Hearts, but my friend is head over heels in love with that game. And I personally like voice-overs, as long as the voice actors are good ^_^

So all I have to say to you now is "HAH!"

Re: What has become of us gamers (A short rant thingy)
Link | by Kotuso on 2006-01-08 09:58:44 (edited 2006-01-08 09:59:08)
My only complaint about new age games is the "expansion pack" like sequels. For instacne DW series is a good point:Ratchet d eadlocked is an entirely new game,but it seems like an expansion pack. I thought expansion packs were only for computer games..........not anymore.

Re: What has become of us gamers (A short rant thingy)
Link | by Mike on 2006-01-10 10:44:50
Well, that is your opinion I guess... but FFX's characters were all remakes... if you look into the past, you can dig up some sprites that were made for one of the much older final fantasies. Though you can't really tell by their sprites, you can find their avatars too. The main guy, with yellow, point hair, is non other than Titus... All of FFX was a remake. Therefore, Seph was a ripoff of Seymour =P

If you dislike the gaming industry so much, just quit playing =/ I was pretty tired of the recycled stuff they (console game writters) throw on the market so I'm now strictly a PC gamer. That doesn't change the fact that there's recylced trash on PCs too but at least when I play FPSs, I get much better control ^^ Also MMOs. The only reason I have my PS2 is just for Street Fighter and Super Robot Wars =)

Re: What has become of us gamers (A short rant thingy)
Link | by Hana on 2006-01-10 12:28:30
Well, I think everyone IS entitled to their own opinion (a.k.a rant),but you have to admit over the years Square Enix (then Soft) has provided avid gamers all over the world great games with imaginative storylines, and advanced graphics.

Maybe we shouldn't be so hard on them because I think that if they didn't release a game in 2-3 years their competitors would take over the gaming market. So that means that they have to sometimes recycle things to make something else new. It's the way business is, they have to keep up with the competitors, or stomp them down..^__^;; The world IS ruthless after all...

Re: What has become of us gamers (A short rant thingy)
Link | by Sheep on 2006-01-10 15:49:21
Ok, this is coming from 19 years of gaming experience, I know, probably older then most of you.
First of all, there is a reason why the Xbox360 costs $400, its really simple, all the hardware that is inside it, that doesn't come free and in fact Microsoft is actually loosing $150 on each Xbox360 that they are selling.
Now if you ask me if the Xbox360 is worth $400 to me, well no, it doesn't have a single game that interests me and none of them are original/refreshing. Just the same stuff with better graphics, and really, I don't care about that anymore. It might wow you at first but if the game doesn't appeal to you, sucks, graphics are not going to help you stick to it.

Now why are all these new systems selling, just caus most people want something new, and "hey it has to be better then the previous system that is 5 years old". Also every day new people get interested in games, both young and old, and well they just go out and buy the newest thing, for them every genre is a new genre and every game they play is the first game of that genre. They don't know that there were 9 Final Fantasy's before the X and that it isn't the best in the series, but it will be for them because it is the first one they played.

Second, it's true, for me, that it's kinda boring in video game land at the moment, no really new refreshing games that are coming out. I find myself grabbing more and more back to some old nes/snes-era games that I missed out on or replay some. And they do have something special, although some of it is nostalgia talking, hail emulation!
The longer you play videogames, the more games you have seen, played and discovered, this is also a reason while after a while you don't care anymore about the graphics and want to go back to the essence of the game itself, the storyline and the fun, and if by "accident" it has nice graphics too, you can't complain about it.

One thing I'm looking forward too though is the Revolution controller and in what ways it will enhance the gaming experience.

[Quiet dogs know when to be silent]
Sheep & Tiojar's Anime Episodes

Re: What has become of us gamers (A short rant thingy)
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-01-10 16:09:17
Yes, which is why I like Nintendo; They bring out new stuff. They were the first to use a stick for gaming (except old arcade stuff), and now they're bringing in motion sensors in the controllers (totally ingenious). And everyone says that Nintendo is stupid, but they have more originality.

Re: What has become of us gamers (A short rant thingy)
Link | by Dudeman on 2006-01-10 16:26:46
I like the complaining about prices. I don't know why you complain now, you must be new to the gaming experience. Heck, when the sega saturn and the playstation launched the prices were $400 and $300. Even the games on SNES went up to $60-70. I will admit that Kingdom Hearts and FFX weren't the best things created by Square Enix, but give them a chance. So many people are still stuck on FF7 and older games so they trash everything they see. I enjoyed both of those games. I'm not saying they were the best, but these are still pretty good games. Animesucks, you do have a point though. Gaming has become a lot more mainstream. Look at all the GTA's and other decent games. I can't name many amazing next-gen games that have come out. If I go and look at the old-school games I can think of the marios, zeldas, and so many more. I look at the next gen ones and only see Amplitude, Marvel Vs. Capcom 2, Soul Calibur 2, and very few others. The game developers want to make more mainstream games instead of appealing to us hardcore gamers. It's a sad fact, but that's what this industry is turning into. Has anyone watched the Spike video game awards? I hate the fact that games that should not be winning these awards are winning. I was thinking to myself, "Hey, these are the games that people play now. The same ones that used to make fun of me for playing video games in the first place."

Re: What has become of us gamers (A short rant thingy)
Link | by Strider on 2006-01-10 17:23:30
Hello, my first post here. I've been gaming since i was 5 (now 20) and it's nothing like it used to be but it does have it goods points. I do like some re-makes as Resi evil was re-made for GC i was happy. But it is getting boring. xbox 360 does look good but is quite pricey. Also they need to re-make or do a new Strider 1 of the best games ever

"What time is it?" "5 to half".....

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