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Hiya... uhhh ok weo i dun kno exactly wah to sai
heheh ok weo my Name is Naomi.... uh i am 16.... my favourite anime is Fruits Basket coz it is soo cute n funni!! lol. my friend told me that this has people interested in all anime things and i might find someone hu is intereste in my picure here. I make picture using anime characters, its fun! lol
okies weo i hope to meet some nice friendly pplz!

hmmm... cant b stuffed making 1 at 10:30 pm... will do it laterz...

Re: Hiya
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-01-01 21:20:46 (edited 2006-02-03 15:24:53)
If you came here hoping to find nice people that like anime, this is the absolute best place ^_^ Welcome to Gendou, you should have large amounts of fun here ^_^

Here's an image for joining~~!

Sorry, I must remove my image now T.T

[no image]

Also, might you be Japanese?

Re: Hiya
Link | by Immortal on 2006-01-01 22:57:36
It's a pleasure to have you here, Naomi!

Welcome to Gendou! what a nice name you've got! is it that your real name?

like Fruits Basket eh? here is a free pic for you...enjoy!

Image hosted by

Never forget the one whom you truly loved the most. People change but memories will never fade

Re: Hiya
Link | by Renegade Bladesman on 2006-01-02 05:57:06
Hey Naomi, you decided to join after all... well, welcome to the forums, and I hope you enjoy posting here and meeting the others that frequent here

Even from the realms beyond Life, Death, Infinity and Eternity, I still see you

Re: Hiya
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-01-02 06:09:28
After all...? Do you two know each other? And if so, is she Japanese?

Re: Hiya
Link | by Rukia on 2006-01-02 09:04:02
Ohayou, babi_cherri_gurl-san!
Welcome. Here's a pic for you. =D

Image hosted by

P.S.: Gomen..., I don't have Furuba pics yet.

Re: Hiya
Link | by on 2006-01-02 18:09:45 (edited 2006-01-13 20:19:09)
A pleasure to meet you Naomi ^^

Enjoy what the site has to offer...but please read the FAQs & Rules for your own well-being...being BANNED is not fun.

(image rmoved)...gomen...photobucket organizing

More from Yukirin...she does lovely Angel images

Re: Hiya
Hiya again,
wow i was so suprised to see replies. Thankyou.
The pictures will surely help me with my future creations (I make backgounds n things like that at school and home).

hmmm... cant b stuffed making 1 at 10:30 pm... will do it laterz...

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